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Unity3d object serialization and deserialization library


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Current Version: 0.3.1
Updated 15 May 2021 | Changelog (Not yet available)


BeauData is an object serialization and deserialization library, intended to reduce the amount of custom logic necessary to save and load objects. It supports the basic object versioning, serialization and deserialization of subclasses, and type aliasing. It can read and write to XML, JSON, binary, and gzipped binary.

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Reference


Installing BeauData

Download BeauData.unitypackage from the repo. Unpack it into your project.

BeauData uses the BeauData namespace. You'll need to add the statement using BeauData; to the top of any scripts using it.

Setting Up a Serialized Object

Serialized objects must implement the ISerializedObject interface.

private class TestClassA : ISerializedObject
    public Guid someId;
    public float someFloatData;
    public TestClassB child;
    public Vector2 vec2Prop { get; set; }

	// This is the only method you are required to implement.
    // It's called for both serialization and deserialization,
    // so you don't need to add/remove/reorder fields
    // in two separate methods.
    public void Serialize(Serializer ioSerializer)
    	// The general format for serialization methods is
        // Serialize(propertyKey, ref field, [default value (if supported by type)], [extra options])
        ioSerializer.Serialize("someId", ref someId);
        ioSerializer.Serialize("someFloatData", ref someFloatData);
        // You can even nest serialized objects inside of this one.
        // Note that methods for serializing objects start with Object instead of Serialize
        ioSerializer.Object("child", ref child);
        // Serializing C# properties instead of fields requires some extra work,
        // since you can't pass a property in by reference.
        // Because of this limitation, it's recommended you use fields instead of properties.
        if (ioSerializer.IsWriting)
			Vector2 vec2PropCopy = vec2Prop;
            ioSerializer.Serialize("vec2Prop", ref vec2PropCopy);
        	Vector2 vec2PropDest = default(Vector2);
            ioSerializer.Serialize("vec2Prop", ref vec2PropDest);
            vec2Prop = vec2PropDest;

private class TestClassB : ISerializedObject

Most field types also allow you to specify a default value. When writing, if the default value matches the provided value, the field will be omitted. When reading, if a field is omitted but a default value is provided, that value will be used instead.

You can also specify a field as optional by providing FieldOptions.Optional. When writing, if the provided value is null, the field will be omitted. When reading, if the field is omitted but marked as optional, a null value will be used instead.

For the XML format, if you provide FieldOptions.PreferAttribute, certain field types can be written as XML attributes instead of child elements.

Writing the Object

To write your ISerializedObject, call Serializer.Write.

TestClassA testClassA = new TestClassA( ... );

// You can serialize to a string
string serializedObject = Serializer.Write(testClassA, OutputOptions.None, Serializer.Format.JSON);

// You can also serialize to a stream
Stream stream = [...];
Serializer.Write(testClassA, stream, OutputOptions.None, Serializer.Format.Binary);

Reading the Object

To read your ISerializedObject back into memory, call Serializer.Read.

// You can read from a string
string source = [...];
TestClassA deserializedFromString = Serializer.Read<TestClassA>(source);

// You can also read from a stream.
// Note that this is currently limited to streams containing only an ISerializedObject
Stream stream = [...];
TestClassA deserializedFromStream = Serializer.Read<TestClassA>(stream);


[documentation coming soon]


Subclasses of an ISerializedObject object can be serialized and deserialized. When writing, an object of a different type than the expected type will write out a __type property, which contains the assembly-qualified name of the type to construct when reading the object back into memory.

The assembly-qualified name can be quite lengthy. If you'd like the __type field to be shorter, you can also register a type alias. A type with an alias will write/read the alias instead of the assembly-qualified name.


Custom Serializers

[documentation coming soon]



The following export types are supported.

Type Notes
XML Supports serializing fields as XML attributes instead of nodes.
Binary Custom binary format.
Gzip Compressed form of Binary

Built-In Serializable Types

The following types are able to be serialized.

