AdminBundle has moved : see
AdminBundle allows you to create flexible and robust management application, using a simple configuration, for your Symfony application.
Development and Documentation are in progress
Current version: 0.2
- Provides dynamics CRUD for your entities (not generated)
- Simple configuration in yml (look alike symfony1 generators.yml files)
- Basic permissions
- Built-in pager (using PagerFanta)
- List export in multiple formats : html, pdf, xls, csv, json (using EE/DataExporter)
- Fully customizable (use your own controllers, managers or templates)
php composer.phar require bluebear/adminbundle
AdminBundle configuration is made in config.yml file. However, if you require a lot of configuration, it is maybe better to store it in a separate file.
1) Create app/config/admins.yml file
To manage easily your admin configuration, you can put it in a separate configuration file (for example, app/config/admins.yml) This is optional, you can write your configuration directly in your config.yml. If you choose to have a separate file, you have to import it in your config.yml (@see Configuration Organization).
2) Add your admins.yml file into app/config/config.yml
# app/config/config.yml
- { resource: admins.yml }
3) Configure your application parameters
AdminBundle comes with a built-in main layout to handle page parameters (like title...). You have to configure at least your application title, which is the content title markup by default for all your pages.
# config.yml
title: MyLittleTauntaun Admin
description: My little tauntaun is so nice !!!
4) Configuring your CRUD views
Now you have to configure the entities you want to have an admin. To achieve this, you have to add an entry in the admins configuration. "my_entity" is just a key. It has to be unique for each entities you have configured. "MyBundle\Entity\MyEntity" is the namespace path to the entity "my_form_type" is the form you want to be displayed on edition and creation for your entity. In future version, you will be allow to set this parameter to null to let AdminBundle generates a form for you. For now you should expose your form type as a service, and "my_form_type" is the service id.
To expose form type as service, rendez-vous here
entity: MyBundle\Entity\MyEntity
form: my_form_type
5) Import AdminBundle routing
You have to import AdminBundle routing (or using yours) in your app/config/routing.yml file.
# app/config/routing.yml
# BlueBear AdminBundle
resource: .
type: extra
# optional prefix
prefix: /admin
That's it. You should have admin application and you should be able to manage your entities.
Configuration Reference
# application configuration
title: MyLittleTaunTaun Admin
description: My little tauntaun is so nice !!!
# main layout
layout: MyBundle::layout.html.twig
# form block fields template
block_template: MyBundle:Form:fields.html.twig
# number of entities per page before displaying a pager (for all admin by default)
max_per_page: 25
# use default bootstrap integration (add bootstrap css and js to the layout)
bootstrap: true
# routing options
# admin routing name pattern
name_pattern: 'bluebear.admin.{admin}.{action}'
# admin url pattern (admin is the unique key that you have configured in admins configuration section)
url_pattern: '{admin}/{action}'
# list of managed admins
# entities (pencil is an example)
# orm entity class
entity: MyBundle\Entity\TaunTaun
# associated form type
form: tauntaun_type
# if you want full customization, use your controller to handle actions
controller: MyBundle:MyController
# entity manager call for CRUD actions
# service id of your custom manager
name: my_bundle.manager.tauntaun
# only save action is supported right now. More are coming. myCustomSaveMethod should be a method of
# your manager @my_bundle.manager.tauntaun
save: myCustomSaveMethod
# number of entities per page before displaying a pager (just for current admin)
max_per_page: 25
# available actions (for current admin). Actions should always be list, create, edit and delete. More
# customizations will be available in future versions
# title of the list page
title: Pencils list
# roles allowed to the list action
permissions: [ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER]
# available export for list action
export: [html, pdf, xls, csv, json]
# this fields will be displayed in the list table
# your entity should have those fields accessible (public property, getters...)
# for example, getId(). @see Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccessor
id: ~
name: ~
label: ~
# displayed only 50 first characters in list action for this field (more options are coming to
# customize field display
description: {length: 50}
# in this example, riders is related object to current entity (via ManyToOne, a rider can have
# many tauntaun in this case, your entity rider should have an accessible property label)
rider: ~
# default configuration for those actions
create: ~
edit: ~
delete: ~
# short configuration for this entity
entity: MyOtherBundle\ORM\Rider
form: rider_type