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Groups creation

luissian edited this page Mar 29, 2019 · 5 revisions

There are two groups that must be created on iSkyLIMS.

To create these groups write "http://localhost/admin/" in your navigator.

Use the admin login credentials that you defined in the previous step, when defining the Django administrator user.

Group for Drylab

Click on "Add" icon to add a new group.

Write in the Name field Admin_iSkyLIMS and then click on the "SAVE" button. You don't need to provide any permission.

The "Admin_iSkyLIMS" group is used for admin the services at Drylab.


Admin_iSkyLIMS is not configurable in drylab_config yet, on the current version. Keep the value "Admin_iSkyLIMS" as it is.

Group for Wetlab

The second group you need to create, on the same way, is the group for the Wetlab Manager.

It is not mandatory to name this group in a special way. You can chose "WetlabManager" or any name that fix better in your organization, but the name that you set here must be the same as in the wetlab configuration file. See Wetlab-settings to set the name.

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