Schlabbern is like auslöffeln, only much more messy
- Works with endless scroll
- Saves more than images
- Preserves some metadata
- If your soup shows timestamps, they will be used to sort the backup
- beautifulsoup4 (bs4)
- requests
Basic usage:
./schlabber <name of soup>
If invoked without any parameters, the programm will asume the output direcory for all files is the working directory. To choose an alternative output diectory supply -d <path> to the application
For more options:
./schlabber -h
Sometimes failes to fetch more Posts. In this case the script will stop. Just run the script again, but this time with the -c switch. Look at your previous run. There is a line telling you "Get: ..." Just use everything from /since/ till the line end as parameter for -c and the script should continue where it has left off.
The same URL can be found in any *.json file in the meta directory. Its key is 'soup_page'.
If this script does not work for you there are others you can try: