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Mini is a WIP functional (ML-style) programming language that has Scheme-like aspects. Currently, it features:

  • GADTs
  • HM-style type inference
  • compilation to C via CPS conversion
  • a module system

And some planned features are:

  • first-class modules
  • record types
  • modular implicits

Syntax & Semantics

Mini syntax is fairly spartan, being a toy compiler; the only constructs it offers are fix, let, ind (datatype declaration), match, type annotation, lam, and function application.


  • (fix (fn1 args def) (fn2 args def) expr) defines the (recursive) functions fn1 and fn2 with arguments (like (a b c)) in expr.
  • (let (name1 def) (name2 def) expr) evaluates both defs, then evaluates expr with name1 and name2 referring to the output of the relevant def. You can omit name in favour of _ if name is unused in expr.
  • (match x (case1 -> branch1) (case2 -> branch2)) matches x with one of the cases of the match, and performs the corresponding branch - you can omit the outermost brackets on cases.
  • (lam (x y) expr) denotes a lambda with (curried) arguments x and y, which evaluates expr with those arguments when called.
  • (a :: t) declares to the compiler that the (bracketed) expression a is of type t.

Top-Level Expressions

  • (ind Name (case1 :: type1) (case2 :: type2)) declares a GADT with (capitalised) name Name which has constructors case1 of type type1, and case2 of type type2.
  • (fix (fn1 args def) (fn2 args def)) is like the expression-level fix, except the resultant expression is ommitted.
  • (let (name1 def) (name2 def)) is like the expression-level let, except the resultant expression is ommitted.
  • (fn1 args def) is shorthand for (fix (fn1 args def))

Annotations on Definitions

  • (fix ((f :: a -> b -> a) (a b) a) exp) annotates the created lambdas when f is elaborated.
  • (let ((a :: b) b) exp) is equivalent to (let (a (b :: b)) exp).


Here is the factorial function in Mini:

(fac x match (eq x 0)
    (true -> 1)
    (false -> * x (fac (- x 1))))

    (_ putint (fac 6)))

i.e. fac is a function that takes one argument, x, and checks if x equals 0:

  • if it does, fac returns 1
  • if it doesn't, fac returns x times the factorial of x's predecessor

The program then calculates fac 6, and outputs it.

This demonstrates some of Mini's key features;

  • tail-call optimisation (a Mini program will never* stack overflow)
  • pattern matching
  • top-level expressions are executed when the module is called

The (let (_ putint (fac 6))) top-level expression shows how anonymized - hence the _ - let-expressions can be used to perform side-effecting operations without having to use sequencing operators like (seq (a b) b).

* - provided my garbage collector works!


typed successor to rpncalc







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