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Player Tutorial

BananaPuncher714 edited this page Dec 17, 2020 · 1 revision

A Tutorial on Cartographer2

Hello! This tutorial aims to be useful for both players and server owners who are using Cartographer2 but don't know where to start, or what to do with any of the various commands that are available.

Starting off

To start off, you will need to aquire a minimap item. This is a regular Minecraft map item, but has special NBT tags that Cartographer2 uses to identify it as a minimap. If you're a player, you'll need to ask your local admin how to get one. If you're a server owner, then here's a short explanation:

How to aquire a minimap as a server owner

You'll need to have created a minimap instance already. If you haven't then take a look here.

Once you've created a minimap instance, you can easily fetch a minimap item linked to the minimap instance. Run the command /cartographer get <id>, replacing <id> with the name of your minimap instance. This will give you a functioning minimap item.

Now that you have a minimap, you'll need to figure out how to get it to your players. You can use kit plugins that support NBT tags, or you can put it in a dispenser that never runs out. If you just want to hand it out to certain people, you can clone it in creative mode by middle clicking on the item in your inventory. This should create a stack of maps that are an exact copy. Don't worry if the maps you're handing out share the same map id, since each player will still see their own surroundings, and not someone else's.


As you may have noticed, the minimap can be zoomed in by left clicking, and zoomed out by right clicking. In order to drop it, you'll need to open your inventory, then drag and drop it out from the side. Pressing Q, or your preferred drop key will not drop the item by default, since it is used to "interact" with certain features in the minimap.


Your minimap will rotate by default, and center around you wherever you go. It works in your offhand, and is super useful for exploring. However, not every chunk may be shown, and you may see blank spots where nothing shows up. This is natural, since Cartographer only displays chunks that have been loaded and processed. There may be an overlay on your minimap that doesn't change when you move or zoom in or out. This is configured by your local admin. Depending on the addons they may have also installed, there may be other useful icons and indicators such as nearby players or mobs. Note that your minimap will not work if you try and put it in an itemframe. If you want to create a map wall, you'll have to use vanilla maps instead.


As a regular user, you may want to configure how your minimap acts, such as whether or not it rotates, or if it shows your name. However, not everything can be changed, and it often depends on whatever addons may be installed. By default, Cartographer allows users to change the cursor, rotate, showname and locale properties.

  • cursor defines whether a controllable cursor will appear. This is used by certain modules to create a map gui.
  • rotate defines if your minimap should rotate, or always point north.
  • showname defines if your username should show under your cursor
  • locale sets which language you are using. It will try to use the language your client is using by default, but if Cartographer doesn't have the locale installed, it will use the language set in the main config, which is normally en_us by default.

There's various other settings that may be included by addons, such as showing whether other players appear, or if land claims are supposed to show up.

That's all

That is all you need to get started with using Cartographer as a regular player. It's super convenient in survival, faction servers, minigames, rpgs, and just about any environment where you may need to go exploring above ground.