Makes the bot spit out text for tags you define.
If you feel like you have to explain the same stuff every 2 days, this could be useful.
BotOwner: !tag baby -> 'detailedInstructionsOfProcess'
User1: How is baby made again?
BotOwner: !get baby
Bot: 'detailedInstructionsOfProcess'
Simple plugin for tagging messages or general information
- .get - Fetches a tag, usage: .get <tag>
- .tag - Adds a new tag, usage: .tag <tag> -> <message>
- .tag del - Removes tag from database, usage: .tag del <id>
- .tag details - Returns further details about a tag, usage .tag details <tag>
- .tag find - Searches the tags and their messages for given keyword, usage: .tag <args>
- .tag new - Returns the latest 3 tags, usage .tag new
inspired by