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Releases: Bloke/smd_thumbnail

smd_thumbnail 0.6.1

22 Sep 15:24
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Maintenance release:

  • Permit @aspect@ attribute to match exact widths/heights and decimal aspects.

smd_thumbnail v0.6.0

22 Sep 15:22
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smd_thumbnail v0.6.0 features:

  • For Txp 4.8.0+
  • Register plugin tags on admin side so article previews work properly.
  • Deprecate @display@ attribute in favour of @Format@.
  • Alter class assignments so class is always added to img tag.
  • The @type@ attribute accepts a list of profile names, plus SMD_ALL and SMD_ACTIVE.
  • Add @break@ and @BreakClass@ attributes.
  • Add @aspect@ attribute. Accepts @landscape@, @portrait@, @square@ or any custom ratio pairs, @4:3@, @16:9@, etc.
  • Add @sort@ attribute.
  • smd_thumbnail and smd_thumbnail_info tags accept core @escape@ attribute.
  • Fix column heading width/height labels.
  • Fix image counter when batch creating thumbs.
  • Reinstate hover pointer on active column heading.
  • Hook into image saves on the Write panel for compatibility with Write panel image plugins.

smd_thumbnail v0.5.3

23 Oct 08:25
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Maintenance release to fix unescaped <br /> tags in help (thanks, phiw13).

smd_thumbnail v0.5.2

17 Sep 12:22
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Added German Textpack (thanks, Christian Rapp).

smd_thumbnail v0.5.1

10 Sep 14:56
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  • Permit wraptag when outputting display="url" (thanks, jools-r).
  • Add quiet attribute to suppress missing image warnings (thanks, jools-r).

smd_thumbnail v0.5.0

26 Jun 21:04
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  • For Textpattern 4.7.0+.
  • Add description field.
  • Fall back on fullsize image if thumb doesn't exist.
  • Try to create profile directories with the same permissions as the images directory.
  • Fix greedy thumb profile panel gobbling list options (thanks, phiw13).
  • Fix toggle state recall (thanks, phiw13).
  • Fix undefined variable warnings (thanks, philwareham).
  • Fix search_method array-to-string conversion warning.
  • Fix errors if tables not created when no images are in the database.
  • Update documentation and code consistency (thanks, philwareham)

smd_thumbnail 0.4.0-beta

18 Jul 19:40
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  • Prettier interface for Textpattern 4.6.0+

smd_thumbnail v0.32

10 Sep 21:41
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  • For Textpattern 4.6.0+.
  • Improved profile table layout: it's also responsive, up to a point.
  • Fixed stay on Edit panel after thumbnail uploaded.
  • Uses core APIs where available.
  • Improved code documentation and layout to PSR-2.


20 Feb 12:54
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Release for v0.31