- Before everything else, check that you have a proper installation of PHP, PHPMyAdmin or similar, as well as Composer on your computer
- Check that your MySQL server is running
- Clone the repository
- run the command "composer install" in the root directory of the project
- create a .env.local file in the root directory, containing the following line (replace the username, password and port with your own database system credentials)
DATABASE_URL=mysql://username:[email protected]:port/bluedel
- Run the command "doctrine:database:create" (to create the database)
- Run the command "doctrine:migrations:migrate" (to create all the tables in the database)
- Run the command "doctrine:fixtures:load" (to fill the database with default values)
- Make sure your MySQL is running and you can properly access your database
- run the command "php bin/console server:run" to get the server running
- You can now access the web app in your browser, at localhost:8000 (or another port depending on your php.ini settings)