This is a list of books with Fortran code, other than Fortran textbooks, organized by their Library of Congress Classification (LCC), with links to publishers’ sites and code repositories where available. If you have a book suggestion or if the code of a book is available but not linked here, please create an issue. The books are listed by author here.
- QA - Mathematics
- QC - Physics
- QD - Chemistry
- T - Technology (General and Simulation)
- TA - Engineering (General, Civil, and Mechanical)
- TJ - Mechanical Engineering
- TL - Motor Vehicles, Aeronautics, Astronautics
- U - Military Science
- Angell, Ian O., and Gareth Griffith (1987). High-resolution Computer Graphics Using FORTRAN 77. Palgrave Macmillan
- Clerman, Norman S., and Spector, Walter (2011). Modern Fortran - Style and Usage. Cambridge University Press. Reviewed in the Journal of Statistical Software
- Coker, A. Kayode (1995). Fortran Programs for Chemical Process Design, Analysis, and Simulation. Gulf Professional
- Day, A. Colin (1972). Fortran Techniques with Special Reference to Non-numerical Applications. Cambridge University Press
- Fuller, W. R. (1977). FORTRAN Programming: A Supplement for Calculus Courses. Springer
- Jones, Russell K., and Tracy Crabtree (1988). FORTRAN Tools for VAX/VMS and MS-DOS. Wiley
- Markus, Arjen (2012). Modern Fortran in Practice. Cambridge University Press
- Ramos, Juan Antonio Hernandez, and Lopez, Javier Escoto (2020). How to learn Applied Mathematics through modern FORTRAN. Independently published. Code and text
- Anagnostopoulos, Konstantinos (2016). Computational Physics. Freely available in Fortran and C++ versions
- Antia, H.M. (2012). Numerical methods for scientists and engineers, 3rd ed.. Hindustan Book Agency
- Bose, Sujit Kumar (2019). Numerical Methods of Mathematics Implemented in Fortran. Springer. Reviewed here
- Burden, Richard, L., J. Douglas Faires, and Annette M. Burden (2016). Numerical Analysis, 10th ed.. Cengage. FORTRAN 77 code here
- Chandra, Prabir K., and R. Paul Singh (1994). Applied Numerical Methods for Food and Agricultural Engineers. CRC Press
- Cheney, Ward, and David Kincaid (2012). Numerical Mathematics and Computing, 7th ed.. Brooks/Cole: Cengage Learning
- Conte, S. D., and Carl de Boor (2017). Elementary Numerical Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach. SIAM. Fortran code here, Matlab code here
- Davis, Mark E. (1984). Numerical Methods & Modeling for Chemical Engineers. Wiley
- Davis, Philip J., and Philip Rabinowitz (1984). Methods of Numerical Integration, 2nd. ed.. Academic Press
- Engeln-Müllges, Gisela, and Uhlig, Frank (2013). Numerical Algorithms with Fortran. Springer
- Forsythe, George E., Michael A. Malcolm, and Cleve B. Moler (1977). Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations. Prentice-Hall. Original code at Netlib and updated Fortran 90 code by Ralph Carmichael here
- Gerald, Curtis F., and Patrick O. Wheatley (2004). Applied Numerical Analysis, 7th ed.. Addison-Wesley
- Griffiths, D. Vaughan, and I.M. Smith (2006). Numerical Methods for Engineers, 2nd ed.. CRC. Code at Griffiths’ site
- Kahaner, David, Cleve Moler, and Stephen Nash (1998). Numerical Methods and Software. Prentice Hall. Fortran 90 code here
- Kincaid, David, and Ward Cheney (2002). Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific Computing, 3rd ed.. American Mathematical Society. Code here
- Mathews, John H. (1992). Numerical Methods For Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, 2nd ed.. Prentice-Hall. Code at Netlib
- Monahan, John F. (2011). Numerical Methods of Statistics, 2nd ed.. Cambridge University Press
- Moursund, David G., and Charles S. Duris (1988). Elementary Theory and Application of Numerical Analysis. Dover
