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Fastlane plugin to support Branch SDK integration and iOS Universal Link validation


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Branch plugin

Use this Fastlane plugin to set up your Xcode project configuration correctly to use the Branch SDK. It can also validate the Universal Link configuration in any Xcode project, for Branch domains as well as non-Branch domains. Unlike web-based Universal Link validators, the validate_universal_links action operates directly on your project. There is no need to look up your team identifier or any other information. The validator requires no input at all for simple projects. It supports both signed and unsigned apple-app-site-association files.

Also see the Branch CLI, which supports the same operations without Fastlane.

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Preliminary release

This is a preliminary release of this plugin. Please report any problems by opening issues in this repo.

Getting Started

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-branch, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin branch

setup_branch action


Integrates the Branch SDK into a native app project. This currently supports iOS only. It will infer the project location if there is exactly one .xcodeproj anywhere under the current directory, excluding any in a Pods or Carthage folder. Otherwise, specify the project location using the xcodeproj option, or the CLI will prompt you for the location.

If a Podfile or Cartfile is detected, the Branch SDK will be added to the relevant configuration file and the dependencies updated to include the Branch framework. This behavior may be suppressed using add_sdk: false. If no Podfile or Cartfile is found, and Branch.framework is not already among the project's dependencies, you will be prompted for a number of choices, including setting up CocoaPods or Carthage for the project or directly installing the Branch.framework.

By default, all supplied Universal Link domains are validated. If validation passes, the setup continues. If validation fails, no further action is taken. Suppress validation using validate: false or force changes when validation fails using force.

By default, this command will look for the first app target in the project. Test targets are not supported. To set up an extension target, supply the target option.

All relevant target settings are modified. The Branch keys are added to the Info.plist, along with the branch_universal_link_domains key for custom domains (when domains is used). For app targets, all domains are added to the project's Associated Domains entitlement. An entitlements file is also added for app targets if none is found. Optionally, if frameworks is specified, this command can add a list of system frameworks to the target's dependencies (e.g., AdSupport, CoreSpotlight, SafariServices).

A language-specific patch is applied to the AppDelegate (Swift or Objective-C). This can be suppressed using patch_source: false.


Before using this command, make sure to set up your app in the Branch Dashboard ( See for details. To use the setup command, you need:

  • Branch key(s), either live, test or both
  • Domain name(s) used for Branch links
  • Location of your Xcode project (may be inferred in simple projects)

If using the commit option, git is required. If not using add_sdk: false, the pod or carthage command may be required. If not found, the CLI will offer to install and set up these command-line tools for you. Alternately, you can arrange that the relevant commands are available in your PATH.

All parameters are optional. A live key or test key, or both is required, as well as at least one domain. Specify live_key, test_key or both and app_link_subdomain, domains or both. If these are not specified, this command will prompt you for this information.

See for more information.


Fastfile key description Environment variable type default value
live_key Branch live key BRANCH_LIVE_KEY String
test_key Branch test key BRANCH_TEST_KEY String
domains Comma-separated list of custom domain(s) or non-Branch domain(s) BRANCH_DOMAINS Array
app_link_subdomain Branch subdomain, e.g. myapp for BRANCH_APP_LINK_SUBDOMAIN String
uri_scheme Custom URI scheme used in the Branch Dashboard for this app BRANCH_URI_SCHEME String
setting Use a custom build setting for the Branch key (default: Use Info.plist) BRANCH_SETTING String
test_configurations List of configurations that use the test key with a user-defined setting (default: Debug configurations) BRANCH_TEST_CONFIGURATIONS Array
xcodeproj Path to an Xcode project to update BRANCH_XCODEPROJ String
target Name of a target to modify in the Xcode project BRANCH_TARGET String
podfile Path to the Podfile for the project BRANCH_PODFILE String
cartfile Path to the Cartfile for the project BRANCH_CARTFILE String
carthage_command Command to run when installing from Carthage BRANCH_CARTHAGE_COMMAND String update --platform ios
frameworks Comma-separated list of system frameworks to add to the project BRANCH_FRAMEWORKS Array
pod_repo_update Update the local podspec repo before installing BRANCH_POD_REPO_UPDATE Boolean true
validate Validate Universal Link configuration BRANCH_VALIDATE Boolean true
force Update project even if Universal Link validation fails BRANCH_FORCE Boolean false
add_sdk Add the Branch framework to the project BRANCH_ADD_SDK Boolean true
patch_source Add Branch SDK calls to the AppDelegate BRANCH_PATCH_SOURCE Boolean true
commit Commit the results to Git if non-blank BRANCH_COMMIT String
confirm Enable or disable many prompts BRANCH_CONFIRM Boolean true


  live_key: "key_live_xxxx",
  test_key: "key_test_yyyy",
  app_link_subdomain: "myapp",
  uri_scheme: "myscheme",
  xcodeproj: "MyIOSApp.xcodeproj"

validate_universal_links action


This command validates all Branch-related settings for a target in an Xcode project, including validation of the apple-app-site-association file from each domain. Multiple targets may be validated by running the command multiple times using the target option. Test targets are not supported.

For each Branch key present in the Info.plist, it retrieves the settings from Branch's system. If the information cannot be retrieved (or if the branch_key is not present), an error is recorded. If the live_key or test_key option is present, the set of all keys used by the target must exactly match the options.

All domains and URI schemes configured for the target must include all domains and URI schemes configured for all keys used by the target. Other domains or URI schemes may also be present in the project.

This command validates all Universal Link domains configured in an application target without making any modification. It validates both Branch and non-Branch domains. Unlike web-based Universal Link validators, this command operates directly on the project. It finds the bundle and signing team identifiers in the project as well as the app's Associated Domains. It requests the apple-app-site-association file for each domain and validates the file against the project's settings.

By default, all build configurations in the project are validated. To validate a different list of configurations, including a single configuration, specify the configurations option.

If domains is specified, the list of Universal Link domains in the Associated Domains entitlement must exactly match this list, without regard to order, for all configurations under validation. If no domains are provided, validation passes if at least one Universal Link domain is configured for each configuration and passes validation, and no Universal Link domain is present in any configuration that does not pass validation.

All parameters are optional.

See for more information.


Fastfile key description Environment variable type default value
live_key Branch live key expected in project BRANCH_LIVE_KEY String
test_key Branch test key expected in project BRANCH_TEST_KEY String
domains Comma-separated list of domains expected to be configured in the project (Branch domains or non-Branch domains) BRANCH_DOMAINS Array []
xcodeproj Path to an Xcode project to validate BRANCH_XCODEPROJ String
target Name of a target to validate in the Xcode project BRANCH_TARGET String
configurations Comma-separated list of configurations to validate (default: all) BRANCH_CONFIGURATIONS Array
universal_links_only Validate only the Universal Link configuration BRANCH_UNIVERSAL_LINKS_ONLY Boolean false
confirm Enable or disable many prompts BRANCH_CONFIRM Boolean true


validate_universal_links(xcodeproj: "MyProject.xcodeproj")
validate_universal_links(xcodeproj: "MyProject.xcodeproj", target: "MyProject")
validate_universal_links(domains: %w{})

branch_report action


This command optionally cleans and then builds a workspace or project, generating a verbose report with additional diagnostic information suitable for opening a support ticket.

Use the header_only option to output only a brief diagnostic report without building.


Fastfile key description Environment variable type default value
workspace Path to an Xcode workspace BRANCH_WORKSPACE String
xcodeproj Path to an Xcode project BRANCH_XCODEPROJ String
scheme A scheme from the project or workspace to build BRANCH_SCHEME String
target A target to build BRANCH_TARGET String
configuration The build configuration to use (default: Scheme-dependent) BRANCH_CONFIGURATION String
sdk Passed as -sdk to xcodebuild BRANCH_SDK String iphonesimulator
podfile Path to the Podfile for the project BRANCH_PODFILE String
cartfile Path to the Cartfile for the project BRANCH_CARTFILE String
clean Clean before attempting to build BRANCH_CLEAN Boolean true
header_only Write a report header to standard output and exit BRANCH_HEADER_ONLY Boolean false
pod_repo_update Update the local podspec repo before installing BRANCH_POD_REPO_UPDATE Boolean true
out Report output path BRANCH_REPORT_PATH String ./report.txt
confirm Enable or disable many prompts BRANCH_CONFIRM Boolean true


branch_report(header_only: true)
branch_report(workspace: "MyWorkspace.xcworkspace")

Run tests for this plugin

To run both the tests, and code style validation, run

bundle exec rake

To automatically fix many of the styling issues, use

bundle exec rubocop -a

Issues and Feedback

For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.


If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.

Using fastlane Plugins

For more information about how the fastlane plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.

About fastlane

fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out