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21st November 2018

This research follows on from research done on ACDC transforms and training networks incorporated them into the convolutional layers, with the goal of efficiency. That research log is found here

In this repository we're going to be comparing various other methods using low-rank approximations to the full-rank random matrices typically used in deep learning. There were some simple tricks that made the training of ACDC convolutional layers possible:

  1. Set an appropriate weight decay.
  2. Use distillation.
  3. Ensure initialisation maintains the properties of common deep learning random initialisation strategies.

Currently, we have only added HashedNets to the implemented layers, and they need to use separable layers (current implementation does not). The implementation of ACDC layers is separable, so it is required for a level playing field. Also, it's a standard choice to improve efficiency anyway.

After implementing the current full convolution HashedNet layers, tested them with a WRN-28-10 and a teacher that achieves 3.3% top 1 error on CIFAR-10. Strangely, the network trained without a teacher worked better, achieving a final top-1 error of 6.48%. The student network converged to 7.47%.

The training loss converges to zero in the case of the network trained without a teacher. Student networks typically don't converge to zero; the attention transfer loss is hard to minimise.

The overfitting here is not bad, similar to experiments with traditional networks:

The original network had the following number of parameters and mult-adds:

Mult-Adds: 5.24564E+09
Params: 3.64792E+07

And we are able to reduce that to be about a 10th, because these HashedNet layers have been set to use 1/10 the parameters of the original layer.

Mult-Adds: 5.24564E+09
Params: 1.49884E+06

I'm not sure why the number of parameters even smaller than a 1/10. That suggests there might be a problem in the script counting parameters.

To check, added a sanity check explicitly checking the number of parameters in the whole network. Result was the same for both networks, so it could be that the HashedNet layer's method of choosing how many parameters to budget for is broken somehow.

Update: found the mistake. Number of original parameters was being estimated using only one of the kernel dimensions, meaning it was out by, on average, a factor of three. Fixed it and the network using HashedDecimate is indeed about 10 times smaller:

Mult-Adds: 5.24564E+09
Params: 3.91190E+06
Sanity check, parameters: 3.91190E+06

Don't know what performance this network might get, though. Presumably a little better.

Started an experiment with a SeparableHashedNet, including this fix. So far, it is performing better, but that could easily be because of the 3x larger parameter budget in each layer.

Budget Parameterisation

I wanted to, regardless of the low-rank approximation method chosen, be able to set a budget in parameters for a network then the code would just set the hyperparameter controlling how many parameters are used by the network to meet that. To do that, I need to be able to pass options to the module implementing the Conv that is substituted into the WRN used in this code.

Currently, the argument given on the command line is just crudely matched to the name of a Conv in There's even a horrible if block involved.

Seems like the easiest way to do this is going to be to have a generator function in that returns a Conv with a hyperparameter set to whatever we like. Then, it's easy enough to search through a range of settings when a budget is prescribed.

Wrote it to used scipy's scalar_minimize to set the hyperparameter to match the budget specified.


Would like to run experiments on a state of the art network. DARTS is, conventiently, one of the best CIFAR-10 networks published, and they provided a stored model in PyTorch.

22nd November 2018

DARTS results

Trained a DARTS network with our default training settings overnight. The final top 1 error was only 4.96%. The accuracy of the pre-trained network supplied with the paper is below 3%, so their training strategy seems to also be important. If we're going to use this network in these experiments, we'll have to port their training script into ours and make sure everything is the same. This could involve also using the extra augmentations they use, which could slow down training.

ACDC results

Also, overnight I ran another experiment with a WRN-28-10 and the original ACDC parameterisation using a full permutation instead of a riffle shuffle. The final top 1 error was 5.35%, which is slightly worse than the 5.23% achieved with the riffle shuffle. Although, they are so similar it seems likely that how the shuffle is done isn't very important.

HashedNet results

Trained separable HashedNet WRN-28-10 with and without distillation using the same teacher used in other experiments. Before, for reference, the network has 3.64792E+07 parameters, and after it has 3.91190E+06 parameters, so approximately 10x fewer. Trained without distillation, the top-1 error is 5.95%, with distillation it decreases to 3.84%: similar to the results obtained with grouping and bottlenecks described in the pytorch-acdc research log.

Matching DARTS training protocol

Looking at the code provided for training DARTS models, and trying to make sure we do exactly the same thing when we train one. Hyperparameters:

  • batch_size = 96
  • learning_rate = 0.025
  • momentum = 0.9
  • weight_decay = 3e-4
  • epochs = 600 !!!

Data tranforms:

  • port _data_transforms_cifar10 functions from and use it
  • will also need to port Cutout (succint implementation of Cutout), also in

Training specifics:

  • Cosine annealing learning rate schedule, annealing over the entire training schedule.
  • Linearly schedule drop_path_prob in the model object from 0 to 0.2 over the entire training schedule.

Training will probably take about 24 hours, with these changes.

Did some hacky if statements to make these changes when running with a DARTS network. Should work.

Started an experiment training the DARTS network with the proposed settings. Unfortunately, my estimate of 24 hours looks to be optimistic. The estimate given by the code itself is currently 42 hours. I think the training code provided in the DARTS repo was a little faster than this.

Started parallel experiment running the original training code from scratch on a separate GPU. Should be able to compare the learning curves later, if required.

Matching Teacher/Student WRN-28-10 Training

Currently, the experiments reported here with WRN-28-10 used a WRN-28-10 that had been trained using Cutout augmentation, but the student hadn't used this augmentation. I thought it better to use a teacher network that wasn't trained with Cutout augmentation in order that they match, and then the results will match the performance of WRN-28-10 reported in the literature.

I got a pretrained WRN-28-10 from someone else in our group, who tested it and found it's test error was 3.95%, but after loading it into this code I tested it at 4.2%. I'm not sure what the source of error might be.

23rd November 2018

Seemed reasonable to use the best reported WRN architecture in our ImageNet experiments, as that is a reasonable benchmark. Unfortunately, it turns out the WRN-50-2 reported in the paper, and provided with an esoteric functional implementation here is slightly different from the models trained on CIFAR-10. It doesn't match the figures in the paper on the structure of the network.

Maybe it's mentioned somewhere in the paper in passing but I didn't see it. It turns out it's a ResNet-50, but with expansion=2 and all channels doubled.

So, I adapted the official ResNet50 implementation from torchvision and loaded the supplied parameters: implemeneted in the script Luckily, the ordering of parameters matched without too much difficulty.

Testing this over the validation set:

Error@1 22.530 Error@5 6.406

Which is unfortunately 0.5% short of the expected top-1/top-5 of 22.0/6.05. Not sure why that might be, if there had been a problem loading parameters (if something hadn't matched properly) I would've expected it to fail completely.

To double check, updated to run a random input through both networks and check the output is always the same. The max absolute error never gets about 1e-3, so they're doing the same thing. The difference in error may just be because this is an old implementation and some small thing may have changed in the PyTorch code. The only way to know for sure would be to run the original validation script and see if the results still hold.

So, I did that, and the results matched the results got from my own experiment on the validation set (top-1/top-5): [77.47, 93.594]. I can't explain that 0.5%. Committing the version of the script I ran, here.

Testing ImageNet Training

Before we train a student network, we need to know that our training routine works for this WRN-50-2 network. Looking at the original paper, they report the learning rate, weight decay and momentum match what we already set to do CIFAR-10 training with these WideResNets. Unfortunately, they don't give more details on the ImageNet training, other than saying they use fb.resnet.torch. That gives no clear single prescription for a ResNet-50, beyond setting the minibatch size to 256 and using 4 GPUs in parallel.

As I've trained ImageNet models in the past using PyTorch, I'm just going to use those settings. Matching the PyTorch ImageNet example:

  • 90 epochs
  • learning rate decays every 30 epochs to 1/10 of prior
  • batch size 256 (unlikely to fit on 1 GPU)

Only have 1 GPU free right now. Was not able to start an experiment with batch size 256, or 64. Had to set it to 32. Unfortunately, by my estimate it will take two weeks and may not even converge properly with the wrong batch size. Hopefully, this is only because we're not using multi-gpu training and not a problem with our training script.

update: killed this experiment, after a few days it did not appear to be converging.

26th November 2018

Talking to Amos, seems like using cutout in all experiments is probably a safer course of action. Don't want to arbitrarily limit the results.

Started experiment to test chosen AT taps, and distillation in general, when using a DARTS network. Used Separabled-Hashed-Decimate substitution.

