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Aggregate is a content aggregation platform designed to streamline information consumption. Its purpose is to centralize feeds from various sources—such as RSS and Atom—into a unified stream

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Aggregate [Back-End]: This is the full Golang backend code for the AGGREGATE Project 🚀🌐

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📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

Aggregate is a content aggregation platform designed to streamline information consumption. Its purpose is to centralize feeds from various sources—such as RSS and Atom—into a unified stream. Users can effortlessly follow their favorite content, whether it’s news, blogs, or other updates. The project emphasizes efficiency, security, and a user-friendly experience, making it a valuable tool for staying informed in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. 🚀🌐

🏁 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Before you can run or contribute to this project, you'll need to have the following software installed:

  • Go: The project is written in Go, so you'll need to have Go installed to run or modify the code.
  • PostgreSQL: The project uses a PostgreSQL database, so you'll need to have PostgreSQL installed and know how to create a database.
  • A Go IDE or text editor: While not strictly necessary, a Go IDE or a text editor with Go support can make it easier to work with the code. I use vscode.
  • Git: You'll need Git to clone the repo.


  1. Clone the repository: Start by cloning the repository to your local machine. Open a terminal, navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository, and run the following command:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: Use the cd command to navigate to the project directory:

    cd aggregate
  3. Install the Go dependencies: The Go tools will automatically download and install the dependencies listed in the go.mod file when you build or run the project. To download the dependencies without building or running the project, you can use the go mod download command:

    go mod download
  4. Set up the database: The project uses a PostgreSQL database. You'll need to create a new database and update the connection string in your configuration file or environment variables. We use GOOSE for all the data migrations and SQLC as the abstraction layer for the DB. To proceed with the migration, navigate to the Schema director:

cd internal\sql\schema
  • Then proceed by using the goose {connection string} up to execute an Up migration as shown:
  • Note: You can use your own environment variable or load it from the env file.
goose postgres postgres://aggregate:password@localhost/aggregate  up
  1. Build the project: You can build the project using the makefile's command:

    make build/api

    This will create an executable file in the current directory. Note: The generated executable is for the windows environment - However, You can find the linux build command within the makefile!

  2. Run the project: You can run the project using the go run or use MakeFile and do:

    make run/api
  3. MakeFile Help: For additional supported commands run make help:

make help


make help
run/api            -  run the api application
build/api          -  build the cmd/api application
audit              -  tidy dependencies and format, vet and test all code
db/migrations/up   -  run the up migrations using confirm as prerequisite
vendor             -  tidy and vendor dependencies


The application accepts command-line flags for configuration, establishes a connection pool to a database, and publishes variables for monitoring the application. The published variables include the application version, the number of active goroutines and the current Unix timestamp.

  • This will start the application. You should be able to access it at http://localhost:4000.

Optional Parameters

You can view the parameters by utilizing the -help command. Here is a rundown of the available commands for a quick lookup.

  • smtp-sender: Sets the sender for SMTP (email) communications. Default: "Groovy [email protected]".
  • cors-trusted-origins [value]: Trusted CORS origins (space separated)
  • db-dsn [string]: PostgreSQL DSN (default "{Path to your .env holding your DSN}")
  • db-max-idle-conns [int]: PostgreSQL max idle connections (default 25)
  • db-max-idle-time [string]: PostgreSQL max connection idle time (default "15m")
  • db-max-open-conns [int]: PostgreSQL max open connections (default 25)
  • env [string]: Environment (development|staging|production) (default "development")
  • port [int]: API server port (default 4000)
  • smtp-host [string]: SMTP host (default ""- I use mailtrap for tests)
  • smtp-password [string]: SMTP password (default "xxxxx")
  • smtp-port [int]: SMTP port (default 25)
  • smtp-sender [string]: SMTP sender (default "Groovy [email protected]")
  • smtp-username [string]: SMTP username (default "skunkhunt42")
  • baseurl [string]: frontend url (default "http://localhost:5173")
  • activationurl [string]: frontend activation url (default "http://localhost:5173/verify?token=")
  • passwordreseturl: frontend password reset url (default "http://localhost:5173/reset?token=")
  • scraper-routines [int]: Number of scraper routines to run (default 5)- scraper-interval [int]: Interval in seconds before the next bunch of feeds are fetched (default 40)
  • scraper-retry-max [int]: Maximum number of retries for HTTP requests (default 3)
  • scraper-timeout [int]: HTTP client timeout in seconds (default 15)
  • cors-trusted-origins [value]: Trusted CORS origins (space separated)
  • notifier-interval [int64]: Interval in minutes for the notifier to fetch new notifications (default 10)
  • notifier-delete-interval [int64]: Interval in minutes for the notifier to delete old notifications (default 100)

Using make run, will run the API with a default connection string located in cmd\api\.env. If you're using powershell, you need to load the values otherwise you will get a cannot load env file error. Use the PS code below to load it or change the env variable:

$env:GROOVY_DB_DSN=(Get-Content -Path .\cmd\api\.env | Where-Object { $_ -match "GROOVY_DB_DSN" } | ForEach-Object { $($_.Split("=", 2)[1]) })

Alternatively, in unix systems you can make a .envrc file and load it directly in the makefile by importing like so:

include .envrc

A succesful run will output:

make run/api
'Running cmd/api...'
go run ./cmd/api
{"level":"INFO","time":"2024-07-04T15:56:16Z","message":"Loading Environment Variables","properties":{"DSN":"cmd\\api\\.env"}}
{"level":"INFO","time":"2024-07-04T15:56:16Z","message":"database connection pool established"}
{"level":"INFO","time":"2024-07-04T15:56:16Z","message":"Starting RSS Feed Scraper","properties":{"Client Timeout":"15","Interval":"40s","No of Go Routines":"5","No of Retries":"3"}}
{"level":"INFO","time":"2024-07-04T15:56:16Z","message":"starting server","properties":{"addr":":4000","env":"development"}}

API Endpoints

Below are all the end points for the API and a high level description of what they do.

