SSPLibrary is a simple extension which provides a set of methods to sort, filter and page API's results.
During my development experience I struggled many times with creating a project from scratch so I had to code functionalities which I've done plenty of times and got sick of it. So I got the idea to create a library with the one of every API's basic functionalities - paging, sorting and filtering. This is my first library, so I've learned a lot during the development process. Also, it's an alpha version so I don't recommend to use it in the production.
It supports only ASP.NET Core and should work with every ORM that is compatible with .NET Core.
Name | Package name | Current version (master branch) |
Core | SSPLibrary |
EFCore Extension | SSPLibrary.Extensions.Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore |
Firstly, append a SSPLibrary to MvcBuilder in Startup.cs file:
services.AddMvc().AddSSP(options =>
options.PagingOptions.DefaultLimit = 5;
You can also change default options like in the example above.
Specify in your model class which properties can be filtred or by which ones you can use sorting. You can do this by adding an attribute above the property:
[Sortable(Default = true, WhenDefaultIsDescending = true)]
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsDone { get; set; }
Add an QueryParameters to method signature, where TEntity is your Dto type. Library will automatically parse query. You can also validate it by simply adding model state validation - you can see it in example below:
[HttpGet(Name = nameof(GetAllTasks))]
public IActionResult GetAllTasks(QueryParameters<TodoTask> queryParameters)
if (!ModelState.IsValid) return BadRequest(ModelState);
var result = _repository.GetTasks(queryParameters);
return Ok(result.ToPagedCollection(queryParameters));
As you saw I performed a ToPagedCollection()
method to extend the result to paging links and other usesful data.
Probably you are wondering what happend in GetTasks()
method. Well, depending on your needs, you can apply different set of SSP's functions.
public PagedResults<TodoTask> GetTasks(QueryParameters<TodoTask> queryParameters)
var entities = GenerateFakeTasks()
return entities;
returns a list of tasks and as you can see I can apply every SSP's function seperetly which gives me a freedom of action.
Paging parameters in query are optional - if you don't give any, the library will take the default ones. You can configurate the default options in AddSSP()
method - what I showed in "Mvc configuration" section.
Paging parameters:
Name | Description |
Offset | How much of results should be skipped |
Limit | Limit of results |
GET /api/Tasks?limit=5&offset=10
There is one parameter - orderBy - just put a name of property in value and the library will sort it. It can be sort descending by simply putting a dash (-) before the property name. Also, it's posible to sort by many properties by dividing names with comma (,).
Remember, you can sort only these properties which has a sortable attribute.
GET /api/Tasks?limit=5&offset=10&orderby=Name,-Id
As in the sorting - you can only search using properties with a searchable attribute. The searching parameter key is - search and in a value put a name of the property, an operator and a searching value.
Supported operators:
Operator | Description | Allowed Type |
== | Equal | Object |
==* | Case Insensitive Equal | String |
!= | Not Equal | Object |
!=* | Case Insensitive Not Equal | String |
? | Contains | String |
?* | Case Insensitive Contains | String |
^ | Starts With | String |
^* | Case Insensitive Starts With | String |
$ | Ends With | String |
$* | Case Insensitive Ends With | String |
> | Greather Than | Number, DateTime, DateTimeOffset |
< | Less Than | Number, DateTime, DateTimeOffset |
>= | Greater Than Or Equal | Number, DateTime, DateTimeOffset |
<= | Less Than Or Equal | Number, DateTime, DateTimeOffset |
GET /api/Tasks?search=Name==Task 49|Task 32|Task 22
GET /api/Tasks?search=CreatedAt<2018-07-23
GET /api/Tasks?search=IsDone==true