A set of new cmd-commands. Made by http://jriedel.info/
This is quite easy. Download the entire master branch OR the branch for the version you want and extract the version you want out of the ZIP-File. Then, add the path of the directory to the PATH-Environment-Variable.
"the Display-Update"
+ UTF16.exe
"the Updating-Update"
~ "CONSOLE.exe get" now returns all its values as errorlevels.
~ "CALCULATOR.exe" now accepts a decimal-precision value and supports stdout-output for 32+-Bit values.
"the Math-Update"
"the Script-Update"
+ SLEEP.exe
"the Timing-Update"
+ cTIME.exe
+ uTIME.exe
"the Miscellaneous-Update"
+ xPRINT.exe
+ STRLEN.exe
+ xCOLOR.exe
+ PRINT.exe
Command | Version Added | Output | Syntax | Description |
ANIMATION | v1 | stdout animation | ANIMATION <MS> <ANIMATION> |
Plays an animation. MS specifies the amount of Milliseconds per Frame, and ANIMATION is just all the animation frames seperated by spaces. Example: ANIMATION 200 U u .. u Will animate to: U u .. u U u .. u U u .. u U u .. u U u .. u To have your code continue while the animation is running, call it with START /B |
CALCULATOR | v4 | errorlevel result*10^decimals | CALCULATOR <mode> [0] <num1> [<num2>] [<decimals>] |
Performs mathematical operations. All numbers are inputted as actual number*result*10^decimals, and also outputted as such, to provide decimal place accuracy. The smaller decimals is, the bigger the input numbers can be without raising errors. |
stdout result*10^decimals | CALCULATOR X <mode> [0] <num1> [<num2>] [<decimals>] |
Outputs to stdout instead of errorlevel, which disables almost any number size limits. | ||
CALCULATOR [X] A <num1> <num2> |
Adds to numbers together. | |||
CALCULATOR [X] S <num1> <num2> |
Subtracts num2 from num1. | |||
CALCULATOR [X] D <num1> <num2> |
Divides num1 by num2. | |||
CALCULATOR [X] M <num1> <num2> |
Multiplies the numbers by each other. | |||
CALCULATOR [X] P <num1> <num2> |
Takes num1 to the power of num2. | |||
CALCULATOR [X] R <num1> <num2> |
Returns the num2th root of num1. | |||
CALCULATOR [X] F 0 <num1> |
Returns num1's factorial. | |||
CALCULATOR [X] I 0 <num1> |
Converts any number, which is not multiplied by 10^decimals and has a decimal point to a valid input for the other commands. Both , and . as decimal seperators are supported. |
CONSOLE | v3 | none | CONSOLE cursorsize <0-100> |
Sets the cursor to the given size. Set to 0 to make it disappear. |
CONSOLE windowscroll <x> <y> |
Scrolls the window to the given point, measured from the top left corner. | |||
CONSOLE windowsize <x> <y> |
Resizes the window to the given width and height. | |||
CONSOLE clear |
Clears the window. | |||
errorlevel [num0*[1000|10000] + ] num1 | CONSOLE get <setting> |
Returns the current value of the settings cursorsize, windowscroll or windowsize. Also, you can get the current window title with it. | ||
cTIME | v2 | stdout timestring | cTIME <TIMESTAMP> |
Converts a Millisecond-Unix-Timestamp to human-readable time, ready to output. |
MAKEANIMATION | v1 | stdout animation-string | MAKEANIMATION <Type> <Sub> [WORD] |
Outputs a valid animation value for the ANIMATION command. Types: Rotate :0 - / - \ | 1 - ^ > V < 2 - + x 3 - p d b q Range :Returns a set of numbers from 0 to the given number. Alphabet :Returns n letters of the alphabet. Maximum is 26. Appear Accepts the WORD Parameter, while a 0 for Sub is required. It makes the given word appear one letter at a time. |
MOVEBUFFER | v5 | none | MOVEBUFFER <oldX> <oldY> <width> <height> <newX> <newY> |
Moves the given area in console buffer somewhere else. |
v1 | stdout string | PRINT <String> |
Prints the String. Only difference to the built-in echo is that no newline is added at the end. |
READKEY | v3 | errorlevel keyCode | READKEY <MS> |
Waits MS Milliseconds for a keypress, then returns 0. The returned number when a key is pressed consists of two values: Example: 7068 The 68 stands for the KeyCode of the pressed key, in this case D. The 7 at the beginning stands for the Modifier-buttons that were pressed: 0 - None, 1 - Alt, 2 - Shift, 3 - Alt+Shift, 4 - Control, 5 - Control+Alt, 6 - Control+Shift, 7 - Control+Alt+Shift .These values can be extracted using Division and Modulo. |
RENDER-GRAPH | v5 | stdout graph | RENDER-GRAPH <axis length> <term> |
Renders a mathematical term to a graph. y= is not required. |
RENDER-TABLE | v5 | stdout table errorlevel selection |
RENDER-TABLE <mode> <rows> <cols> <cells>... |
Renders a table which width automatically changes depending on the contents. The cells are seperated by spaces, and the amount of given cells has to be exactly rows*cols. Also, the cells should be given in a vertical order. Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 147 258 369 Available Modes: SHOW - Just shows the table.SELECT - Allow the user to select a table cell and returns the number of it in the errorlevel.EMU-SELECT - Adds the extra spacing each cell has in SELECT , but doesn't actually let the user select something. |
SLEEP | v3 | none | SLEEP <MS> |
Pauses the script for MS Milliseconds. |
STARTINVISBLE | v3 | none | STARTINVISIBLE <script file> |
When used with START /B , this starts a batch-script as invisible. This script can then do whatever you want. When executed, the command writes the PID of the started process to %temp%\processid.txt , so you can terminate it with taskkill at any time. This may be updated to return the PID in errorlevel and not require start /b in a future version. |
STRLEN | v1 | errorlevel length | STRLEN <String> |
Returns the amount of characters in String in %errorlevel% |
STRCONTAINS | v5 | errorlevel 0/1 | STRCONTAINS <str1> <str2> |
Checks if str2 exists within str1 |
UTF16 | v5 | stdout character | UTF16 <number> |
Displays a UTF16 symbol by its decimal number. |
stdout list | UTF16 list |
Lists all Characters the console can display correctly, which are by far not all. | ||
uTIME | v2 | stdout epoch-time in milliseconds | uTIME uTIME -c |
Returns the current time as Millisecond-Unix-Timestamp. |
uTIME -f <File> |
Returns the last modification date for File as Millisecond-Unix-Timestamp. | |||
uTIME -fc <File> |
Returns the creation date for File as Millisecond-Unix-Timestamp. | |||
xCOLOR | v1 | none | xCOLOR <Color> |
Sets the print color to Color, as seen in color , but only for the text after it. |
xPRINT | v1 | stdout output | xPRINT <File> |
Reads the File as Instructions and executes them all at once. c00 - Changes Color. (to 00 in this case.) eHello - Prints something. ("Hello" in this case.) n - New line. |