28th November 2018

Tested running student WRN-28-10 with Cutout enabled, as the teacher was also trained with Cutout. Used the Separable-Hashed-Decimate substitute convolution layer, as we've already done an experiment with this same network so we can compare. The results (found above) were previously 3.84% top-1 error at the end of training. With Cutout, it actually performed worse, with a top-1 error of 3.99%.

Investigating this, I found something I hadn't previously noticed. The hashed network layers overfit very heavily without Cutout. The train top-1 of the same Separable-Hashed-Decimate substitute convolution before Cutout was used in training:

And this is the same when the network is trained without a teacher network. The weight decay setting for the hashed network real weights is probably set too low, because we set it simply to be the value used for ACDC experiments.

However, when Cutout is used, the top-1 error no longer has this issue:

Now, it's underfitting. It never reaches zero top-1 error, despite the validation top-1 being very similar in both cases. So, maybe in this case the weight decay setting is OK. If we assume this means that using Cutout in experiments can make setting the weight decay more robust, then it's probably better to include it.

Finally, the final validation cross-entropy loss is slightly lower, at 0.1388 versus 0.1401 when using Cutout, so it's probably still better to use it.

We have plans for setting the weight decay based on the compression factor of the low-rank approximation. It would be worth running these experiments now sooner, rather than later.

29th November 2019

Test using a student network in DARTS with a Separable Hashed Decimate substitution finished today. It took 58 hours total, but at least it only needs one GPU to run on. Before substitution:

> python cifar10 --conv Sep --network DARTS
Mult-Adds: 5.38201E+08
Params: 3.34934E+06
Sanity check, parameters: 3.34934E+06

With HashedNet conv blocks substituted, we don't see much reduction in parameters, because DARTS already uses small separable convolutions, and the number of parameters used in the "Decimate" layers is calculated based on a full convolution.

> python cifar10 --conv SepHashedDecimate --network DARTS
Mult-Adds: 5.38201E+08
Params: 3.03657E+06
Sanity check, parameters: 3.03657E+06

So, we have reduced it only by 10% of the parameters. It would really have been a good idea to check this before running the experiment, but here we are. And, we can at least say the student network training works, because it converged to 2.94% top-1 error, which is still better than most networks on CIFAR-10. The teacher scored 2.86%, so only a relative difference of 0.02, or 0.08% absolute.

30th November 2018

Looked into better theory on what to set the weight decay to. It's not possible to use a change of variables in general here, because the low-rank approximations are all one-to-many. I hoped there might be some approximation that would give a good guide on how much to reduce the weight decay factor by, but couldn't find anything.

Matt Graham suggested we might be able to find an appropriate scaling factor by SGD. I tried this a little in a script called, in commit 9da1d0afdb73b7019312ac7475e733c1c65dd59e and removed after. It was very unstable (the loss function varied by many orders of magnitude depending on the input). Unsure exactly what is going wrong here, but I've spent enough time on this. We'll just set the weight decay uniformly low in experiments.

Default Tensor dtype

It seems that the tntorch import in sets all tensors to initialise with Double precision, which breaks everything else.

It's because this line is in tntorch.tensor: torch.set_default_dtype(torch.float64). I don't particularly want to pull request a fix for this as well, so I'll just set the default dtype back to normal after the import.

11th December 2018

Unfortunately, wasn't able to start experiments before NeurIPS. Turns out it's not so easy to substitute layers into DARTS to save parameters. While at NeurIPS, I had a spare moment to investigate.

It looks like a fairly large proportion of the parameters in the learnt DARTS architecture are used in the skip connections. Those employ full convolutions, while the rest of the network uses depthwise separable convolutions. I don't know if it's necessary that they do, but it makes the job of substitution more difficult.

Previously, wherever there was a grouped convolution followed by a pointwise convolution in the original network structure I would replace that by whatever alternative low-parameter convolutional block we were looking at: usually a grouped convolution followed by a low-rank pointwise. I thought this would be simple enough to work with, and makes some of the layers easier to design.

The problem with these skip connections is, now I'll be doing a different substitution. It's a full convolution, and it might be necessary that it be so for the current performance of the network. So, substituting modifications using depthwise-separable convolutions is changing the underlying network.

More practically, it means that we can't load the teacher network so easily, because it will try to load the parameters for a full convolution to a place where we've now substituted in a separable convolution. This is just due to how the code works.

Continuing without substituting the skip connections is not going to work, because then we can, at best, only reduce the size of the DARTS network by about half, regardless of which method we use. We'd like to be able to aim for higher compression factors than that. But, we should find out how much changing that convolution to separable affects the DARTS network - will it still achieve the same accuracy?

So, two experiments to start: one where we substitute these layers and actually reduce the size of the DARTS network by 10 times using a HashedNet substitution, and another where we train a DARTS network from scratch but with separable substitutions.

With these changes to the code, the SepHashedDecimate substitution reduces the approximately 3M parameter DARTS network to:

Mult-Adds: 5.41629E+08
Params: 4.28400E+05
Sanity check, parameters: 4.28400E+05

Started experiments described above, to check that this is a valid change to make for experiments. Will be finished in 3 days.

Accidentally named the experiment training a DARTS network from scratch with separable convolutions in the shortcuts with the date tag Nov22 because I forgot to change it. Currently running on tullibardine.

12th December 2018

Coming back to the idea for a justification for setting a lower weight decay, so that we might be able to figure out what weight decay to set based on the compression factor that the compressed weight matrix is achieving, Joe Mellor suggested that we just preserve the total variance of the prior.

I've written out what this derivation would look like here.

To check if it makes sense, I'm going to run an experiment we've run before using HashedNet layers, setting the weight decay according to this. Should hopefully see a difference.

A good choice might be wrn_28_10.patch.wrn_28_10.acdc.student.5m4.Nov15, which achieved a final test top 1 of 4.95%. This experiment was repeated the day after, including the grouped convolution as well to use the lower weight decay factor, but the final test error was worse, achieving only 5.26%.

Modifying the code to use the compression factor to calculate the appropriate weight decay.

Running this command for the experiment:

python cifar10 student --conv ACDC -t wrn_28_10.patch -s wrn_28_10.acdc.student.Dec11 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10 --alpha 0. --beta 1e3

OOM DARTS and adding checkpointing

After making these changes, a new problem occurs. With these extra substitutions the computational graph is now much larger, so the model hits an OOM while trying to do the backward pass. Specifically, it happens when drop_path is enabled, otherwise the model just fits (around 11GB) during training.

To investigate, running with batch size 12 we use 2073MB and then enabling drop_path this increases to 2207MB; around a 6% increase.

I thought perhaps it would be possible to reduce the memory usage using the new checkpoint utility in pytorch, but after wrapping the function implementing drop_path, the memory usage was still 2207MB.

Instead, tried using the checkpoint utility on calls in the model. Then, memory use actually increased to 2277MB, which doesn't make much sense.

Instead, replacing the factorized reduction function with a checkpointed version reduced memory usage to 2183MB, which is probably not enough.

In addition to that, checkpointing ConvReluBN blocks brought it down to 1803MB. Putting the batch size back to normal, the model runs using 9235MB. However, it now takes about 750ms per iteration, versus 630ms before (when not dropping paths). Don't see any way around this though, we do need to be able to run this model while using more memory.

Now started an experiment with this code and it looks like it'll take around 66 hours to complete.

13th December 2018

High Compression with HashedNets

After thinking that the experiment described on the 11th had completed (it had not), I ran two experiments to test high compression factors using HashedNet. One used 1/100 the parameters in each layer that the original network used, and the other was attempting to meet a budget of 1e5 parameters total, both using wrn_28_10.

Looking at the number of parameters used here:

> python cifar10 --conv Hashed_0.01 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10
Mult-Adds: 5.24564E+09
Params: 6.54272E+05
Sanity check, parameters: 6.54272E+05

And the budgeted one, we can assume reached close to 1e5 parameters.

Neither performed well. Budgetat at 1e5 parameters, the wide resnet failed to converge at all, although the training loss didn't become unstable. Both show significant underfitting.

The final test top-1 error of Hashed_0.01 was 29.81%, which is a complete failure, even for that low parameter budget.

It should be noted that the HashedNet implementation now applies the hashing to both the grouped and pointwise convolutions when substituting, and this experiment has failed to test whether that significantly affects training. So, running another experiment using a HashedNet that decimates a wrn_28_10.

