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Ben Tupper edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 2 revisions

maxnet with stars

Big idea

Here we show how we might model occurrence data and then predict using maxnet in conjunction with R packages sf and stars. We also use the geodata for gathering environmental covariate data.



This example steps through the process of presence-only modeling using the maxnet package It shows how to…

  • obtain the Bradypus observation data from the venerable dismo package

  • use the geodata package to assemble predictor variable data,

  • collect background points within the region occupied by the presence points using sf package

  • model and predict using the maxnet package

Obtain data

Occurrence point data

The presence points are stored within the dismo package. Here’s how we read them in to a data frame.

obs <- read.csv(system.file("ex/bradypus.csv", package = "dismo"))
##               species      lon      lat
## 1 Bradypus variegatus -65.4000 -10.3833
## 2 Bradypus variegatus -65.3833 -10.3833
## 3 Bradypus variegatus -65.1333 -16.8000
## 4 Bradypus variegatus -63.6667 -17.4500
## 5 Bradypus variegatus -63.8500 -17.4000
## 6 Bradypus variegatus -64.4167 -16.0000

Next we convert the data frame to a spatial ‘simple-features’ object. It’s still a data frame, but the location information is consolidated into a list column with of POINT class and we pick up spatial metadata.

obs <- sf::st_as_sf(obs, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)
## Simple feature collection with 116 features and 1 field
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -85.9333 ymin: -23.45 xmax: -40.0667 ymax: 13.95
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
## First 10 features:
##                species                  geometry
## 1  Bradypus variegatus    POINT (-65.4 -10.3833)
## 2  Bradypus variegatus POINT (-65.3833 -10.3833)
## 3  Bradypus variegatus    POINT (-65.1333 -16.8)
## 4  Bradypus variegatus   POINT (-63.6667 -17.45)
## 5  Bradypus variegatus      POINT (-63.85 -17.4)
## 6  Bradypus variegatus      POINT (-64.4167 -16)
## 7  Bradypus variegatus    POINT (-63.1667 -17.8)
## 8  Bradypus variegatus     POINT (-56.7333 -2.6)
## 9  Bradypus variegatus     POINT (-59.1333 -3.7)
## 10 Bradypus variegatus  POINT (-60.0833 -3.1333)

Environmental Covariates

Next we use the geodata package to gather CMIP environmental data for recent times (1970-2000) as well as for 3 future periods 2021-2040, 2041-2060 and 2061-2080).

path <- tempdir()
recent <- geodata::worldclim_global(var="bio", res=10, path = path) |>
  stars::st_as_stars() |>
names(recent) <- sprintf("bio%0.2i", seq_len(length(names(recent))))

Next we’ll get the modeled data (for the same variables) for the 2021-2040 and 2041-2060 future periods.

future_2021 <- geodata::cmip6_world(model = "CNRM-CM6-1", 
                              ssp = "585", 
                              res = 10, 
                              time = "2021-2040",
                              var = "bioc",
                              path = path) |>
  stars::st_as_stars(ignore_file = TRUE) |>

future_2041 <- geodata::cmip6_world(model = "CNRM-CM6-1", 
                              ssp = "585", 
                              res = 10, 
                              time = "2041-2060",
                              var = "bioc",
                              path = path) |>
  stars::st_as_stars(ignore_file = TRUE) |>

future_2061 <- geodata::cmip6_world(model = "CNRM-CM6-1", 
                              ssp = "585", 
                              res = 10, 
                              time = "2061-2080",
                              var = "bioc",
                              path = path) |>
  stars::st_as_stars(ignore_file = TRUE) |>

Extract recent climate covariates for observations

Next we extract recent covariates for the observations. These are briefly described here.

env_obs <- stars::st_extract(recent, sf::st_coordinates(obs)) |>
## # A tibble: 116 × 19
##    bio01 bio02 bio03 bio04 bio05 bio06 bio07 bio08 bio09 bio10 bio11 bio12 bio13
##    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1  26.7 10.9   74.9  63.6  33.7  19.2 14.5   26.8  26.0  27.5  25.9  1747   283
##  2  26.7 10.9   74.9  63.6  33.7  19.2 14.5   26.8  26.0  27.5  25.9  1747   283
##  3  25.5 11.0   64.8 191.   32.7  15.7 17.0   27.1  23.8  27.1  22.8  3613   567
##  4  24.3 10.6   63.1 230.   31.8  15.0 16.8   26.5  22.3  26.5  21.1  1637   274
##  5  24.3 10.8   64.2 224.   31.7  14.9 16.8   26.4  22.3  26.4  21.1  1758   290
##  6  25.6 10.4   64.0 179.   32.6  16.3 16.3   27.0  23.1  27.1  23.1  2631   408
##  7  24.1 10.0   61.5 232.   31.5  15.2 16.3   26.3  22.3  26.3  20.9  1257   196
##  8  27.3  8.18  76.6  68.7  33.2  22.6 10.7   26.6  28.1  28.3  26.6  2370   356
##  9  27.1  8.33  80.1  52.8  32.5  22.1 10.4   26.6  27.3  27.8  26.5  2279   306
## 10  26.9  7.89  81.7  50.3  32.1  22.5  9.65  26.4  27.1  27.6  26.4  2270   304
## # … with 106 more rows, and 6 more variables: bio14 <dbl>, bio15 <dbl>,
## #   bio16 <dbl>, bio17 <dbl>, bio18 <dbl>, bio19 <dbl>

Points to characterize the recent background

We’ll create a polygon around the observations to limit the range of random background point selection. Note that we buffer the polygon to include neighboring areas. Also note that we temporarily transform to a projection with rectilinear units to facilitate buffering.

poly <- obs |>                                # start with obs
  sf::st_combine() |>                         # combine into a single multipoint
  sf::st_convex_hull() |>                     # find convex hull
  sf::st_transform(crs = sf::st_crs(5880)) |> # make planar
  sf::st_buffer(dist = 200000) |>             # buffer by 200000m
  sf::st_transform(crs = sf::st_crs(4326))    # make spherical

Now we create a set of sample locations within the enclosing polygon, poly. Immediately we’ll extract the recent climatic variables for these background points.