- Pozrikidis, C. (2008). Numerical Computation in Science and Engineering, 2nd. ed.. Oxford University Press
- Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, and Vetterling (1992). Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77. Cambridge University Press
- Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, and Flannery (1996). Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90 - The Art of Parallel Scientific Computing. Cambridge University Press
- Schorghofer, Norbert (2018). Lessons in Scientific Computing: Numerical Mathematics, Computer Technology, and Scientific Discovery. CRC Press. Code and other supplementary files here
- Sewell, Granville (2014). Computational Methods of Linear Algebra, 3rd ed.. World Scientific
- Singh, Nathi (2017). Computational Methods for Physics and Mathematics: With Fortran and C Programmes. Alpha Science
- Thompson, William J. (1997). Atlas for Computing Mathematical Functions: An Illustrated Guide for Practitioners with Programs in FORTRAN and Mathematica. Wiley
- Bagirov, Adil, Napsu Karmitsa, and Marko M. Mäkelä (2014). Introduction to Nonsmooth Optimization: Theory, Practice and Software. Springer
- Bagirov, Adil, M. Gaudioso, N. Karmitsa, M. M. Mäkelä, and S. Taheri, (Eds.), (2020). Numerical Nonsmooth Optimization: State of the Art Algorithms. Springer
- Bagirov, Adil, Napsu Karmitsa, and Sona Taheri (2020). Partitional Clustering via Nonsmooth Optimization. Springer
- Bánhelyi, Balázs, Tibor Csendes, Balázs Lévai, László Pál, and Dániel Zombori (2018). The GLOBAL Optimization Algorithm: Newly Updated with Java Implementation and Parallelization. Springer. Fortran 90 code here and original Fortran code here
- Bertsekas, Dimitri P. (1991). Linear Network Optimization: Algorithms and Codes. MIT Press. Code here
- Bertsekas, Dimitri P. (1998). Network Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Models. Athena Scientific
- Birgin, E.G., and J. M. Martínez (2014). Practical Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Constrained Optimization. SIAM
- Brent, Richard (1973). Algorithms for Minimization without Derivatives. Prentice-Hall, reprinted by Dover in 2002. Code by John Burkardt here
- Dennis, Jr., J.E., and Robert B. Schnabel (1996). Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations. SIAM. Fortran 90 code for UNCMIN at Alan Miller’s site
- Fletcher, R. (2000). Practical Methods of Optimization, 2nd Edition. Wiley
- Gill, Philip E., Walter Murray, and Margaret H. Wright (1981). Practical Optimization. Academic Press
- Hock, W., and Klaus Schittkowski (1981). Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes. Springer. Code here and here.
- Kuester, James L., and Joe H. Mize (1973). Optimization Techniques with Fortran. McGraw-Hill
- Künzi, Hans P., H. G. Tzschach, and C. A. Zehnder (1968). Numerical Methods of Mathematical Optimization: With ALGOL and FORTRAN Programs. Academic Press
- Land, A., and S. Powell (1973). Fortran codes for mathematical programming: linear, quadratic and discrete. Wiley
- Moré, Jorge J., and Stephen J. Wright (1993). Optimization Software Guide. SIAM. Wright helped create the NEOS Guide
- Neculai, Andrei (2020). Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Methods for Unconstrained Optimization. Springer. Fortran codes at author’s site
- Nocedal, Jorge, and Stephen J. Wright (2006). Numerical Optimization. Springer. Related code at Nocedal’s site
- Osyczka, Andrzej (1984). Multicriterion Optimization in Engineering with FORTRAN Programs. Halsted/Wiley
- Schittkowski, Klaus (2002). Numerical Data Fitting in Dynamical Systems - A Practical Introduction with Applications and Software. Kluwer
- Schittkowski, Klaus (1987). More Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes. Springer. Code here and here.