More Naming Mistakes

When training the DARTS network from scratch, but substituting skip connections with a separable convolution, I forgot to change the date tag, so it has the same darts.Nov22 tag as the original run. This could be a problem, because it's overwritten the model checkpoint. Luckily, I've already copied it to other machines, so I have backups. The real loss is that it's just appended to the original log file, making the graphs harder to read on TensorBoard.

14th December 2018

DARTS with Separable Shortcuts

Training a DARTS network from scratch, using the same training protocol but using separable convolutions in the shortcut connections finished training with 3.16% top-1 error. Originally, it scored 2.86%, so we've lost some performance.

> python cifar10 --network DARTS --conv Sep                          
Mult-Adds: 5.41629E+08
Params: 3.36219E+06
Sanity check, parameters: 3.36219E+06

Although, it turns out that I made a mistake in the substitution. I didn't realise that these skip layers are only ever 1x1 convolutions and the DepthwiseSep module I used as a substitution always added a grouped convolution (should really have at least added a check to see if a spatial convolution was required). So, all we did was add extra scaling parameters in a 1x1 grouped convolution prior to the 1x1 pointwise convolution that was already there. So, the number of parameters stayed the same actually increased. Before the substitution this is how many parameters the network used:

Mult-Adds: 5.38201E+08
Params: 3.34934E+06
Sanity check, parameters: 3.34934E+06

Strange then that this should so negatively affect the results. But it does at least make the substitution easier. We may even be able to maintain full rank grouped convolutions in these experiments.

Also, I fixed the DepthwiseSep layer so that it only uses grouped convolutions when required. Should really add a test to run over all of the substitutions modules and make sure this doesn't happen again.

Unfortunately, the experiment distilling the DARTS network down to approximately 1/10 the size using HashedNet substitutions keeps hitting SegFaults at random intervals during training. Trying to figure out a reasonable way to debug this. May just try running it on a different machine; at least, if that is the problem, our experiments on cloud providers aren't completely ruined.

WRN, appropriate weight decay

Started experiments with ACDC and HashedNet substitutions. To recap, the original, full-rank WRN-28-10 uses the following number of parameters:

> python cifar10 --conv Conv --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28
Mult-Adds: 5.24564E+09
Params: 3.64792E+07
Sanity check, parameters: 3.64792E+07

With the ACDC substitution:

> python cifar10 --conv ACDC --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28
Mult-Adds: 7.99262E+08
Params: 5.55498E+05
Sanity check, parameters: 5.55498E+05

And with the HashedNet substitution:

> python cifar10 --conv SepHashedDecimate --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28
Mult-Adds: 6.29697E+08
Params: 7.10327E+05
Sanity check, parameters: 7.10327E+05

Which is a bit more compression that just 10% of the parameters. This is because it was changed to be 10% of the equivalent separable convolution.

These two networks are very similar sizes and achieve similar performance. The HashedNet substitution:

Error@1 5.040 Error@5 0.100

And the ACDC substitution:

Error@1 4.990 Error@5 0.150

For comparison, the HashedNet result on 22nd November showed better top-1 error, but the network used several times more parameters, 3.91190E+06 for a top-1 error of 3.84%.

The same network structure with ACDC was tested and the results reported here. Unfortunately, even this isn't directly comparable because I have since added cutout augmentation to the training protocol in distillation. But, I think we can safely conclude that this setting for weight decay is no worse, for the architectures we've already tried. And, the fact that it reverts to normal weight decay when we apply no compression is neat.

18th December 2018

HashedNet Substitution on DARTS

The experiment reducing DARTS to less than 10% it's original size using HashedNet substitutions in both the grouped and pointwise parts of the separable convolutions has completed. For reference, here is the report of it's size:

> python cifar10 --conv SepHashedDecimate --network DARTS
Mult-Adds: 5.41629E+08
Params: 4.28400E+05
Sanity check, parameters: 4.28400E+05

The final top-1 test error was 4.64%.

The learning curves show more underfitting than when training a full-size DARTS network. The full-size top-1 training error reduces to 1.5%, while this compressed network finishes at 5%; higher than test error due to dropout.

Compression ratio is 79, ie the compressed network contains 1.3% the parameters of the full-size network.


The aim is to start running experiments on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet as soon as possible. What is left to do until that can happen?

  1. Run a test with tntorch decomposition, see if it will converge.
  2. Test sizes of networks with different settings to see if all compressed layers can meet the budgets we're interested in.
  3. Test ImageNet distillations settings: can we train a WRN-50-2 on ImageNet with distillation using this code as it currently stands?
  4. (Optional) Review code for all layers by eye, to be safe.
  5. Set up AWS to run CIFAR-10 experiments and collate results.

tntorch float32

rballester pushed an update so that the Tucker decomposition can still be calculated if the default dtype is changed. Just ran the tests again, and it seems like it works, so don't have to use my hacky solution.

Starting TensorTrain Experiments

Started experiments running TensorTrain, with a rank scaling factor of 0.1 to check that we can use tntorch; ie that forward and backward propagation through this parameterisation wouldn't be too slow. For completeness, here are the commands, and filenames:

wrn_28_10.tensortrain_0.1.Dec18.t7: cifar10 teacher --conv TensorTrain_0.1 -t wrn_28_10.tensortrain_0.1.Dec18 --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28 --alpha 0. --beta 1e3
wrn_28_10.tensortrain_0.1.student.Dec18.t7: cifar10 student --conv TensorTrain_0.1 -t wrn_28_10.patch -s wrn_28_10.tensortrain_0.1.student.Dec18 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10 --alpha 0. --beta 1e3

Starting Tucker and CP Experiments

Had two free GPUs to work with, so started experiments training these networks from scratch with the same rank scaling settings as the TensorTrain experiment. Should be useful for comparison, and to discover any problems with training these networks.

wrn_28_10.tucker_0.1.Dec18.t7: cifar10 teacher --conv Tucker_0.1 -t wrn_28_10.tucker_0.1.Dec18 --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28 --alpha 0. --beta 1e3
wrn_28_10.cp_0.1.Dec18.t7: cifar10 teacher --conv CP_0.1 -t wrn_28_10.cp_0.1.Dec18 --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28 --alpha 0. --beta 1e3

19th December 2018

Completed: Experiments

The experiments described yesterday have finished. Looking at the learning curves, the weight decay appears to be well-tuned; there's not much evidence of overfitting. Train top-1 tracks the test top-1 relatively closely. Results training from scratch:

Train top-1 Test top-1
TensorTrain_0.1 5.61% 8.02%
Tucker_0.1 13.7% 14.0%
CP_0.1 5.81% 8.13%

The learning curves for the CP and TensorTrain models track very closely. It could be that, with these settings, they're equivalent fit on random matrices (I should really look at the maths more closely).

With AT, using the same WRN-28-10 teacher used everywhere in the experiments reported here, we only have results for TensorTrain. It seems to help, and it converges to 4.57% top-1 test error.

Now, despite setting the arbitrary rank scaling factor to 0.1 in all of these cases, these models don't use the same number of parameters. But, needs some work right now to estimate how my mult-add operations would be required, in theory, to run these layers in a real network. Until then, we can report how many parameters each of these uses:

  • TensorTrain_0.1 : 1.19e6
  • Tucker_0.1 : 1.28e6
  • CP_0.1 : 1.19e6

It's a little surprising to find that the Tucker decomposition is using more parameters. I was expecting it to be too compressed, to explain why it's failing to train, but I suppose there must be something else about the parameterisation that isn't amenable to SGD.

These results do raise a problem with the experiments though. There are other settings with how we use these decompositions. I've arbitrarily set the rank setting to make it easy to use, but there's much more control about the type of tensor decomposition we might like to build that may make a huge difference, like how many cores to use, and their respective ranks in TensorTrain. tntorch appears to make this relatively easy to modify.

I don't really have the knowledge to know what might make a "good" tensor decomposition for this problem (and I'm not sure who would, since the problem is to make a tensor decomposition that is more amenable to SGD in a deep network).

It doesn't seem fair to arbitrarily set these settings for each of these decompositions. We could do some black box search to find "good" settings for each, and then use that in all experiments, but that could be very time consuming (and would delay starting the main set of experiments).

For now, these settings do appear to be sane, and are training. I'll discuss whether to run extra experiments with someone else.

Talked to Amos

Amos was of the opinion that this review/comparison of methods must be systematic. And so, it is necessary that we configure the substitute decompositions to the best of our ability.

20th December 2018

How many Mult-Adds to Tensor-Train Operations Use?

While trying to figure out how I should estimate the number of operations used by a Tensor-Train approximation, have run into a lot of difficulties understanding exactly how it ought to be implemented. Notes on this can be found here.

