- Database created
- Auth endpoints created
- Story endpoints created
- Node.js
- Express
- jsonwebtoken
- bcryptjs
- knex
- pg (postgres for production)
- sqlite3 (for development)
- cors
- helmet
Method | Endpoint | Description |
POST | /api/auth/register | Requires username , password and email fields in the request body . Returns a success message and the user's id |
POST | /api/auth/login | Requires username and password in body . Successful login returns success message and the token new and the user_id |
----- | ||
POST | /api/stories | Requires user_id , title and body fields in the request body . image_url and location are optional fields. Returns the newly created story object. |
GET | /api/stories | Returns array of all stories |
GET | /api/stories/user/:userId | Returns array of all stories posted by the specified user |
GET | /api/stories/storyId/:storyId | Returns the specified story |
PUT | /api/stories/:storyId | Applies changes to any modified fields |
DELETE | /api/stories/:storyId | Returns status 204 on a successful delete |
Username | Password |
IG-88 | password |
Boba Fett | password |
Dengar | password |