- Schittkowski, Klaus (1980). Nonlinear Programming Codes: Information, Tests, Performance. Springer
- Wolfe, Carvel S. (1985). Linear Programming with BASIC and FORTRAN. Reston Publishing Company
- Wolfe, Carvel S. (1973). Linear programming with Fortran. Pearson Scott Foresman
- Allen, Michael P., and Dominic J. Tildesley (2017). Computer Simulation of Liquids, 2nd. ed.. Oxford University Press. Code at GitHub
- Axelrod, Robert (1998). The Complexity of Cooperation: Agent-Based Models of Competition and Collaboration. Princeton University Press. Code here
- Bowyer, Adrian, and John Woodwark (1983). A Programmer's Geometry. Butterworths
- Bratley, Paul, Bennet L. Fox, and Linus E. Schrage (1987). A Guide to Simulation, 2nd. ed.. Springer
- Brázdová, Veronika, and David R. Bowler (2013). Atomistic Computer Simulations: A Practical Guide. Wiley
- Chandra, Rohit, Ramesh Menon, Leo Dagum, David Kohr, Dror Maydan, and Jeff McDonald (2000). Parallel Programming in OpenMP. Morgan Kaufmann
- Chandrasekaran, Sunita, and Guido Juckeland (2017). OpenACC for Programmers: Concepts and Strategies. Addison-Wesley. Code here
- Chapman, Barbara et al. (2007). Using OpenMP - Portable Shared Memory Parallel Programming. MIT Press
- Farber, Rob (2016). Parallel Programming with OpenACC. Morgan Kaufmann. Code here
- Goedecker, Stefan, and Adolfy Hoisie (2001). Performance Optimization of Numerically Intensive Codes. SIAM. Codes here
- Gropp, William, Lusk, E., and Skjellum, A. (1999). Using MPI - Portable Parallel Programming with the Message Passing Interface. The MIT Press
- Gropp, William, Torsten Hoefler, Rajeev Thakur, and Ewing Lusk (2014). Using Advanced MPI: Modern Features of the Message-Passing Interface. MIT Press
- Hager, Georg, and Gerhard Wellein (2010). Introduction to High Performance Computing for Scientists and Engineers. CRC
- Kernighan, Brian W., and Pike, Rob (1999). The Practice of Programming. Addison-Wesley
- Knuth, Donald E. (1997). Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd ed.. Code here
- Lau, Hang Tong (1989). Algorithms on Graphs. Tab Books. Fortran 90 version of code at Burkardt’s site
- Lau, Hang Tong (1986). Combinatorial Heuristic Algorithms with FORTRAN. Springer
- Mattson, Timothy G., Yun (Helen) He, and Alice E. Koniges (2019). The OpenMP Common Core: Making OpenMP Simple Again. MIT Press
- Nijenhuis, Albert, and Herbert S. Wilf (1978). Combinatorial Algorithms For Computers and Calculators, 2nd. ed.. Academic Press. Original code at book site, Fortran 90 by Burkardt here
- Oliveira, Suely, and Stewart, David (2006). Writing Scientific Software - A Guide to Good Style. Cambridge University Press
- Pacheco, Peter (1996). Parallel Programming with MPI. Morgan Kaufmann
- Pritsker, A. Alan B. (1969). Simulation with GASP-II: A FORTRAN based simulation language. Prentice-Hall
- Robey, Robert, and Yuliana Zamora (2021). Parallel and High Performance Computing. Manning
- Rouson, D., J. Xia, and X. Xu (2011). Scientific Software Design - The Object-Oriented Way. Cambridge University Press
- Ruetsch, Gregory, and Fatica, Massimiliano (2013). CUDA Fortran for Scientists and Engineers. Morgan Kaufmann
- Ruetsch, Gregory, and Fatica, Massimiliano (2024). CUDA Fortran for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd ed.. Morgan Kaufmann
- Schmidt, Bernd (1987). Model Construction with GPSS-FORTRAN Version 3. Springer
- Scott, L. Ridgway, Terry Clark, and Babak Bagheri (2005). Scientific Parallel Computing. Princeton University Press
- Skiena, Steven (2011). Algorithm Design Manual, 3rd ed.. Fortran codes here
- Snir, Marc, and Gropp, William (1998). MPI - The Complete Reference. The MIT Press
- Vowels, Robin A. (1998). Algorithms and Data Structures in F and Fortran. Unicomp
- Aarseth, Sverre J. (2009). Gravitational N-Body Simulations: Tools and Algorithms. Cambridge University Press. Code here, and a descendant is Nbody6++GPU
- Berg, Bernd A. (2004). Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations and Their Statistical Analysis – With Web-Based Fortran Code. World Scientific
- Boyd, John P. (2001). Chebyshev and Fourier Spectral Methods. Dover. Modified code here
- DeVries, Paul L. (1994). A First Course in Computational Physics. Wiley. Reviewed here
- Fornberg, Bengt (1998). A Practical Guide to Pseudospectral Methods. Cambridge University Press
- Frenkel, Daan, and Berend Smit (2002). Understanding Molecular Simulation: From Algorithms to Applications, 2nd. ed.. Academic Press
- Garcia, Alejandro L. (1994). Numerical Methods for Physics. Prentice Hall
- Giordano, Nicholas J., and Hisao Nakanishi (2005). Computational Physics. Prentice-Hall
- Hjorth-Jensen, Morten (2008). Computational Physics.