My conclusion right now is that I can't count on a direct speedup when substituting some of the layers of a convolutional network to a Tensor-Train format, because then the activations throughout the network must also be represented as a Tensor-Train approximation, and there are other concerns about the rank, rounding and approximations that would have to be considered. I think. It may be worth contacting someone with a more detailed understanding of it.

Ultimate Tensorization

Went over this paper again, and it provides some more justification for going the route of separable convolutions in this investigation. The Tensor-Train format to use in a convolutional layer is defined differently to a Naive decomposition of the kernel tensor, and this is necessary for performance. Luckily, with a pointwise convolution, it's the same decomposition of the weight matrix of the linear layer from "Tensorizing Neural Networks".

Although, it does motivate me to rethink exactly how we define the decomposition. It may be worth reshaping the weight tensor in the definition. That seems to be an important part of the Tensor decomposition. Although, I don't know what effect this will have on the performance of these as weight matrices in neural networks, so we may just have to investigate by experiment.

The same experiment may be necessary for the Tucker decomposition as well.

Keep getting segfaults training the SepHashedDecimate DARTS network, but only after many epochs of training. Not sure exactly what's happening here, but this could cause big problems training networks on AWS. Restarted experiment, will likely take until Saturday now, barring more segfaults.

Lower Bound Tensor-Train

What if I just ignore the operations used in mapping to and from a TT representation. Using the cores, I can guess the shape the X-tensor would have if I were to do that, and calculate the number of operations required to implement said layer. I'll just print a warning that this is a lower bound in

28th December 2018

Tensor-Train Settings

To investigate what "good" settings might be when using tensor-train subsitutions, ran 196 cifar-10 experiments to see with differents settings for the rank used in the substitution, and the number of dimensions. Results are in this notebook.

Seems like a larger number of dimensions than two could help (so far haven't been setting that correctly). Unfortunately, this doesn't give me much insight as to what settings to use in Tucker or CP-decomposition.

It looks like setting the number of dimensions to between 4 and 6 could be a good tradeoff, but the results aren't entirely clear. It could be worth running a longer experiment with only a few networks, with the dimension set to 4 or 6 and compare to results from before.


Added code to control ShuffleNet settings, and since there were GPUs free, started some experimenets with wide ResNets setting different settings. The variable is controlling the number of shuffle groups used, with some wiggle room to set different shuffle group settings where the number of groups would not divide the number of output channels.

Started experiments with the number of groups set to 4, 8, 16 and 32. Below are parameter and mult-add counts:

> python cifar10 --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28 --conv Shuffle_4
Mult-Adds: 1.17201E+08
Params: 8.23674E+05
> python cifar10 --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28 --conv Shuffle_8
Mult-Adds: 7.69784E+07
Params: 5.63594E+05
> python cifar10 --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28 --conv Shuffle_16
Mult-Adds: 6.07583E+07
Params: 4.37354E+05
> python cifar10 --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28 --conv Shuffle_32
Mult-Adds: 5.12965E+07
Params: 3.78314E+05

29th December 2018

Linear ShuffleNet Initial Results

Metrics after full 200 epoch training schedule:

No. Shuffle Groups No. Parameters No. Mult-Adds Train Top-1 Test Top-1
4 8.24e5 1.17e8 2.557% 4.758%
8 5.64e5 7.7e7 3.742% 5.979%
16 4.37e5 6.07e7 5.822% 7.7%
32 3.78e5 5.13e7 10.83% 10.02%

Appears we get quite rapidly diminishing returns. Should note that these experiments were using the same teacher network as other experiments performed with WRN-28-10 in this research log.

Tucker Investigation

Investigated the effect of the configuration settings we're using for the tucker decomposition the same way I investigated for the TT decompositions. Results are in this notebook.

Looks like setting this one may be more difficult, and may be impossible to hit some parameter budget targets. Around 4 dimensions may be workable, but may need to decrease it in order to hit parameter usage budgets.

3rd January 2018

Experiments with the cifar10-fast code led to using a continuous rank scaling factor in to control Tensor-Train and Tucker decompositions. Ran many experiments with that small CIFAR-10 network to justify this choice. In addition, it looks like the CP-decomposition is probably not worth considering, as the size of decompositions produced by the TnTorch code are too small to be practical, and couldn't get good results training many of them. More notes on this can be found in the research log in that repo.

Tensor-Train and Tucker Experiments

In the research log referenced above we decided that the best choice for a number of dimensions to use in experiments would be either 3 or 4. To decided, we're going to run two experiments for both Tucker-TT and TT decompositions, for approximately equivalent parameter counts and see which performs better.

Using the following settings for the case of dimensions=4

> python cifar10 --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28 --conv TensorTrain_0.8
> python cifar10 --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28 --conv Tucker_0.4 

Running both, with and without a teacher network.

4th January 2019

4D Tensor Decomposition Experiments

Ran a 4D experiment with Tucker and TT decompositions, with the following settings:

wrn_28_10.tucker_0.4_4.student.Jan3.t7: cifar10 student --conv Tucker_0.4 -t wrn_28_10.patch -s wrn_28_10.tucker_0.4_4.student.Jan3 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10 --alpha 0. --beta 1e3
wrn_28_10.tt_0.8_4.student.Jan3.t7: cifar10 student --conv TensorTrain_0.8 -t wrn_28_10.patch -s wrn_28_10.tt_0.8_4.student.Jan3 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10 --alpha 0. --beta 1e3
wrn_28_10.tt_0.8_4.Jan3.t7: cifar10 teacher --conv TensorTrain_0.8 -t wrn_28_10.tt_0.8_4.Jan3 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10
wrn_28_10.tucker_0.4_4.Jan3.t7: cifar10 teacher --conv Tucker_0.4 -t wrn_28_10.tucker_0.4_4.Jan3 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10

All models have practically equivalent parameter counts. The setting for dimensions, at 4, was hardcoded while the experiments were running.

  • 4D Tucker decomposition with rank scaling of 0.4 converged to 16.13% top-1 error without AT and 9.29% with.
  • 4D TT decomposition with rank scaling of 0.8 converged to 10.96% top-1 error without AT and 5.22% with.

Now starting the same experiments with dimensions set to 3. Checking the settings required to keep the parameter count approximately the same:

> python cifar10 --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28 --conv Tucker_0.25
> python cifar10 --wrn_width 10 --wrn_depth 28 --conv TensorTrain_0.26 

5th January 2019

3D Tensor Decomposition Experiments

Having set the rank scaling factor so the overall size of the tensor should be approximately the same, we can now compare the results of decomposing a 3D tensor. The following experiments were run:

wrn_28_10.tucker_0.25_3.student.Jan4.t7: cifar10 student --conv Tucker_0.25 -t wrn_28_10.patch -s wrn_28_10.tucker_0.25_3.student.Jan4 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10 --alpha 0. --beta 1e3
wrn_28_10.tt_0.26_3.student.Jan4.t7: cifar10 student --conv TensorTrain_0.26 -t wrn_28_10.patch -s wrn_28_10.tt_0.26_3.student.Jan4 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10 --alpha 0. --beta 1e3
wrn_28_10.tucker_0.25_3.Jan4.t7: cifar10 teacher --conv Tucker_0.25 -t wrn_28_10.tucker_0.25_3.Jan4 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10
wrn_28_10.tt_0.26_3.Jan4.t7: cifar10 teacher --conv TensorTrain_0.26 -t wrn_28_10.tt_0.26_3.Jan4 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10

And we got the following results for top-1 test error:

wrn_28_10.tucker_0.25_3.student.Jan4.t7: 5.06%
wrn_28_10.tt_0.26_3.student.Jan4.t7: 8.05%
wrn_28_10.tucker_0.25_3.Jan4.t7: 16.58%
wrn_28_10.tt_0.26_3.Jan4.t7: 10.18%

These results are a little better for both, and looking at the learning curves, both are a little more stable with this setting. It's a little annoying to be using these tensor decompositions, but only on 3D tensors, when they are intended to be used on high dimensional tensors for greater gains.

Hardcoding the dimensions setting to 3 for all future experiments.

Where should we run experiments on EC2?

