To initialize your local repository, use this command:
repo init -u -b tirimbino
Then, be sure to add your device manifest in your local_manifests folder and finally, do:
repo sync --current-branch --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --optimized-fetch --prune -j$(nproc --all)
Also, just in case something went wrong for our side, or from your manifest or whatever, just add a -q
in your repo sync command to see less lines and get into the issue more easily.
When everything is done, be sure to shishufy your device (prepare it with the file and bootleg_device product and stuff, that basic thing) and then when you're ready you can:
source build/
lunch bootleg_device-userdebug
mka bacon -j$(nproc --all)
(where it says device, it's your device codename. And you can use mka bacon ~~or mka bootleg~~, it's all up to you.)
Also, as another sidenote: This is explained on the updater-script but just to clarify: Unshishufied builds are UNOFFICIAL.
If you got some commits missing for us, let us know on our telegram chat. Everything else, it's up to you at the time of building.
Here's my thanks to people who made this possible:
- Shishu (For being there)
- Ground Zero ROMs Team
- AOSPExtended
- NitrogenOS
- DirtyUnicorns
- Lukas Koller (Camera Roll dev)
- fxckingdeathwish (for the amazing photos for wallpaper/headers)
- OmniROM
- CyanogenMod/LineageOS
- PixelExperience
- PureNexus
- merothh
- Resurrection Remix
- CrDroid
- CypherOS
- PureKat
- theimpulson
- MatiHalperin
- Project Xtended
- Pixeldust Project
- AquariOS
- Alejandro Ponce (Quetzal/Calypso dev)
- PixysOS
- ArrowOS
- BlissROMs
- The Memedo Testers team
- Deepakjr_11
- tribual
- ouroboros420