blog & homepage project based on monorepo(nx)
- bbl-nextjs
bbl-remix (working in progress)
- Homepage
- Storybook
- Component, Features:
- Pages:
- Framework: Next.js, Remix
- Deployment: Vercel
- Styling: Tailwind CSS
- Tooling: Storybook
- Build System:
├── apps
├──── bbl-nextjs
├────── src
├──────── apis
├──────── components # components with next
├──────── libs
├──────── machines # integrating machines with an api
├──────── pages # Pages
├──── bbl-remix # (Working in progress)
├────── app
├──────── apis
├──────── components # components with remix
├──────── libs
├──────── machines # integrating machines with an api
├──────── routes # Routes = Pages
├──────── styles
├── libs
├──── features # all of the code for a feature and putting it in one single place (ex) authentication - login, signup, user data...)
├──── apis #
├──── constants #
├──── hooks # shared hooks
├──── images # image assets
├──── libs # third-party libraries (ex) fetch, axios, sentry...) - facade pattern을 통한 구현
├──── ui-components # general small components, presentational components (atoms, molecules, organisms, templates)
├──── utils # very small and simple functions, generally pure function (ex) uri, browser)
├── posts # MD posts directory
├── tools
├──── generators # plop-tempates 저장소
- node version 16.13.2
pnpm install
pnpm install --registry=
pnpm start
pnpm test:affected
- Deploy to Storybook
- github action master 브랜치 기준 github pages로 배포 진행합니다.
- ui-components:
- features:
- pages:
- Deploy to Vercel
- Deploy to Netlify (Working in progress)
pnpm nx graph
pnpm ui-components:new
- defaults: Browserslist’s default browsers (> 0.5%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, not dead).
- git flow release start, finish 2.0.16
- git flow hotfix start, finish 2.0.16-hotfix.0
BoBeenLee 💬 📝 🐛 💻 🎨 📖 📋 💡 💵 🔍 🤔 🚇 📦 🔌 👀 📢 |