The tools AWS provides online to figure out where the best regions to run experiments on are a bit lacking, so I've tried to write a script that will figure it out for me. It takes the average of the last 7 spot prices returned when querying, and checks every availability zone in the world; ignoring those where that instance type is not available.

   us-east-1e 0.27 price per gpu:  0.27
   us-east-2b 0.27 price per gpu:  0.27
   us-east-2c 0.27 price per gpu:  0.27
   us-west-2a 0.27 price per gpu:  0.27
   us-west-2b 0.27 price per gpu:  0.27
   us-west-2c 0.27 price per gpu:  0.27
   us-east-2a 0.27245714285714284 price per gpu:  0.27245714285714284
   us-east-1d 0.2753857142857143 price per gpu:  0.2753857142857143
   us-east-1c 0.27752857142857146 price per gpu:  0.27752857142857146
   us-east-1a 0.28681428571428574 price per gpu:  0.28681428571428574
   us-east-1e 2.16 price per gpu:  0.27
   us-east-1c 2.1664857142857143 price per gpu:  0.2708107142857143
   us-east-1d 2.6065857142857145 price per gpu:  0.3258232142857143
   us-east-1a 3.1467714285714288 price per gpu:  0.3933464285714286
   us-west-2c 7.0836000000000015 price per gpu:  0.8854500000000002
   us-east-1b 7.200000000000001 price per gpu:  0.9000000000000001
   us-east-1f 7.200000000000001 price per gpu:  0.9000000000000001
   us-east-2a 7.200000000000001 price per gpu:  0.9000000000000001
   us-east-2b 7.200000000000001 price per gpu:  0.9000000000000001
   us-east-2c 7.200000000000001 price per gpu:  0.9000000000000001
   us-east-1c 4.32 price per gpu:  0.27
   us-east-1a 4.713771428571428 price per gpu:  0.2946107142857142
   us-east-1d 5.741614285714285 price per gpu:  0.35885089285714283
   us-east-1b 14.400000000000002 price per gpu:  0.9000000000000001
   us-east-1e 14.400000000000002 price per gpu:  0.9000000000000001
   us-east-2a 14.400000000000002 price per gpu:  0.9000000000000001
   us-east-2b 14.400000000000002 price per gpu:  0.9000000000000001
   us-east-2c 14.400000000000002 price per gpu:  0.9000000000000001
   us-west-2a 14.400000000000002 price per gpu:  0.9000000000000001
   us-west-2b 14.400000000000002 price per gpu:  0.9000000000000001

Looks like we can see the multi-gpu machines being slightly more popular for p2 instances, presumably for running larger datasets.

Checking p3 instances because we can:

   us-west-2a 0.92 price per gpu:  0.92
   us-west-2b 0.92 price per gpu:  0.92
   us-west-2c 0.92 price per gpu:  0.92
   us-east-1b 0.95 price per gpu:  0.95
   us-east-1a 0.95 price per gpu:  0.95
   us-east-1f 0.96 price per gpu:  0.96
   eu-west-1a 1.00 price per gpu:  1.00
   ca-central-1b 1.01 price per gpu:  1.01
   eu-west-1b 1.03 price per gpu:  1.03
   us-east-1c 1.04 price per gpu:  1.04
   us-west-2a 3.67 price per gpu:  0.92
   us-west-2b 3.67 price per gpu:  0.92
   us-west-2c 3.70 price per gpu:  0.92
   us-east-1b 3.76 price per gpu:  0.94
   us-east-1a 3.78 price per gpu:  0.95
   us-east-2a 3.93 price per gpu:  0.98
   eu-west-1a 3.97 price per gpu:  0.99
   eu-west-1b 3.97 price per gpu:  0.99
   us-east-1f 4.05 price per gpu:  1.01
   us-east-2b 4.31 price per gpu:  1.08
   us-west-2a 7.34 price per gpu:  0.92
   us-west-2b 7.34 price per gpu:  0.92
   us-west-2c 7.34 price per gpu:  0.92
   us-east-1b 7.35 price per gpu:  0.92
   us-east-1a 7.39 price per gpu:  0.92
   us-east-1f 7.43 price per gpu:  0.93
   eu-west-1a 7.93 price per gpu:  0.99
   eu-west-1b 7.93 price per gpu:  0.99
   us-east-2a 23.21 price per gpu:  2.90
   us-east-1c 24.48 price per gpu:  3.06

Our experiments will probably run best on us-east with p2.xlarge instances. Will have to start them programmatically though, because we're going to need a lot of them.

Settings Range

Made a notebook to look at the range of settings we can use for the two network types and substitute convolutions that we're interested in trying. Trying a reasonable range of settings for each yielded the following graph of parameter counts for WRN-28-10:

Notebook generating this graph is here.

Also generated is a script to generate a set of experiments using WRN-28-10 with all of the proposed substitute blocks.


When the ACDC layers use very large numbers of transforms the memory usage can become untenable. I'm not sure those networks will be learnable anyway, but it could be worth enabling checkpointing in PyTorch when the number of layers is large. To hit the high parameter budgets we ought to be using at least 100 layers, and the limit for our WRN-28-10 experiments is somewhere just above 64.

6th January 2018

Experiment Progress

Ran the WRN experiment schedule on 10 GPUs and it seems to be finished as of now. Appears there were some problems with NaNs in some experiments. Haven't checked, but I susepect it will be those with the ACDC layers involved.

DARTS Experiments Schedule

Generated a schedule of DARTS experiments to run in Notebook generating it is here.

7th January 2019

Sanity Check ImageNet

We've not yet run a distillation experiment using an imagenet model with this code base. Running the following command to see if it will work, and how long it'll take to run.

First thing I'm trying is:

python imagenet student --GPU 0,1,2,3,4 --conv SepHashedDecimate --teacher_checkpoint wrn_50_2.imagenet.modelzoo --student_checkpoint wrn_50_2.hashed_0.1.Jan7 --imagenet_loc /disk/scratch/datasets/imagenet --network WRN_50_2

Which involves a separable hashed network. There are immediately problems with memory usage. Even spread over 5 GPUs with 16GB of memory each, we hit a CUDA OOM error.

To check if this is because the teacher model is using too much GPU memory, I initialised only the teacher model and looked at the GPU memory usage: it was 1GB.

The issue, I think, is that imagenet models typically fill GPU memory, so having any additional memory overhead is going to be too much. On CIFAR-10 models, there's no benefit to using so much GPU memory, so we could get away with using several times more.

To check if this is definitely the problem, I'll run the student model as a clone of the teacher:

python imagenet student --GPU 0,1,2,3,4 --conv Conv --teacher_checkpoint wrn_50_2.imagenet.modelzoo --student_checkpoint wrn_50_2.student.Jan7 --imagenet_loc /disk/scratch/datasets/imagenet --network WRN_50_2

Oh no, it looks like one big reason for these errors is that we're not actually parallelising the model, because the code to run DataParallel got removed a long time ago. Looks like Elliot ran the ImageNet experiments from the original moonshine paper in a different place and didn't link it.

Having fixed that and enabled DataParallel in the code, the error we hit now is OOM on the backward pass. Doesn't appear to be anything special in the code in the PyTorch ImageNet example for this problem.

I could be an issue with the distillation, so I'll try training a teacher model from scratch with the same architecture and see if we get the same problem.

python imagenet teacher --GPU 0,1,2,3,4 --conv Conv --teacher_checkpoint wrn_50_2.sanity --imagenet_loc /disk/scratch/datasets/imagenet --network WRN_50_2

That runs, using approximately 10GB on 5 GPUs. Each minibatch is taking around 0.8s; so at 256 size minibatches it should take about 100 hours to complete 90 epochs. A ResNet18 I trained on another machine took 73 hours, so this isn't outside the ballpark (although these are faster GPUs).

Talked to Elliot and he found that this server could run some ImageNet experiments with smaller models in less than 48 hours. Hopefully, this doesn't mean there is some time overhead in the script that's affecting speed too much, and we can just explain the difference by the size of the model: the WRN_50_2 is larger.

It might be possible to speed this up a little using FastAI's tricks for training imagenet models, but that would require quite a bit of reengineering that would itself take a long time.

Probably the most important thing is to start these imagenet experiments as soon as possible. Specifically, the experiments to verify the sanity of the standard and distillation experiments. The standard experiments is already running, now we just have to find a way to run the distillation experiment sanity check.

Running with much reduced batch size of 16 over 4 GPUs. Before the backward pass:

0: 2089
1: 1955
2: 1955
3: 1955


0: 2265
1: 1955
2: 1955
3: 1955

So the backward pass causes a 10% rise in memory usage on the root process. Interesting to note that the increase in memory usage from the larger batch size is not linear.