Type Category Function Prefix Default Values? XML Attribute? Notes
Boolean Value Serialize
Byte Value Serialize
Byte[] Value Serialize X X
Double Value Serialize
System.Guid Value Serialize
Int16 Value Serialize
Int32 Value Serialize
Int64 Value Serialize
Single Value Serialize
String Value Serialize
UInt16 Value Serialize
UInt32 Value Serialize
UInt64 Value Serialize
Enum Enum Enum Binary formats respect the enum's backing type (i.e. an Int32 enum is written as Int32, a Byte enum is written as Byte, etc.). Changing an enum's backing type will cause issues when reading binary formats.
BeauData.FourCC Value Serialize
BeauData.ISerializedObject Object Object X X
UnityEngine.Bounds Value Serialize X
UnityEngine.BoundsInt Value Serialize X
UnityEngine.Color Value Serialize X
UnityEngine.Quaternion Value Serialize X
UnityEngine.Rect Value Serialize X
UnityEngine.RectInt Value Serialize X
UnityEngine.Texture2D Value Serialize X Must specify PNG or JPG export format when writing.
UnityEngine.Vector2 Value Serialize X
UnityEngine.Vector2Int Value Serialize X
UnityEngine.Vector3 Value Serialize X
UnityEngine.Vector3Int Value Serialize X
UnityEngine.Vector4 Value Serialize X

Additionally, collections of all of these types are able to be serialized.

// where T is the serialized type
Dictionary<int, T>
Dictionary<string, T>

Serializer Properties

Property Description
IsReading Indicates if the Serializer is in read mode.
IsWriting Indicates if the Serializer is in write mode.
ObjectVersion Version number for the most recent ISerializedObject.
HasErrors Indicates if the Serializer has encountered errors.
Errors Debug string representing all errors the Serializer has encountered.

Serializer Methods

Function Description
Serialize Reads/writes a key-value pair with a value.
Array Reads/writes a key-value pair with an array or list of values.
Set Reads/writes a key-value pair with a set of values.
Map Reads/writes a key-value pair with a dictionary of values.
Enum Reads/writes a key-value pair with an enum.
EnumArray Reads/writes a key-value pair with an array or list of enums.
EnumSet Reads/writes a key-value pair with a set of enums.
EnumMap Reads/writes a key-value pair with a dictionary of enums.
Object Reads/writes a key-value pair with an ISerializedObject
ObjectArray Reads/writes a key-value pair with an array or list of ISerializedObject.
ObjectSet Reads/writes a key-value pair with a set of ISerializedObject.
ObjectMap Reads/writes a key-value pair with a dictionary of ISerializedObject.
Custom Reads/writes a key-value pair for a type with a custom serializer.
CustomArray Reads/writes a key-value pair with an array or list of a type with a custom serializer..
CustomSet Reads/writes a key-value pair with a set of a type with a custom serializer..
CustomMap Reads/writes a key-value pair with a dictionary of a type with a custom serializer..
BeginGroup Creates (if writing) or enters (if reading) a named subgroup. Useful for grouping properties without creating subobjects.
EndGroup Ends (if writing) or exits (if reading) a named subgroup.

Read/Write Methods

Function Description
Read (UnityEngine.TextAsset) Reads an ISerializedObject from a TextAsset.
Read (UnityEngine.WWW) Reads an ISerializedObject from a WWW.
Read (UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest) Reads an ISerializedObject from a UnityWebRequest.
Read (String) Reads an ISerializedObject from a String.
Read (System.IO.Stream) Reads an ISerializedObject from a String.
Read (Byte[]) Reads an ISerializedObject from a Byte[].
ReadFile Reads an ISerializedObject from an external file.
ReadPrefs Reads an ISerializedObject from PlayerPrefs.
Write Writes an ISerializedObject to a String
Write (System.IO.Stream) Writes an ISerializedObject to a Stream
WriteFile Writes an ISerializedObject to an external file.
WritePrefs Writes an ISerializedObject to PlayerPrefs.

Misc Methods

Function Description
TypeUtility.RegisterAlias Registers an alias for the given type. Useful if relying on subclass serialization.
TypeUtility.RegisterRename Registers a rename alias for the given type. Useful if a non-aliased type has been renamed and you want to maintain backwards compatibility.
TypeUtility.RegisterSerializer Registers a custom serialization function for the given type.
PathUtility.CorrectPath Will append the correct extension for the given format to a file path, if an extension is not already present.
PathUtility.StreamingAssetsPath Returns the given path modified to be relative to the StreamingAssets path.
PathUtility.PersistentDataPath Returns the given path modified to be relative to the PersistentData path.
PathUtility.DataPath Returns the given path modified to be relative to the Data path.
PathUtility.TempCachePath Returns the given path modified to be relative to the TemporaryCache path.
PathUtility.PathToURL Returns the given path modified to be a valid URL for a WWW or UnityWebRequest.


Unity3d object serialization and deserialization library







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