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Boulevard Book Software Development Kit

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Table of Contents
  1. Getting Started
  2. Documentation
  3. Development
  4. Contributing
  5. Issues

About the project

Boulevard is an intelligent scheduling solution and comprehensive point of sale system that increases revenue and lowers costs for salons, spas, and other appointment-based businesses.

With this software development kit (SDK) you can create your own custom booking experiences for your business using Boulevard.

Getting Started


Head over to the Boulevard Developer Portal to get set up with a sandbox account and API application. You'll need your business ID and and API key to use this package.

const businessId = "312bf55a-b6c5-48f2-ab40-eef5d78277ac";
const apiKey = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";

Install the SDK

npm --save install @boulevard/blvd-book-sdk
yarn add @boulevard/blvd-book-sdk


The simplest flow is the unauthenticated client API, which you can use to create an appointment for a new client:

import { Blvd } from "@boulevard/blvd-book-sdk";

// Step 1: Create a `business` object to interact with the API.
const client = new Blvd(apiKey, businessId);

// Step 2: Choose a location and start by creating a cart
const business = await client.businesses.get();
const locations = await business.getLocations();

let cart = await client.carts.create(locations[0]);

// Step 3: Select and add items to the card
const item = cart.availableCategories[0].availableItems[0];
cart = await cart.addBookableItem(item);

// Step 4: Find available timeslots
const dates = await cart.getBookableDates();
const times = await cart.getBookableTimes(dates[0]);

// Step 5: Reserve a timeslot, add details, and book!
await cart.reserve(times[0]);

await cart.update({
  email: "[email protected]",
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Doe",
  phoneNumber: "+13105555555"

await cart.addCardPaymentMethod({
  card: {
    name: "John Doe",
    number: "4242424242424242",
    cvv: "111",
    exp_month: 1,
    exp_year: 2028,
    address_postal_code: "90210"

await cart.checkout();


Package documentation is available here.

To see available API operations browse the methods tied to class definitions. Example - Cart operations


Refresh Sched bindings

This will fetch the graphql schema from Sched and generate the typescript bindings and mocks.

npm run gen
yarn run gen

Run tests

To be able to run tests you need ts-node installed globaly

npm -g install ts-node
yarn global add ts-node

Then you can run the tests.

npm test
yarn test


Note, unless you're a Boulevard employee you'll need to open a PR and seek approval for your changes to be included in a release.

You'll first need to ask to be added to the Boulevard organisation at Once you have been added run the following commands:

yarn build && yarn publish
yarn run typedoc

Then Commit and push (inc tags).


Pull requests are welcome. See the contribution guidelines for more information.


If you encounter any problems while trying to run the starter kit please create an issue.