Also, the memory increase only occurs when we try to calculate the AT part of the loss. It still works with everything else. Something about comparing the intermediate activations with the teacher model causes a 10% increase in memory in the backward pass and that's too much.

I thought maybe I could work around this problem by using a smaller model, so I tried using Separable convolutions instead of full convolutions in the model. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to decrease memory enough to avoid this problem. It does reduce parameters a lot but now we're storing the intermediate activations, which is expensive.

9th January 2018

ImageNet AT OOM

Looking again at this problem. With reduced batch size, before the call to .backward():

0: 1349
1: 1327
2: 1327
3: 1327


0: 1755
1: 1327
2: 1327
3: 1327

The only thing I can think of would be the calculation of statistics from the intermediate outputs of the teacher model. Moving that inside the torch.no_grad() env and the before/after for the first GPU becomes: 1349 -> 1755, ie it stays the same.

As a sanity check, went back and looked again at what happens when we simply remove the AT loss. I found the memory usage actually stays the same, with this reduced batch size, which is the opposite of what we saw before; where the model would decrease in size enough to run it.

Switching out the loss function for just cross-entropy:

0: 1349 -> 1765
1: 1327 -> 1327
2: 1327 -> 1327
3: 1327 -> 1327

That, again, isn't what we saw initially.

Trying the same thing on a single GPU:

0: 1705 -> 1841

Interesting to note how little the memory increases over the multi-gpu case. Could be because a copy of the network's weights has to exist on each machine.

Seems like we're always going to get some memory increase when we do the backward pass, and we're going to have to find a way to reduce memory usage. Two ways I can think of:

  1. Split the calculation of statistics and loss functions over GPUs.
  2. Using checkpoint in shortcut connections, where we basically multiply large activation maps.

Trying torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(x)/1e6 to track memory usage on all 4 devices before and after (still reduced batch size):

[772.07808, 747.721216, 747.721216, 747.721216]
[1168.579072, 747.721216, 747.721216, 747.721216]

Changed it to calculate the attention map statistics in the forward pass of the DataParallel object:

[772.07808, 747.721216, 747.721216, 747.721216]
[1169.822208, 747.721216, 747.721216, 747.721216]

Now it uses more memory? But the calculation of attention maps should now be split over the GPUs? Something strange is going on here. Looking at nvidia-smi we see the same as before: 0: 1349 -> 1765.

Turns out this is because I edited the WideResNet class rather than the ResNet class, and WRN_50_2 is actually an instance of ResNet. After doing that:

[742.562816, 742.779904, 742.779904, 742.779904]
[1120.018944, 742.779904, 742.779904, 742.779904] 

Some benefit to doing this then. Wasn't expecting it to help too much.

Giving up that as a solution to reduce memory usage, going to try using torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint. Wrote a function to checkpoint the downsample and add the residual:

[759.0144, 759.232, 759.232, 759.232]
[3311.105536, 1850.712064, 1844.55168, 1833.69728]

Looks like that causes much larger problems for the backward pass, while also increasing memory use in the forward pass.

Being more aggressive with calls to checkpoint, wrapped all blocks of the ResNet:

[640.504832, 640.722432, 640.722432, 640.722432]
[3100.165632, 1526.919168, 1517.023232, 1513.181184]

Aha, this might be because I changed it to call max_memory_allocated, rather than memory_allocated. Changing that, the checkpointing with 2 chunks set on every block:

[624.28672, 347.3792, 347.3792, 347.3792]
[830.062592, 277.752832, 277.752832, 277.752832]

Versus with no checkpointing:

[673.383424, 395.68896, 395.68896, 395.68896]
[832.421888, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

Which is a small reduction. Although, the first GPU still has much higher memory allocated than any of the other machines. With chunks set to 1:

[673.383424, 395.68896, 395.68896, 395.68896]
[832.421888, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

Huh? I thought that would use less memory?

I also thought checkpointing the addition of residuals would use less memory:

[689.835008, 412.141056, 412.141056, 412.141056]
[830.062592, 277.752832, 277.752832, 277.752832]

It doesn't?

10th January 2019

Checking to see the effect checkpointing has on the runtime of this imagenet model. When we're not doing distillation, training the model on its own takes around 0.8s per minibatch. If we checkpoint every block in the network, it'll fit on the GPU at the required minibatch size. But, now it takes 5s per minibatch.

Wait a second, we can train a teacher model from scratch and it fits on the GPU, so the GPU memory being exhausted must come from either the additional AT loss or from the extra memory of running a teacher model to get the attention map.

Checking that this is true.

As luck would have it, I decided to run these tests on the P100 machines I initially ran experiments on when starting to debug these imagenet problems. It looks like the 16G per GPU rather than 12G is now enough; ie the changes I made to calculate statistics on each GPU rather than afterwards is enough that we are able to train student models. Although they take approximately 1s per minibatch, so probably around 5 or 6 days to train. But, that's still practical, and after so long trying different things to fix this problem, it's good enough for me.

Graphing WRN-28-10 Results

Graphs of the range of values run training CIFAR-10 with these different methods and settings are here.

Looks like the separable HashedNet is working the best of the proposed methods. Some methods, like Tucker, fell apart. At low parameter counts ACDC worked well, but it didn't work at higher settings, which was expected.

Copying ImageNet to AFS

Tried copying ImageNet to AFS. My notebook running the commands is here. Not sure it worked, because the AWS console reports only 6K bytes on EFS.

12th January 2019

Checking DARTS Memory Usage

We have already had some problems with memory usage trying to run DARTS models. Before we just start all the experiments using them, it would be worth checking which will hit errors first, and dealing with those problems. We should be able to use checkpointing to deal with these problems, as the memory consumption in every case can be reduced to reparameterizing the weight matrix, which can be abstracted and checkpointed.

Running all the planned experiments with a modified experiment script that just tries to instance the model to train and run a single minibatch, catching OOM errors and writing to a file if one is hit.

Used the decorator record_oom and added assert False inside training functions so it would run fast.

python cifar10 student --conv Generic_0.12 -t darts.teacher -s darts.generic_0.12.student.Jan12 --network DARTS --alpha 0. --beta 1e3
  invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Got 31 and 32 in dimension 2 at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1533672544752/work/aten/src/THC/generic/
python cifar10 student --conv Generic_0.06 -t darts.teacher -s darts.generic_0.06.student.Jan12 --network DARTS --alpha 0. --beta 1e3
  invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Got 31 and 32 in dimension 2 at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1533672544752/work/aten/src/THC/generic/
python cifar10 student --conv Generic_0.03 -t darts.teacher -s darts.generic_0.03.student.Jan12 --network DARTS --alpha 0. --beta 1e3
  invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Got 31 and 32 in dimension 2 at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1533672544752/work/aten/src/THC/generic/
python cifar10 teacher --conv Generic_0.12 -t darts.generic_0.12.Jan12 --network DARTS
  invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Got 31 and 32 in dimension 2 at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1533672544752/work/aten/src/THC/generic/
python cifar10 teacher --conv Generic_0.06 -t darts.generic_0.06.Jan12 --network DARTS
  invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Got 31 and 32 in dimension 2 at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1533672544752/work/aten/src/THC/generic/
python cifar10 teacher --conv Generic_0.03 -t darts.generic_0.03.Jan12 --network DARTS
  invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Got 31 and 32 in dimension 2 at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1533672544752/work/aten/src/THC/generic/
python cifar10 teacher --conv ACDC_22 -t darts.acdc_22.Jan12 --network DARTS
  CUDA error: out of memory

Surprising not more problems with memory. Seems mostly to be problems with the Generic class. Not sure what that is, so I'll have to investigate.

Fixed that problem by ensuring the stride and dilation args still get passed when the kernel size is 1.

To fix the ACDC problem, I'll just remove that experiment. It's unlikely to perform well, looking at the results of WRN-28-10, and will probably also take too long to run.

13th January 2019

Spent a while debugging problems training DARTS networks from small changes that have happened to the training script in the last month. This could probably have been avoided if the training script had any test coverage, but I didn't expect these experiments to become this complicated. Could be something worth thinking about next time.

The arbitrary experiment I ran as a test was expected to run for 62 hours on a single GPU. The epochs are relatively fast, but it still requires running for 600 epochs.

ImageNet Experiment Settings

In the same way we decided settings for the experiments involving WRN-28-10 and DARTS on cifar-10, made a notebook for ImageNet experiments with WRN-50-2. It is here.

