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Releases: Bliss-Bass/bass-rpi


05 Sep 16:50
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BassPi (Bass ARM) based off the Glodroid rpi4 sources.

This release is targeting the Tablet UI using Android Go default configurations.

This is the initial release of the TabletGO variant of BassPi. It is targeting IOT/IIOT applications, so we are using Android Go configs to minimize the impact of the underlying system, making more room for applications in memory.


These releases are zipped SDCard images, and are meant to use the Raspberry Pi Imager to flash to an SDCard.


Raspberry Pi Imager

Download and install the official Raspberry Pi Imager from here


Use the latest Bass rpi image archive sdcard images for your target use-case


This one is a given, but we had to mention it.


You can follow the instructions found on our documentation site:
Bass rpi installation



  • Some C2 codec issues exist


16 Oct 23:01
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Bass Pi (Bass ARM) based off the Glodroid rpi4 sources.

This is the second release that includes the ARM64 version of Restricted Launcher, a kiosk launcher with multi-display functions created by our team.

Just like in the PC builds, the Restricted releases will have different boot modes that can be used to setup the device or perform admin actions, or lock down the device after setting it up (instructions below).


These releases are zipped SDCard images, and are meant to use the Raspberry Pi Imager to flash to an SDCard.


Raspberry Pi Imager

Download and install the official Raspberry Pi Imager from here


Use the latest Bass rpi image archive sdcard images for your target use-case


This one is a given, but we had to mention it.


You can follow the instructions found on our documentation site:
Bass rpi installation

Restricted Launcher Setup

You will first want to boot into Admin mode, then make sure you setup the following options for your environment:

  • Create admin password when prompted
  • Connect to Wifi/Ethernet
  • install any applications you need

Then we need to setup the Launcher preferences for Lockdown mode:

  • Enter Restricted Launcher Settings
  • Select Security tab, and enable what features you will need
  • Enter Apps tab, and select the Whitelisted Apps option, then select what apps you want to be available while in Lockdown mode
  • If you want to auto-start an app on boot, select the Primary display auto-start app option, and choose from your whitelisted apps list.
  • If you have any other connected displays, you will see the Second, Third, etc. auto-start options enabled for those displays as well.
  • The System preferences option will allow you to enable on-screen keyboard, and adjust screen timeout
  • the Appearance preferences allow you to adjust where the Settings/Logo overlays are on the screen.

Once you are all done setting up the device, you can test Lockdown mode from Admin side by hitting the Lock icon. Or you can use the power menu to reboot the rpi and boot into lockdown mode from there.


  • Updated Restricted Launcher (free version) to latest release with improvements to Admin mode to request password before enter/exiting locked state
  • Added generic keylayout (for rpi400 and other devices)
  • Added support for external touchscreen configurations via .idc files


  • Some C2 codec issues exist

Next Steps:

  • Start adding Bass package options
  • Start adding Bass boot flags


03 Oct 19:02
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Bass Pi (Bass ARM) based off the Glodroid rpi4 sources.

This is the first release that includes the ARM64 version of Restricted Launcher, a kiosk launcher with multi-display functions created by our team.

Just like in the PC builds, the Restricted releases will have different boot modes that can be used to setup the device or perform admin actions, or lock down the device after setting it up (instructions below).


These releases are zipped SDCard images, and are meant to use the Raspberry Pi Imager to flash to an SDCard.


Raspberry Pi Imager

Download and install the official Raspberry Pi Imager from here


Use the latest Bass rpi image archive sdcard images for your target use-case


This one is a given, but we had to mention it.


You can follow the instructions found on our documentation site:
Bass rpi installation

Restricted Launcher Setup

You will first want to boot into Admin mode, then make sure you setup the following options for your environment:

  • Create admin password when prompted
  • Connect to Wifi/Ethernet
  • install any applications you need

Then we need to setup the Launcher preferences for Lockdown mode:

  • Enter Restricted Launcher Settings
  • Select Security tab, and enable what features you will need
  • Enter Apps tab, and select the Whitelisted Apps option, then select what apps you want to be available while in Lockdown mode
  • If you want to auto-start an app on boot, select the Primary display auto-start app option, and choose from your whitelisted apps list.
  • If you have any other connected displays, you will see the Second, Third, etc. auto-start options enabled for those displays as well.
  • The System preferences option will allow you to enable on-screen keyboard, and adjust screen timeout
  • the Appearance preferences allow you to adjust where the Settings/Logo overlays are on the screen.

Once you are all done setting up the device, you can test Lockdown mode from Admin side by hitting the Lock icon. Or you can use the power menu to reboot the rpi and boot into lockdown mode from there.


  • Updated FOSS apps (Neo-Store, etc)
  • Changes to U-Boot to support boot menus (enabled commands for askenv, cat, etc)
  • Updated Restricted Launcher (free version) to latest release


  • Some C2 codec issues exist


02 Sep 23:00
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BassPi (Bass ARM) based off the Glodroid rpi4 sources.

This release is targeting the Desktop UI and uses SmartDock.

These releases are zipped SDCard images, and are meant to use the Raspberry Pi Imager to flash to an SDCard.


Raspberry Pi Imager

Download and install the official Raspberry Pi Imager from here


Use the latest Bass rpi image archive sdcard images for your target use-case


This one is a given, but we had to mention it.


You can follow the instructions found on our documentation site:
Bass rpi installation



  • Some C2 codec issues exist


29 Aug 14:53
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Initial release of BassPi (Bass ARM) based off the Glodroid rpi4 sources.
This release is targeting the Desktop UI and uses SmartDock.

These releases are zipped SDCard images, and are meant to use the Raspberry Pi Imager to flash to an SDCard.


Raspberry Pi Imager

Download and install the official Raspberry Pi Imager from here


Use the latest Bass rpi image archive sdcard images for your target use-case


This one is a given, but we had to mention it.


You can follow the instructions found on our documentation site:
Bass rpi 13 installation


  • initial port for bass vendor
  • added vendor/foss (Aurora Store, Neo-Store, and other FOSS app alternatives)
  • added CalyxOS MicroG (for use with Aurora Store)
  • Updated kernel to 6.1.90
  • Updated to latest Raspberry-pi firmware


  • RPI400 - Wifi not working (causes reboot)
  • KernelSU not working right yet


30 Aug 23:06
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BassPi (Bass ARM) based off the Glodroid rpi4 sources.

This release is targeting the Desktop UI and uses SmartDock.

These releases are zipped SDCard images, and are meant to use the Raspberry Pi Imager to flash to an SDCard.


Raspberry Pi Imager

Download and install the official Raspberry Pi Imager from here


Use the latest Bass rpi image archive sdcard images for your target use-case


This one is a given, but we had to mention it.


You can follow the instructions found on our documentation site:
Bass rpi installation


  • Fixed wifi passpoint issues (no more reboot on Wifi enabled for RPI400/4B)
  • Fixed KernelSU submodule detection (Now we can flash KernelSU & Magisk Modules from the KernelSU app)
  • Pushed initial source for these Bass-Pi v14 builds to the Bass ARM repo


  • Some C2 codec issues exist