A PyTorch + DGL implementation of DKS, as described in the paper: A Unified GNN-Based Framework for Keyword Search on Dirty Graphs
- cuda11.3
- cudnn=8.2.0
- python=3.7.16
- torch=1.12.0+cu113
- dgl=1.1.1.cu113
python main.py
├ dan_net.py # DAN net
│ gat_layer.py # GAT layer
│ gat_net.py # GAT net
│ gat_params.json # the parameters of GAT
│ gat_trainer.py # GAT train and evaluate
│ gat_utils.py
│ main.py # project extrance, parameters settings
│ mlp_layer.py
│ utils.py # other functions
├─citeseer # dataset
│ │ edge_index.npz
│ │ spX.npz
│ │
│ ├─contaminated_graph
│ │ 30%contaminate_nodes.out
│ │ 30%contaminate_spX.npz
│ │ 50%contaminate_nodes.out
│ │ 50%contaminate_spX.npz
│ │ 70%contaminate_nodes.out
│ │ 70%contaminate_spX.npz
│ │
│ ├─incomplete_graph
│ │ 30%incomplete_nodes.out
│ │ 30%incomplete_spX.npz
│ │ 50%incomplete_nodes.out
│ │ 50%incomplete_spX.npz
│ │ 70%incomplete_nodes.out
│ │ 70%incomplete_spX.npz
│ │ edge_10_edge_index.npz
│ │ edge_20_edge_index.npz
│ │ edge_30_edge_index.npz
│ │ edge_40_edge_index.npz
│ │ edge_50_edge_index.npz
│ │
│ └─test
│ ├─kw3
│ │ kw3_top100_output.txt
│ │ kw3_top10_output.txt
│ │ kw3_top50_output.txt
│ │
│ ├─kw5
│ │ kw5_top100_output.txt
│ │ kw5_top10_output.txt
│ │ kw5_top50_output.txt
│ │
│ ├─kw7
│ │ kw7_top100_output.txt
│ │ kw7_top10_output.txt
│ │ kw7_top50_output.txt
│ │
│ └─kw9
│ kw9_top100_output.txt
│ kw9_top10_output.txt
│ kw9_top50_output.txt
You can download the datasets used in the experiment from here.