In the notebook, wrote a script to generate the json file for running experiments. Decided to hold off running experiments in the middle region, only running experiments at the larger and smaller limits. If it looks like we'll have time, we can come back and run those. Script is called

Problems with ShuffleNet Student Models

I didn't notice when I was graphing the results, but in all runs involving ShuffleNet models, the student mode failed on WRN-28-10. I went back to check why some DARTS models were hitting unexpected errors and see if the same thing had happened with the WRN-28-10 models.

Not sure what's gone wrong, but it explains why the ShuffleNet results are so poor in the distillation experiments.

Specifically, the experiments that failed were: cifar10 student --conv Shuffle_1 -t wrn_28_10.patch -s wrn_28_10.shuffle_1.student.Jan5 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10 --alpha 0. --beta 1e3 cifar10 student --conv Shuffle_7 -t wrn_28_10.patch -s wrn_28_10.shuffle_7.student.Jan5 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10 --alpha 0. --beta 1e3 cifar10 student --conv Shuffle_3 -t wrn_28_10.patch -s wrn_28_10.shuffle_3.student.Jan5 --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10 --alpha 0. --beta 1e3

14th January 2018

EFS Write Problems

Turns out the EFS volume failed to mount, so ImageNet hasn't been copied to the EFS volume. Now copying it over with cp, but it's incredibly slow. Likely will take several days. Which doesn't make me confident about using this for fast read of images for training (although the stated I/O speed for EFS is 3GB/s, which should be fast enough).

ImageNet Sanity Checks

Training a WRN_50_2 with the settings we've got from scratch using this code converged to 26.0% top-1, 8.07% top-5. Unfortunately, the WRN-50-2 is supposed to converge 21.9%, 5.79%.

The only difference in the standard ImageNet training routine that was not accounted for is the weight decay, which was set too high at 5e-4, and 1e-4. Set that in the ImageNet settings, and restarted the sanity experiment. Unfortunately, it'll take another week.

ImageNet on AWS

Configuring a single AWS instance to run ImageNet experiments, so it can be used as a template. One part to consider is which AMI to use. I could just use whatever the fast-ai one is, because that's probably a good start. Amazon produces a deep learning AMI, but it looks like it might cost extra, which doesn't sound good. Really, as long as the nvidia drivers are installed, it's not a problem to install PyTorch.

That image failed to load. I don't really trust it now. It's probably easier to use a more standard AMI, and run the relatively short setup routine.

After setting the Amazon Ubuntu Deep Learning image in the launch spec, I tried to launch spot instances. With the config from the fast-ai code, the spot request is never fulfilled. Tried using the web console, and those aren't fulfilled either. Not sure what's going wrong, but didn't expect it to be difficult to launch these spot instances.

It looks like Spot Requests are not as easy to use as they were last time I worked with AWS (a few years ago). Now, AWS just kills spot requests based on the on-demand instances. Some details about it here.

This could be a problem, the ImageNet experiments can take 100 hours to run. At $7.12 per hour we're not going to be able to train many of these models. We can fit two ImageNet training routines on there, so it works out to $300 to finish training. We can only train 10 models at that price, with the $3000 Amazon gave us.

Tried using all available availability zones in us-east in case that would find some available spot instance capacity. Still got the same error: that instance type is not available.

After more research, it turns out that my limits were zero for all GPU instances. The errors never mentioned these limits, so I didn't know.

17th January 2019

ImageNet Limits Increased

After contacting support, it took two days for the limits for p2 instances that I had to be increased. To test this out, tried to start a spot request for a p2 instance. Couldn't get any of those accepted. So, I had to start an on-demand instance. Notes on this are here.

18th January 2019

AWS Spot Instance Error

Got more information on why the spot requests wouldn't be fulfilled on AWS:

Linux/UNIX, us-east-1b while launching spot instance". It will not be
retried for at least 13 minutes. Error message: We currently do not have
sufficient p2.8xlarge capacity in the Availability Zone you requested
(us-east-1b). Our system will be working on provisioning additional
capacity. You can currently get p2.8xlarge capacity by not specifying an
Availability Zone in your request or choosing us-east-1d, us-east-1e.
(Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 500; Error Code:

With this information, it may be easier to get a spot request to start. Seeing as we will require several large GPU instances, this might still be worth investigating. Otherwise, we could easily run out of money before we've managed to run the AWS experiments.

Tried starting spot requests in us-east-1d and us-east-1e and they also failed. Tried in the web console, using default settings everywhere, and it still failed.

Testing p2.8xlarge ImageNet Training Speed

Seems that these experiments may be too slow on p2 instances. They're around 2.3s per minibach, which is around 3 times slower than the experiments on our P100 GPUs. This means the experiment may take 300 hours to complete, which is approximately 13 days, so two weeks.

In addition to this being a really long time, it might make these experiments too expensive to run. Since we can't get spot instances, the cost to train one ImageNet model this way is aproximately: 300*7.2*0.5=$1080. So, only really two experiments.

This is clearly not practical. Looking into other options.

ACDC ImageNet Experiments

Looking at the spec for the imagenet experiment with the larger ACDC model, it called for 128 layers. We already know that won't work, so forgoing it in favour of an experiment with 12 layers. That's given we have time, because it won't be of a comparable size to the other methods tested.

19th January 2019

Prioritizing ImageNet Experiments

It's now looking like it will be difficult to run all of the planned ImageNet experiments. The experiments with DARTS are also continuing, and may take a long time, but we appear to be around halfway there using 8 GPUs. At this rate, they should finish in time.

Looking at the results on WRN-28-10, we can probably conclude that the Tucker decomposition is not worth running in an ImageNet experiment. TensorTrain, however, as we might expect from it's place in the Deep Learning literature, performed a lot better. Unfortunately, the first TensorTrain experiment we've run so far failed immediately because the parameterisation hit an error being spread over multiple GPUs. It's not clear how we'll be able to deal with this. Also, it may be a problem that will also affect the SepHashed and ACDC experiments.

It seems wise to prioritize the distillation experiments, because we want to show primarily the performance these networks can achieve if trained in the best possible way.

Also, we want to focus on the experiments that were the best performing on WRN-28-10. These were the SepHashed, TensorTrain, ShuffleNet and ACDC at low parameter counts.

It may also be interesting to focus on the Generic parameterisation, as it is so simple. Finding that it is just as good as more complicated methods on ImageNet would be interesting. I expect that the same thing we have seen on WRN-28-10 would be repeated, but it is important. I propose the following ranking:

  1. ShuffleNet Distillation, both sizes
  2. SepHashed Distillation, both sizes
  3. Generic Distillation, both sizes
  4. ACDC Distillation, only 28 layers

Investigating DataParallel Issue

Ran an isolated test with just two GPUs and found that Hashed and TensorTrain modules don't hit an error immediately when running the on multiple GPUs. So, the error that I hit running an imagenet model with TensorTrain modules is more complicated. Also, it may not happen when we run SepHashed ImageNet experiments.

24th January 2019

The experiments running DARTS models on CIFAR-10 and WRN-50-2 ImageNet experiments have been progressing.

p3 Instances

I've now got my limits on EC2 increased from zero on p3 instances. After this, I was able to start two spot request instances. However, I started them with the wrong AMI, and, thinking that this wouldn't be difficult, I terminated the instance and sent a new request. Since then, all the spot requests I've submitted have been cancelled.

I'm not sure how anyone uses spot requests on AWS. I've submitted a question about this on the AWS forums here. Since that has received no response, I'm going to try contacting support. Making these spot requests run is actually important. I won't be able to run enough experiments using the on-demand pricing.

OK, it turns out AWS support is paid-for, and I can't pay for it. Guess that leaves us no recourse.

25th January 2019

ImageNet Ablation

I'm still a little suspicious that attention transfer works on ImageNet problems. If I'm suspicious, then maybe a reviewer will also be, so it may be worth adding an ablation experiment where we train whichever of these student networks that performs the best without the teacher model.

Appropriate Weight Decay Ablation

Another ablation experiment that may be worthwhile would be to repeat an experiment with competitive results on WRN-28-10 with the appropriate weight decay disabled. Just to show that it's required for good performance. Or, even to test greater/lesser weight decay than appropriate as well. Slightly nervous, because if it turns out to harm performance then all our experiments are flawed.

ImageNet ACDC Experiment

Tried to find a way to run an ACDC experiment on ImageNet. Running on a p3.8xlarge instance, this seemed like it might be possible. Unfortunately, I immediately hit OOM errors.