- Izaac, Joshua, and Jingbo Wang (2018). Computational Quantum Mechanics. Springer
- Klein, Andi, and Alexander Godunov (2006). Introductory Computational Physics. Cambridge University Press. Codes in Fortran and C++
- Koonin, Steven E., and Dawn C. Meredith (1990). Computational Physics: Fortran Version. Westview Press
- Pang, Tao (2006). An Introduction to Computational Physics, 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press
- Ramkarthik, M.S., and Payal D. Solanki (2021). Numerical Recipes in Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Computing: An Adventure in FORTRAN 90. CRC Press
- Schattke, Wolfgang, and Ricardo Díez Muiño (2013). Quantum Monte-Carlo Programming: For Atoms, Molecules, Clusters, and Solids. Wiley
- Walker, Darren (2016). Computational Physics. Mercury Learning. Code at GitHub
- Zubairi, Omair, and Fridolin Weber (2018). Introduction to Computational Physics for Undergraduates. Morgan & Claypool
- Bartschat, Klaus (Ed.) (1996). Computational Atomic Physics: Electron and Positron Collisions with Atoms and Ions. Springer
- Bestehorn, Michael (2018). Computational Physics With Worked Out Examples in FORTRAN and MATLAB. De Gruyter
- Fischer, Charlotte Frose, Tomas Brage, and Per Jonsson (1997). Computational Atomic Structure: An MCHF Approach. CRC Press. Code here, here, and here
- Thompson, Ian J., and Filomena M. Nunes (2009). Nuclear Reactions for Astrophysics: Principles, Calculation and Applications of Low-Energy Reactions. Cambridge University Press
- Ching, Wai-Yim, and Paul Rulis (2012). Electronic Structure Methods for Complex Materials: The orthogonalized linear combination of atomic orbitals. Oxford University Press. Code here
- Szabo, Attila, and Neil S. Ostlund (1989). Modern Quantum Chemistry: Introduction to Advanced Electronic Structure Theory. McGraw-Hill. Code here, and updated here.
- Elliott, J. Richard, Vladimir Diky, Thomas A. Knotts IV, and W. Vincent Wilding (2023). The Properties of Gases and Liquids, 6th ed.. McGraw-Hill. Code at GitHub
- Erman, Burak, and James E. Mark (1997). Structures and Properties of Rubberlike Networks. Oxford University Press. Appendix G has "Fortran Program for Monte Carlo Calculations"
- Field, Martin J. (1999). A Practical Introduction to the Simulation of Molecular Systems, 1st ed.. Cambridge University Press. Code for fDynamo is here
- Prausnitz, J., T. Anderson, E. Grens, C. Eckert, R. Hsieh, and J. O’Connell (1980). Computer Calculations for Multicomponent Vapor-Liquid and Liquid-Liquid Equilibria. Prentice-Hall
- Castellanos, Kenneth, Andrew Feltenstein, and Gohar Sedrakyan (2024). Computable General Equilibrium Modeling: Theory and Applications. Routledge
- Fehr, Hans, and Kindermann, Fabian (2018). Introduction to Computational Economics Using Fortran. Oxford University Press
- Heer, Burkhard, and Alfred Maussner (2009). Dynamic General Equilibrium Modelling, Computational Methods and Applications. Springer. Code here
- Law, Averill M., and W. David Kelton (1999). Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 3rd. ed.. McGraw-Hill
- Pritsker, A. Alan B. (1995). Introduction to Simulation and SLAM II, 4th ed.. Wiley. Reviewed here
- Akin, J. E. (1994). Finite Elements for Analysis and Design. Academic Press
- Barrett, Richard, Michael Berry, Tony F. Chan, James Demmel, June Donato, Jack Dongarra, Victor Eijkhout, Roldan Pozo, Charles Romine, and Henk van der Vorst (1994). Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods, 2nd ed.. SIAM. Code here
- Bathe, Klaus-Jurgen (2014). Finite Element Procedures, 2nd ed.. Prentice Hall. Text here. Related code ADINA, OpenSTAP, and STAP90
- Beer, Gernot, Ian Smith, and Christian Duenser (2008). The Boundary Element Method with Programming For Engineers and Scientists. Springer
- Beer, Gernot (2001). Programming the Boundary Element Method: An Introduction for Engineers. Wiley
