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πŸ”’ App for authenticating Nextcloud users using SQL


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Nextcloud SQL user authentication.


Use external database as a source for Nextcloud users and groups. Retrieve the users and groups info. Allow the users to change their passwords. Sync the users' email addresses with the addresses stored by Nextcloud.

Getting Started

  1. SSH into your server.

  2. Get into the apps folder of your Nextcloud installation, for example /var/www/nextcloud/apps.

  3. Git clone this project: git clone

  4. Login to your Nextcloud instance as admin.

  5. Navigate to Apps from the menu then find and enable the User and Group SQL Backends app.

  6. Navigate to Admin from menu and switch to Additional Settings, scroll down the page and you will see SQL Backends settings.

You can skip the first three steps as this app is available in the official Nextcloud App Store.


Below are detailed descriptions of all available options.

Database connection

This section contains the database connection parameters.

Name Description Details
SQL driver The database driver to use. Currently supported drivers are: mysql, pgsql. Mandatory.
Hostname The hostname on which the database server resides. Mandatory.
Database The name of the database. Mandatory.
Username The name of the user for the connection. Optional.
Password The password of the user for the connection. Optional.


Here are all currently supported options.

Name Description Details
Allow display name change With this option enabled user can change its display name. The display name change is propagated to the database. Optional.
Default: false.
Requires: user Display name column.
Allow password change Can user change its password. The password change is propagated to the database. See Hash algorithms. Optional.
Default: false.
Use cache Use database query results cache. The cache can be cleared any time with the Clear cache button click. Optional.
Default: false.
Hash algorithm How users passwords are stored in the database. See Hash algorithms. Mandatory.
Email sync Sync e-mail address with the Nextcloud.
- None - Disables this feature. This is the default option.
- Synchronise only once - Copy the e-mail address to the Nextcloud preferences if its not set.
- Nextcloud always wins - Always copy the e-mail address to the database. This updates the user table.
- SQL always wins - Always copy the e-mail address to the Nextcloud preferences.
Default: None.
Requires: user Email column.
Quota sync Sync user quota with the Nextcloud.
- None - Disables this feature. This is the default option.
- Synchronise only once - Copy the user quota to the Nextcloud preferences if its not set.
- Nextcloud always wins - Always copy the user quota to the database. This updates the user table.
- SQL always wins - Always copy the user quota to the Nextcloud preferences.
Default: None.
Requires: user Quota column.
Home mode User storage path.
- Default - Let the Nextcloud manage this. The default option.
- Query - Use location from the user table pointed by the home column.
- Static - Use static location pointed by the Home Location option.
Default: Default.
Home Location User storage path for the Static Home mode. The %u variable is replaced with the username of the user. Mandatory if the Home mode is set to Static.

User table

The definition of user table. The table containing user accounts.

Name Description Details
Table name The table name. Mandatory for user backend.
Username Username column. Mandatory for user backend.
Email E-mail column. Mandatory for Email sync option.
Quota Quota column. Mandatory for Quota sync option.
Home Home path column. Mandatory for Query Home sync option.
Password Password hash column. Mandatory for user backend.
Display name Display name column. Optional.
Active Flag indicating if user can log in. Optional.
Default: true.
Provide avatar Flag indicating if user can change its avatar. Optional.
Default: false.
Salt Salt which is appended to password when checking or changing the password. Optional.

Group table

The group definitions table.

Name Description Details
Table name The table name. Mandatory for group backend.
Is admin Flag indicating if its the admin group Optional.
Display name Display name column. Optional.
Group name Group name column. Mandatory for group backend.

User group table

Associative table which maps users to groups.

Name Description Details
Table name The table name. Mandatory for group backend.
Username Username column. Mandatory for group backend.
Group name Group name column. Mandatory for group backend.


The basic functionality requires only one database table: User table.

For all options to work three tables are required:

If you already have an existing database you can always create database views which fits this model, but be aware that some functionalities requires data changes (update queries).

If you don't have any database model yet you can use below tables (MySQL):

  username       VARCHAR(16) PRIMARY KEY,
  display_name   TEXT        NULL,
  email          TEXT        NULL,
  quota          TEXT        NULL,
  home           TEXT        NULL,
  password       TEXT        NOT NULL,
  active         TINYINT(1)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',

CREATE TABLE sql_group
  name         VARCHAR(16) PRIMARY KEY,
  display_name TEXT        NULL,

CREATE TABLE sql_user_group
  username   VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
  group_name VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (username, group_name),
  FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES sql_user (username),
  FOREIGN KEY (group_name) REFERENCES sql_group (name),
  INDEX sql_user_group_username_idx (username),
  INDEX sql_user_group_group_name_idx (group_name)


Thanks to this app, Nextcloud can easily integrate with Wordpress.

