Releases: BSVogler/WurfelEngineSDK
Download the zip file for the complete SDK with docs.
changed depth sorting algorithm for improved sorting results
improved map loading speed by using multithreading
the sound engine now uses stereo sound
improved rendering speed
ambient occlusion via hardware interpolation
reduced overdraw by not rendering invisible parts of the block’s sides
added entity component model
improved console
can now show more then one last command
can show the last command even after a restart
devtools show frame time instead of FPS
the entities selection rectangle is now rendered at the correct position for non-FullHD resolutions
improved world collision especially with the bottom of the blocks
now it’s not possible to jump into a block
removed clone() methods
replaced block value slider in editor with text field
improved undo/redo in editor
z-level filtering in editor more continuous
v1.7.1 pre-release 1
Has major bug in it. Crashes when the depth-sort fails.
v 1.6.6 Prerelease 1
- added Ambient occlusion
- several changes and bugfixes
v 1.5.6 Release 2
- fixed bug where a mising icon was loaded
- improved console GUI
- reimplemented basic vertext shading (not properly working again), use normal map rendering instead
- added upper limit to game objects to be rendered
- fixed visuals of basic main menu
- improved CPU performance
- fixed bug with wrong clipping for second camera
- drastically reduced memory size for chunks