- Belytschko, Ted, Wing Kam Liu, Brian Moran, and Khalil Elkhodary (2013). Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures, 2nd Edition. Wiley
- Bhatt, Prab (2003). Programming the Dynamic Analysis of Structures. CRC
- Chen, W. F., and S. Toma (1994). Advanced Analysis of Steel Frames: Theory, Software, and Applications. CRC Press
- Chen, W. F., and I. Sohal (1995). Plastic Design and Second-Order Analysis of Steel Frames. Springer
- Cook, Robert D., David S. Malkus, Michael E. Plesha, and Robert J. Witt (2001). Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 4th ed.. Wiley
- Crawley, Stanley W., and Robert M. Dillon (1993). Steel Buildings: Analysis and Design, 4th ed.. Wiley
- Demkowicz, Leszek, Jason Kurtz, David Pardo, Maciej Paszynski, Waldemar Rachowicz, and Adam Zdunek (2007). Computing with Hp-Adaptive Finite Elements, Vol. 2: Frontiers Three Dimensional Elliptic and Maxwell Problems with Applications. Chapman and Hall/CRC. Hp3d code here
- de Souza Neto, E.A., D. Peri, and D.R.J. Owen (2008). Computational Methods for Plasticity: Theory and Applications. Wiley. Code at book site and also GitHub
- Dhatt, Gouri, and Gilbert Touzot (1984). The Finite Element Method Displayed. Wiley. Code at GitHub
- Dhondt, Guido (2004). The Finite Element Method for Three‐Dimensional Thermomechanical Applications. Wiley. Accompanied by finite element software CalculiX
- Fenner, D. N. (1987). Engineering stress analysis: A finite element approach with FORTRAN 77 software. Ellis Horwood
- Fenner, Roger T. (2013). Finite Element Methods For Engineers, 2nd ed.. Imperial College Press
- Harrison, Howard B. (1973). Computer methods in structural analysis. Prentice-Hall
- Harrison, Howard B. (1990). Structural Analysis and Design: Some Microcomputer Applications, 2nd. ed.. Pergamon
- Hinton, E., and D. Owen (1979). Finite Element Programming. Academic Press
- Hughes, Thomas J. R. (1987). The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis. Prentice-Hall. Related code DLEARN
- Javanbakht, Zia, and Andreas Öchsner (2017). Advanced Finite Element Simulation with MSC Marc: Application of User Subroutines. Springer
- Nguyen, Duc Thai (2024). Parallel-Sparse Statics and Eigen-Solutions. Springer
- Nguyen, Duc Thai (2002). Parallel-Vector Equation Solvers for Finite Element Engineering Applications. Springer
- Owen, D. R. J., and Ernest Hinton (1980). Finite Elements in Plasticity: Theory and Practice. Pineridge Press. Reviewed here, related code here
- París, Federico, and José Cañas (1997). Boundary Element Method: Fundamentals and Applications. Oxford University Press. Code at Burkardt's site
- Reddy, J. N. (2005). An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, 3rd ed.. McGraw-Hill. Code here
- Smith, I.M., D. V. Griffiths, and L. Margetts (2013). Programming the Finite Element Method, 5th Edition. Wiley. Code at Griffiths’ site and GitHub
- Thompson, Erik G. (2004). Introduction to the Finite Element Method: Theory, Programming and Applications. Wiley. Fortran and Matlab codes here
- Trapp, Michael, and Andreas Öchsner (2018). Computational Plasticity for Finite Elements: A Fortran-Based Introduction. Springer
- White, Robert E. (1985). An Introduction to the Finite Element Method with Applications to Nonlinear Problems 1st Ed.. Wiley
- Wright, E. Alaphia (1990). Open Pit Mine Design Models: Introduction With Fortran 77 Programs. Trans Tech Publications
- Zienkiewicz, O.C., R. L. Taylor, and J.Z. Zhu (2013). The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals 7th Ed.. Oxford. feappv code at GitHub
- Zienkiewicz, O.C., and R. L. Taylor (2013). The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics, 7th Ed.. Elsevier. feappv code at GitHub
- Alexandrou, Andreas N. (2001). Principles of Fluid Mechanics. Prentice-Hall
- Blazek, Jiri (2015). Computational Fluid Dynamics: Principles and Applications, 3rd ed.. Butterworth-Heinemann
