Common Plugin Core derived from Humbug
To use CivModCore, your Main Plugin class must extend ACivMod:
public class MyNewPlugin extends ACivMod
In addition to that, you must override getPluginName for log messages:
protected String getPluginName() {
return "MyPluginsName";
CivModCore implements onEnable/onLoad, and as such an extending plugin must Override and call super:
public void onEnable()
//Do your stuff here that you need to do.
Then it is just a matter of adding CivConfigs and CivConfig Decorators on PUBLIC methods:
Types available are defined in
public enum CivConfigType {
For Example, if you want to toggle a functionality on/off:
@CivConfig(name="mycapability", def="false", type = CivConfigType.Bool)
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPlayerDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) {
if (config_.get("mycapability").getBool())
since def="false", then by DEFAULT this capability will be disabled.
You can also have a group of CivConfig items on a single method:
@CivConfig(name="mycapability", def="false", type = CivConfigType.Bool),
@CivConfig(name="cooldown", def="3000", type = CivConfigType.Int),
@CivConfig(name="mycapability2", def="true", type = CivConfigType.Bool),
@CivConfig(name="damage_bonus", def="0.66", type = CivConfigType.Double),
@CivConfig(name="mycapability3", def="true", type = CivConfigType.Bool),
@CivConfig(name="damage_multiplier", def="1.5", type = CivConfigType.Double)
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPlayerDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event)
if (config_.get("mycapability").getBool())
//Make some cooldown
if (config_.get("mycapability2").getBool())
double newDamage = event.getDamage() + config_.get("damage_bonus").getDouble();
if (config_.get("mycapability3").getBool())
double newDamage = event.getDamage() * config_.get("damage_multiplier").getDouble();