N <- 1200
back <- sf::st_sample(poly, N)

env_back <- stars::st_extract(recent, sf::st_coordinates(back)) |>
  dplyr::as_tibble() |>
## # A tibble: 1,052 × 19
##    bio01 bio02 bio03 bio04 bio05 bio06 bio07 bio08 bio09 bio10 bio11 bio12 bio13
##    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1  25.9  9.61  83.5  58.6  31.8 20.3  11.5   25.9  25.2  26.4  25.0  1667   300
##  2  26.9  9.68  78.1  43.6  33.3 20.9  12.4   26.5  26.7  27.5  26.5  1942   303
##  3  23.5  9.17  83.2  50.8  28.8 17.7  11.0   23.6  23.1  23.9  22.8  2181   316
##  4  20.0 12.6   63.7 228.   28.9  9.06 19.8   21.9  17.0  22.6  17.0  1296   243
##  5  25.9  9.75  81.5  44.9  31.6 19.6  12.0   26.0  25.3  26.4  25.3  2461   279
##  6  26.5  9.19  93.0  24.5  31.6 21.7   9.88  26.5  26.8  26.8  26.2  7078   724
##  7  25.3  9.54  84.2  56.5  31.1 19.8  11.3   25.0  24.8  25.8  24.6  1636   277
##  8  22.4  9.34  88.0  43.6  27.8 17.2  10.6   22.2  22.7  22.8  21.8  4336   500
##  9  26.0 12.0   66.3 175.   33.9 15.8  18.1   27.1  23.7  27.7  23.5  1523   263
## 10  26.2  9.35  86.1  43.0  32.0 21.1  10.9   25.7  26.7  26.7  25.6  2476   450
## # … with 1,042 more rows, and 6 more variables: bio14 <dbl>, bio15 <dbl>,
## #   bio16 <dbl>, bio17 <dbl>, bio18 <dbl>, bio19 <dbl>

Let’s see what it looks like; we use the first recent covariate (Mean Annual Temp) as the basemap. Note that some points are clearly not over land so they won’t have values when we extract. That’s one reason we selected a high number of points to characterize the environmental setting - we know we’ll have to toss some.

col <- sf.colors(categorical = TRUE)
bb <- sf::st_bbox(poly)
plot(recent[1] |> sf::st_crop(bb), 
     main = "", axes = TRUE, key.pos = NULL, reset = FALSE)
maps::map('world', add = TRUE, lwd = 2)
plot(sf::st_geometry(obs), col = col[4], pch = 16, add = TRUE)
plot(sf::st_geometry(poly), add = TRUE, border = col[5], lwd = 2)
plot(back, add = TRUE, col = col[8], pch = ".")


Now we have enough to build the model. First we create a flag vector that distinguishes between observations (1) and background (0).

pres <- c(rep(1, nrow(env_obs)), rep(0, nrow(env_back)))
model <- maxnet::maxnet(pres,
                    dplyr::bind_rows(env_obs, env_back))

Model Metrics

So what can we know about the model? We can retrieve a list of data frames, each with a table of responses over the range of variable values. We select the cloglog type which nicewly scales responses into the familiar unity range.

resp <- plot(model, type = "cloglog", plot = FALSE)
##  [1] "bio01" "bio02" "bio03" "bio04" "bio05" "bio06" "bio07" "bio08" "bio09"
## [10] "bio10" "bio11" "bio12" "bio13" "bio14" "bio15" "bio16" "bio17" "bio18"
## [19] "bio19"
## 'data.frame':    100 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ bio02: num  4.36 4.5 4.63 4.77 4.91 ...
##  $ pred : num  0.588 0.588 0.588 0.588 0.588 ...

We can plot the variable responses.

plot(model, mar = c(3,3,1,2), type = 'cloglog')

Predicting with rasters (stars class)

Here we predict using rasterized inputs cropped to the region of interest.

clamp <- TRUE       # see ?predict.maxnet for details
type <- "cloglog"
preds <- c(predict(model, recent |> sf::st_crop(bb), 
                   clamp = clamp, type = type),
           predict(model, future_2021 |> sf::st_crop(bb) , 
                   clamp = clamp, type = type),
           predict(model, future_2041 |> sf::st_crop(bb), 
                   clamp = clamp, type = type),
           predict(model, future_2061 |> sf::st_crop(bb), 
                   clamp = clamp, type = type),
           along = list(time=as.Date(c("2001-01-01", 
## stars object with 3 dimensions and 1 attribute
## attribute(s):
##               Min.    1st Qu.    Median     Mean   3rd Qu. Max.   NA's
## pred  2.041087e-06 0.02909074 0.2346895 0.349774 0.6219104    1 125938
## dimension(s):
##      from  to     offset     delta refsys point values x/y
## x     554 852       -180  0.166667 WGS 84 FALSE   NULL [x]
## y     447 692         90 -0.166667 WGS 84 FALSE   NULL [y]
## time    1   4 2001-01-01 7305 days   Date    NA   NULL

And we can show the series with the original observations superimposed.

     main = c("recent", "2021-2040", "2041-2061", "2061-2080"),
     hook = function(){plot(obs, col = "orange", add = TRUE)})