  1. GET /v1/healthcheck: Checks the health of the application. Returns a 200 OK status code if the application is running correctly.

  2. POST /v1/users: Registers a new user.

  3. PUT /v1/users/activated: Activates a user.

  4. POST /v1/api/authentication: Creates an authentication token.

  5. GET /debug/vars: Provides debug variables from the expvar package.

  6. POST /feeds: Add an RSS Type feed {Atom/RSS}

  7. GET /feeds?page=1&page_size=30: Get all Feeds in the DB, With Pagination Note: You can leave the pagination parameters foe default values!

  8. POST /feeds/follows: Follow any feed for a user

  9. GET /feeds/follow: Get all feeds followed by a user. Supports pagination and search.

  10. DELETE /feeds/follow/{feed_id}: Unfollow a followed feed

  11. GET /feeds: Get all Posts from scraped feeds that are followed by a user. Supports pagination and search.

  12. POST /password-reset: Initial request for password reset that sends a validation tokken

  13. PUT /password: Updates actual password after reset.

  14. GET /notifications: Retrieve notifications on per user basis. Current implimentation supports polling and on-demand basis

  15. GET /feeds/favorites: Get favorite feeds for a user. Supports pagination and search.

  16. POST /feeds/favorites: Add a new favorite post

  17. DELETE /feeds/favorites: Deletes/Remove a favorited post

  18. GET /feeds/favorites/post: Gets detailed post infor for only favorited posts i.e Can see any favorited content. Supports pagination and search.

  19. GET /feeds/follow/list: Gets the list of all feeds followed by a user.Supports pagination and search.

🔧 Running the tests

The project has existing tests represented by files ending with the word "_test" e.g rssdata_test.go

Break down into end to end tests

Each test file contains a myriad of tests to run on various entities mainly functions. The test files are organized into structs of tests and their corresponding test logic.

You can run them directly from the vscode test UI. Below represents test results for the scraper:

=== RUN   Test_application_rssFeedScraper
=== RUN   Test_application_rssFeedScraper/Test1
Fetching:  bbc
--- PASS: Test_application_rssFeedScraper/Test1 (0.00s)
=== RUN   Test_application_rssFeedScraper/Test2
Fetching:  Lane's
--- PASS: Test_application_rssFeedScraper/Test2 (0.00s)
=== RUN   Test_application_rssFeedScraper/Test3
Fetching:  Megaphone
--- PASS: Test_application_rssFeedScraper/Test3 (0.00s)
=== RUN   Test_application_rssFeedScraper/Test4
Fetching:  Daily Podcast
--- PASS: Test_application_rssFeedScraper/Test4 (0.00s)
=== RUN   Test_application_rssFeedScraper/Test5
Fetching:  Endagadget
--- PASS: Test_application_rssFeedScraper/Test5 (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_application_rssFeedScraper (0.00s)
ok       0.874s
  • All other tests follow a similar prologue.

🎈 Usage

As earlier mentioned, the api uses a myriad of flags which you can use to launch the application. An example of launching the application with your smtp server's setting includes:

make build/api ## build api using the makefile
./bin/api.exe -smtp-username=pigbearman -smtp-password=algor ## run the built api with your own values

Direct Run: 
go run main.go

🚀 Deployment

This application can be deployed using Docker and Docker Compose. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Build the Docker image: by navigating to the root directory.
cd aggregate
  1. Verify Configs: Check and verify the following file incase you want to change any configs:
- docker-compose.yml
- Dockerfile
  1. Build The Container: Run the following command to build the docker image based on the docker-compose.yml file:
docker compose up --build

Please remember you can use flags, mentioned here while running the api by setting them in the Dockerfile like so:

CMD ["./bin/api.exe", "-smtp-username", "smtp username", "-port", "your_port", "-smtp-password", "your_smtp_pass"]

Note: There is a pre-built package for anyone who may feel less enthusiastic about building it themselves. You can get it going by doing:

docker pull

⛏️ Built Using

✍️ Authors

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

🎉 Acknowledgements

  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used

📰 Inspiration:

Aggregate was born from the necessity to streamline how we consume and manage the vast ocean of information available online. As avid tech enthusiasts and news followers, we often found ourselves juggling between multiple sources to stay updated.

This sparked the idea to create a unified platform where all our favorite feeds could be aggregated into one seamless experience. Thus, Aggregate was conceived with a mission to simplify and enhance the way we access information.

📚 References


Aggregate is a content aggregation platform designed to streamline information consumption. Its purpose is to centralize feeds from various sources—such as RSS and Atom—into a unified stream







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