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Matthew Gilliard edited this page Aug 1, 2013 · 8 revisions

What do we get up to at BrisFunctional?

Our aim is to spend an interesting evening once a month learning about something more-or-less related to Functional Programming. Have a look at the next few months' meetups, and our wishlist of topics. We don't expect to have "expert" speakers at every meetup (though they are very welcome of course!). Experience has shown that a motivated person can pick a topic and learn enough in a couple of evenings' research to give a really good session. Mix an enthusiastic and curious audience with this, and it's a lot of fun. Why don't you join us? If you want any advice or help just come along and ask.

It's free to come along. We meet on the last Tuesday of each month, 7pm at Nokia's Wine St office (the middle door).

There's food & drink laid on by Nokia and we usually decamp to a pub to continue the discussion afterwards.

So - come along and join in. Follow us for FP-related news & updates: @BrisFunctional.

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