- Chung, T. J. (2010). Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2nd ed.. Cambridge University Press
- Date, Anil W. (2005). Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics. Cambridge University Press
- Farrashkhalvat, M., and J.P. Miles (2003). Basic Structured Grid Generation, with an introduction to unstructured grid generation. Butterworth-Heinemann
- Ferziger, Joel H., Peric, Milovan, and Street, Robert L. (2002). Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics. Springer
- Fletcher, C. A. J. (1998). Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 1: Fundamental and General Techniques. Springer
- Fletcher, C. A. J. (1991). Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 2: Specific Techniques for Different Flow Categories. Springer
- Katz, Joseph, and Allen Plotkin (2001). Low-Speed Aerodynamics. Cambridge University Press. Code at GitHub
- Liu, G. R., and M. B. Liu (2003). Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: A Meshfree Particle Method. World Scientific. Code at site and at GitHub
- Norouzi, Hamid Reza, Reza Zarghami, Rahmat Sotudeh-Gharebagh, and Navid Mostoufi (2016). Coupled CFD-DEM Modeling: Formulation, Implementation and Application to Multiphase Flows. Wiley
- Orlandi, Paolo (2000). Fluid Flow Phenomena: A Numerical Toolkit. Kluwer. Code at author's site
- Patankar, Suhas V. (1991). Computation of Conduction and Duct Flow Heat Transfer. CRC Press
- Pozrikidis, C. (2017). Fluid Dynamics: Theory, Computation, and Numerical Simulation, 3rd ed.. Springer
- Pozrikidis, C. (2011). Introduction to Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2nd. ed.. Oxford
- Roberson, John A., and Clayton T. Crowe (1997). Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 6th ed.. Wiley. The appendix has programs for (1) finding the velocity distribution in a Couette flow with a variable viscosity distribution, (2) finding values for stream function in converging duct by solving, numerically, Laplace's equation using the line-by-line procedure, (3) analysis of fluid flowing in an extended length Venturi approach section, and (4) the time history of the water surface profile in a basin open to a reservoir with a sinusoidally varying water surface level
- Røed, Lars Petter (2019). Atmospheres and Oceans on Computers: Fundamental Numerical Methods for Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. Springer. Has appendix Introduction to Fortran 2003 via Examples
- Selvam, R. Panneer (2022). Computational Fluid Dynamics for Wind Engineering. Wiley
- Algazin, Sergey D., and Igor A. Kijko (2015). Aeroelastic Vibrations and Stability of Plates and Shells. De Gruyter
- Mabie, Hamilton H., and Charles F. Reinholtz (1987). Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery, 4th ed.. Wiley
- Rao, Natti S. (1981). Designing Machines and Dies for Polymer Processing with Computer Programs: FORTRAN and BASIC. Hanser
- Lee, Wen Ho (2018). Computational Solid Mechanics for Oil Well Perforator Design. World Scientific
- Moran, Jack (1984). An Introduction to Theoretical and Computational Aerodynamics. Wiley. Reviewed here
- Smetana, Frederick O. (1997). Introductory Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics of Wings and Bodies: A Software-Based Approach. American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Vallado, David (2022). Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications, 5th ed.. Microcosm Press. Code here and here
- Wu, Lianda, and Mingjiang Zhang (2024). Hansen Coefficients in Satellite Orbital Dynamics. Springer. Code in Appendix D
- Weiland, Claus (2010). Computational Space Flight Mechanics. Springer
- Yanushevsky, Rafael (2019). Modern Missile Guidance, 2nd ed.. CRC
- Zarchan, Paul (2007). Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance, 5th ed.. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics