Ba-Nanos is an application that applies a Neural Style Transfer using PyTorch on user provided images.
- Languages
- Javascript
- Python 3.10
- Frameworks
- Flask
- PyTorch
- Security
- Dotenv
- Salt
- Imaging
- MatPlotLib
- Pillow
- Database
- MongoDB
Coming Soon...
This process is only tested on Python 3.10. To install this version manually on macOS using Homebrew:
brew install [email protected]
You'll want to create a virtual environment first:
python3 -m venv .venv
Then, you must activate the virtual environment:
Windows (cmd.exe
Windows (PowerShell):
POSIX (macOS/Linux bash
source .venv/bin/activate
(If you have previously set up a virtual environment with another Python
version, you may want to remove it with rm -rf .venv
, then follow steps to
create a new virtual environment linked against Python 3.10.)
Then install the required modules:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To update the list of required packages after installing a new one:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
To activate the backend:
First, activate the virtual environment using the steps above. Then, copy the
file to .env
and modify it with the information it requires.
Finally, this command will start the Flask server:
flask --app backend.main run