I tried rewriting the ACDC code to use checkpointing when building the kernel matrix from the many smaller matrices. This runs, but it's about twice as slow on the tests in the pytorch-acdc repo. And, when put into a network is much too slow to actually get any results. Running it on four V100s it's taking 5s per minibatch. This works out to around 700 hours to run a full ImageNet experiment; so around a month. This is impractical, so I don't think I'll be able to run this experiment.

28th January 2018

Final ImageNet and DARTS experiments that were originally planned are now running. Both will be done soon. Unfortunately:

Missing Appropriate Weight Decay

A large number of the experiments we've run so far have not used appropriate weight decay, specifically for the following methods:

  • Generic low-rank
  • Tucker
  • Tensor Train
  • ShuffleNet

One upside of this is that we've effectively already now done ablation experiments of disabling the appropriate weight decay. Seems that some of these methods still even trained OK. So, we may yet find this whole appropriate weight decay thing is pointless.

In any case, we now need to do a large number of experiments that are missing. Comitting the fix to the code so that appropriate weight decay is enabled by default now. All experiments coming before today were flawed (except those on ACDC and HashedNet models).

30th January 2018

Mistake in Experiment Config

Although the WRN-28-10 experiments were repeated without any problems, after the problems with appropriate weight decay not being enabled, the file generating the experiment schedule json had a mistake in it. The settings used for the DARTS experiments had been erroneously copied into. Not sure how I made this mistake, but it means we're now missing the settings we were actually interested in.

Obviously, we'll keep the old experiment results, because it only adds more points to the graph (although not for all model types). But, now we have another 24 WRN-28-10 experiments to run. Good to know they can be completed in only a couple of days, I suppose, but it's a little annoying to deal with.

Checked the darts and imagenet scripts for generating experiments and they match what was planned in the notebooks where we came up with these settings.

1st February 2019

Refactoring Mult-Add Counting

Need to be able to call mult-add counting in a notebook, but the script is incredibly brittle. For example, because it uses global variables. I need to be able to call it from other scripts to plot the relationship between mult-add use and other variables.

Before refactoring, this is the result we get for DARTS on cifar-10 (which is the same as the parameter count reported in the original paper for cifar-10):

Mult-Adds: 5.38201E+08
Params: 3.34934E+06

And after:

Mult-Adds: 5.38201E+08
Params: 3.34934E+06

Tensor-Train Approximate Mult-Adds

Amos advised that we have an estimate for Mult-Adds, even if it is flawed. So, we're going to use the computational complexity quoted in the "Tensorizing Neural Networks" paper and see what we end up with. This will be illustrated with emphasized caveats in the paper.

5th February 2019

Updated WRN-28-10 Results

Plotted the results of the WRN-28-10 experiments. Plots can be found in the same place, here. Still pending a Mult-Add comparison graph.

Found the adjustText library, and it works better than my own effort at solving this problem.

The results are now a little closer to what I was expecting to see, except that there is no real winner. All of them perform quite similarly. It's a shame that ACDC falls apart at larger sizes. Interesting to note that without AT it actually works better. With 48 or 64 layers of ACDC in each layer and no AT, it is able to achieve less than 10% error, instead of compeletely failing to optimise.

It's also a shame that the smallest ShuffleNet experiment is larger than the others.

It is maybe also worth noting that the largest model here is still more than 10 times smaller than the teacher model. So all of them achieve better than 90% model compression.

Counting TensorTrain and Tucker

Have set this to be simply equal to a depthwise separable layer. Unfortunate that we can't have a good estimate of how much more efficient a TensorTrain network could be.

6th February 2019

ACDC Mult-Add Flaw

Discovered a large flaw in the ACDC work this work is based on. ACDC layers don't give much reduction in the number of mult-add operations used by a network. Due to a combination of low numbers of channels, and requiring square matrices. We typically use 12 ACDC layers, and in this graph we can see that there's no benefit to using 12 ACDC layers in place of a dense random matrix until we reach around 600 channels. In WRN-28-10, this is only for the final few layers.

Why didn't we notice this while writing the Structured Efficient Convolutional Layers paper? Well, we were comparing it to the full convolutional layer and didn't compare it to just substituting a depthwise-separable layer. Then, it's obvious there's not much benefit to using an ACDC substitution to save mult-adds.

Full details in the newest iteration of the Graph of results for WRN-28-10, here.

DARTS Results Illustrated

Using most of the same plotting code, we have the plots of performance against mult-adds and parameters count for the DARTS experiments. The notebook is here.

It's interesting that in this case, we do see a big difference between ShuffleNet and the Generic linear bottleneck, which seemed to be fairly matched in the previous experiments. Particularly for Mult-Adds, the linear ShuffleNet works well.

ImageNet Results Illustrated

Results on ImageNet are actually a little worse than I was expecting. It looks like in terms of parameter count, at least we don't outperform NASNet and related methods. By that I mean that we haven't extended the Pareto boundary in that region. And, we see broadly the same results for the Mult-Adds. Which is a little disappointing, but at least the results aren't terrible. Notebook is here.

9th February 2019

Unfinished Ablation Results

Pushed an unfinished version of the ablation of compression ratio scaled weight decay, from the experiments started yesterday. Many of the ACDC experiments were still running, but I wanted to see what what results we were getting at this point. These results are here, although they will be updated to the full results once all of the ACDC experiments finish.

One very important thing to learn from these experiments: CSR weight decay does not help when training separable HashedNet substitute blocks. Without it, the network performs consistently better. Not by much, between 0.4% and 0.1%, but for all the settings we tested it's true.

At the same time, it was absolutely critical for the Linear ShuffleNet block results. Without it, many of the results completely failed to converge. For the other four methods it had a consistent positive effect.

It may be worth investigating the learning curves for the methods that failed to converge versus the HashedNet, with and without the CRS weight decay, to see if we can explain why this happened.

10th February 2019

Made a small notebook illustrating how the shuffle in ShuffleNet composed a dense matrix from block diagonal matrices in this notebook.

12th February 2019

Showed Amos the results today and he mentioned it would be interesting to see what results a Generic layer might get if the weights in the second of the two pointwise convolutions were tied to be the transpose of the first. Would immediately halve the parameter cost of a network of the same size, and be a cleaner way to implement a controlled rank.

If I have some spare time today after writing the experiments section in this chapter, I might implement such a layer, just to see what might happen.

16th February 2019

Low-rank transpose bottleneck

Implemented Amos' request today, and started experiments using it. Had to decide how to deal with cases where the input dim is not equal to the output; it has to be square. The solution I decided to use is to just repeat the input whenever the output is larger. In WRN-28-10 this is fine because we only have to deal with cases when the output dimensionality is some multiple of the input.

Started experiments of matching sizes on WRN-28-10. Notebook comparing parameter counts is here.

17th February 2019

Wrote up the results of running yesterday's experiment. The weight transpose low-rank layer performs close to, but a little worse than the linear bottleneck. It also has a slightly worse relationship between model size and the number of Mult-Adds that are used, due to the requirement to be square. Results are in the WRN-28-10 results notebook.

29th July 2019

In response to NeurIPS reviews, it seems like an experiment involving a state of the art efficient CNN on ImageNet would be desirable. Designed an experiment involving MobileNetV2. It is currently running, and I'll describe it in more detail when I report the results in two days.

Noting now that the count for Mult-Adds and parameters appears to be correct:

> python --network MobileNetV2 --conv Conv imagenet
Mult-Adds: 3.00774E+08
Params: 3.50487E+06

Only one small concern: the number of parameters reported in the paper for this network is 3.4M, while here is 3.5M. I'm not sure why that is, but I'm happy that the Mult-Add count is 300M, which matches the paper.

The experiment is running with the linear ShuffleNet with 4 groups:

> python --network MobileNetV2 --conv Shuffle_4 imagenet 
Mult-Adds: 1.05372E+08
Params: 9.19442E+05

So the network has fewer than 1M parameters, and there are very few succesful efficient networks on ImageNet with so few parameters. At the same time, it uses 1/3 the number of Mult-Adds.

It would have been worthwhile to also start an experiment with HashedNet substitutions, but I only had 4 GPUs available.

21st August 2019

While reviewing the thesis write up of this work, came across a comment by Charles Sutton:

How would we tell in practice if the parameters/accuracy tradeoff is worth it?

One answer that might work experimentally would be to compare to networks with the same teacher structure, but where we have scaled the number of channels throughout the network (as is common with ResNet derivative networks). Then, we could compare the performance of these networks to our own and even train such networks in the same way with attention transfer. If we can outperform that benchmark, then this is a reasonable way to deal with the accuracy/parameter benchmark.