In the Nextcloud user table settings of SQL Backends, configure it as:

User table: wp_users
Username column: user_login
Password column: user_pass

Hash algorithm: Unix (Crypt) or Portable PHP password


It is very easy to integrate Nextcloud with JHipster.

Follow the Using the Database instructions in Using Jhipster in development to configure your database. Assume you chose MySQL as JHipster database. In the Nextcloud user table settings of SQL Backends, configure it as:

User table: jhi_users
Username column: login
Password column: password_hash
Email column: email
Active column: activated

Hash algorithm: Unix (Crypt)

Hash algorithms

Below is a table containing all of the supported hash implementations with example hashes. The hashed password is "password", the salt if required have been generated randomly.

Hash name Details Hash example value
Cleartext Never use this. Only for development. password
Courier base64-encoded MD5 No salt supported. {MD5RAW}5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99
Courier hexadecimal MD5 No salt supported. {MD5}X03MO1qnZdYdgyfeuILPmQ==
Courier base64-encoded SHA1 No salt supported. {SHA}W6ph5Mm5Pz8GgiULbPgzG37mj9g=
Courier base64-encoded SHA256 No salt supported. {SHA256}XohImNooBHFR0OVvjcYpJ3NgPQ1qq73WKhHvch0VQtg=
Unix (Crypt) See crypt. $2y$10$5rsN1fmoSkaRy9bqhozAXOr0mn0QiVIfd2L04Bbk1Go9MjdvotwBq
Argon2 (Crypt) Requires PHP >= 7.2.
Uses default parameters. See password_hash.
Blowfish (Crypt) Uses default parameters. See password_hash. $2y$10$5rsN1fmoSkaRy9bqhozAXOr0mn0QiVIfd2L04Bbk1Go9MjdvotwBq
Extended DES (Crypt) ..UZoIyj/Hy/c
MD5 (Crypt) $1$RzaFbNcU$u9adfTY/Q6za6nu0Ogrl1/
SHA256 (Crypt) Generates hash with 5000 rounds. $5$rounds=5000$VIYD0iHkg7uY9SRc$v2XLS/9dvfFN84mzGvW9wxnVt9Xd/urXaaTkpW8EwD1
SHA512 (Crypt) Generates hash with 5000 rounds. $6$rounds=5000$yH.Q0OL4qbCOUJ3q$Xry5EVFva3wKnfo8/ktrugmBd8tcl34NK6rXInv1HhmdSUNLEm0La9JnA57rqwQ.9/Bz513MD4tvmmISLUIHs/
Standard DES (Crypt) yTBnb7ab/N072
Joomla MD5 Encryption Generates 32 chars salt. 14d21b49b0f13e2acba962b6b0039edd:haJK0yTvBXTNMh76xwEw5RYEVpJsN8us
MD5 No salt supported. 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99
Portable PHP password See phpass. $P$BxrwraqNTi4as0EI.IpiA/K.muk9ke/
SHA1 No salt supported. 5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8
SHA512 Whirlpool No salt supported. a96b16ebb691dbe968b0d66d0d924cff5cf5de5e0885181d00761d87f295b2bf3d3c66187c050fc01c196ff3acaa48d3561ffd170413346e934a32280d632f2e
SSHA256 Generates 32 chars salt. {SSHA256}+WxTB3JxprNteeovsuSYtgI+UkVPA9lfwGoYkz3Ff7hjd1FSdmlTMkNsSExyR21KM3NvNTZ5V0p4WXJMUjFzUg==
SSHA512 Generates 32 chars salt. {SSHA512}It+v1kAEUBbhMJYJ2swAtz+RLE6ispv/FB6G/ALhK/YWwEmrloY+0jzrWIfmu+rWUXp8u0Tg4jLXypC5oXAW00IyYnRVdEZJbE9wak96bkNRVWFCYmlJNWxrdTA0QmhL
WoltLab Community Framework 2.x Double salted bcrypt. $2a$08$XEQDKNU/Vbootwxv5Gp7gujxFX/RUFsZLvQPYM435Dd3/p17fto02


New database driver support

Add a new class in the OCA\UserSQL\Platform namespace which extends the AbstractPlatform class. Add this driver in admin.php template to $drivers variable and in method getPlatform(Connection $connection) of PlatformFactory class.

New hash algorithm support

Create a new class in OCA\UserSQL\Crypto namespace which implements IPasswordAlgorithm interface. Do not forget to write unit tests.


This repository contains continuation of work done in this repo. This plugin was heavily based on user_imap, user_pwauth, user_ldap and user_redmine!

Since version 4.0.0 the whole core implementation has been rewritten.


  • Andreas Boehler for releasing the first version of this application
  • Johan Hendriks provided his user_postfixadmin
  • Ed Wildgoose for fixing possible SQL injection vulnerability


πŸ”’ App for authenticating Nextcloud users using SQL







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