""" Bootmedian: A program to calculate robust median by using bootstrapping simulations on arrays. v-3.0 - First release to github
Inputs: sample_input: The input sample for which you want to calculate the median. It can include NaN. nsimul: The number of bootstrapping simulations. Increase it little by little to not freeze your computer.
errors: Boolean switch. If 1, it will calculate the 1,2,3 sigma confidence intervals for the median. If 0, the same output array will be returned, but with zeroes.
Output: The output is a len(output) = 7 array. np.array([median, s1_up, s1_down, s2_up, s2_down, s3_up, s3_down]) Where median is the median value for the input sample and sX_up/down are its X = 1, 2, 3 sigma up/down confidence limits.