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Data Center System Deployment Manual


This document is a guide to install, configure and run the Data Center System of the BSN Spartan Network. This local system will help users manage their data centers and manage nodes and NTT. The system only interacts with installed full nodes of Non-Cryptocurrency Public Chains on Spartan Network, and never connects to any external third-party systems.

As a clear demonstration, all commands in this document are run with root permission. These commands can also be run under normal user permissions, please set the file storage and configure the parameters properly.

1. Initialization

1.1 Hardware Requirements

It is recommended to build the Data Center Management System on Linux Server with the following requirements:

Minimum Requirements:

  • 2 CPU
  • Memory: 4GB
  • Disk: 25GB SSD
  • Bandwidth: 20Mbps

Recommended Requirements:

  • 4 CPU
  • Memory: 16GB
  • Disk: 50GB SSD
  • Bandwidth: 20Mbps

1.2 Prerequisites

Software Version
Java 1.8+
MySQL 5.7+
Jar (Optional) -
Docker-ce (Optional) 20.10.0+
Docker-compose (Optional) 1.25.5+
Spartan-I Chain Default Node -

1.3 Database Initialization

  1. Make sure you have installed MySQL 5.7 or later version in your system. You can go to MySQL official website to learn how to install MySQL on Linux.

    mysql -V

  2. Get mysql script

  3. Login to MySQL service, name and create the database:

    CREATE DATABASE bsn_spartan_dc DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci;

  4. Execute sql script to initialize the table:

    use bsn_spartan_dc;

  5. Execute the rest commands in sequence. Then, check the table structure:

    show tables;

2. Download and Configuration

2.1 Downloading the Package

Download the package of the Data Center Management System. You can also download the source code on this page and compile it by yourself.

2.2 Downloading Configuration Files

Download the configuration files, including application.yml, application-prod.yml and logback-spring.xml.

2.3 Configuration

2.3.1 Editing application.yml

  • Change the default login account information

    If the database has never been initialized with any account before, the service will be initialized with this information when started:

      adminName: admin
      adminEmail: [email protected]
      defaultPassword: password

2.3.2 Editing application-prod.yml

  • Configure the data source

      # Specify the port that runs the Data Center System
      port: 8085
      # Specify the IP address, port number and the name of your database
      write_url: jdbc:mysql://database-IP:port/db_name?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&serverTimezone=UTC&allowMultiQueries=true&useSSL=false
      # Enter the login name of the database
      write_username: db_username
      # Enter the password
      write_password: db_password
      # Specify the IP address, port number and the name of your database
      read_url: jdbc:mysql://database-IP:port/db_name?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&serverTimezone=UTC&allowMultiQueries=true&useSSL=false
      # Enter the login name of the database
      read_username: db_username
      # Enter the password
      read_password: db_password


  • Configure the node information

      # Default Node's JSON-RPC interface (--http.port) of Spartan-I Chain
      nodeRpcAddress: "http://node-IP:node-rpc-port"
      # Default Chain's network ID, do not change this configuration
      chainId: 9090
      # Query the transaction pool's waiting time: millisecond, recommended 1.5 seconds
      txPoolSleep: 1500
      # Change the path of the Keystore file to a designated directory
      walletFilePath: "your-directory/wallet"
      # The system will parse events from all blocks after this block height. This number is recommended to be set as the latest block height of the Default Chain before the Data Center System started. For example: blockHeight: 270441
      # You can get the block height from the blockchain explorer:
      blockHeight: block_height


  • Configure Kong gateway

    Configure the username and password of Kong gateway

      # Username configured in the operations and maintenance system
      username: username
      # Password configured in the operations and maintenance system
      password: password

3. Starting the Service

Here we start the service in two ways, you may choose one of them that fits your requirement.

3.1 Starting by Package

Make sure Java 1.8 or later version has been installed in your system.

java -version

Put Data-Center-System-1.3.1.jar, application.yml, application-prod.yml and logback-spring.xml files into the same directory and run the command below:

java -jar Data-Center-System-1.3.1.jar --spring.config.location=./application.yml --spring.config.location=./application-prod.yml --logging.config=./logback-spring.xml - LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8


After starting up the Data Center System, you may find the "the basic information of data center is not configured" error message in the process. You need to configure the information after logging into the system.

If you would like to run the node in the backend system, you can run nohup command as follow:

nohup java -jar Data-Center-System-1.3.1.jar --spring.config.location=./application.yml --spring.config.location=./application-prod.yml --logging.config=./logback-spring.xml - LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 > output.log 2>&1 &

You can also check the process from the log:

tail -f output.log

To stop the service in nohup mode, please refer to the below command:

# Check the PID of the service
ps -ef | grep java

# Stop the service, change "PID" to the correct number
kill -9 PID

3.2 Starting by Docker

  • Create a new directory bsn/spartan under the root directory:
mkdir /bsn/spartan
  • Go to directory bsn/spartan:
cd /bsn/spartan
  • Create and edit file docker-compose.yaml:
vim docker-compose.yaml
  • Copy below content to file docker-compose.yaml:
version: '3'
    container_name: spartan-dc
    image: bsnspartan/jre1.8:centos7.9
    restart: always
      - "8085:8085"
      - ./pkg:/bsn/spartan/pkg
      - ./logs:/bsn/spartan/logs #This directory must be the same with logPath in logback-spring.xml
      - ./conf:/bsn/spartan/conf
      - ./wallet:/bsn/spartan/wallet
      - /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts
    entrypoint: java -jar ./pkg/Data-Center-System-1.3.1.jar --server.port=8085 --spring.config.location=./conf/application.yml --spring.config.location=./conf/application-prod.yml --logging.config=./conf/logback-spring.xml --logging.logpath=./logs
  • Create a directory /bsn/spartan/conf and put application-prod.yml, application.yml, logback-spring.xml into it.

  • Create a directory /bsn/spartan/pkg and put Data-Center-System-1.3.1.jar into it.

  • Return to the directory /bsn/spartan and start the service:

cd ..
docker-compose up -d

4. Data Center Registration

After successfully starting the service, the Data Center Operator can access the system from http://server_IP:server_port. The server_port is refering to the port in application-prod.yml.

Before using the System, the Data Center Operator should go to the Spartan Official Website to register a new data center.

Please refer to the BSN Spartan Network User Manual for detailed instructions.

5. Data Center Gateway Deployment

After deploying and running the Data Center Management System, Data Center Operators can deploy Kong Gateway service to manage end-user's network access. This is not a mandatory step if the Data Center Operator just wants to run the DC for his/her own system. However, for better protection of the node, we encourage all Data Center Operators to install and run the Kong Gateway. Click to see more information of Data Center Gateway Deployment.

6. Data Center Portal Deployment

Data Center Service Providers can build portals to serve their end-users. Here is a template of the deployment of BSN Spartan Network Data Center Portal.

7. Data Center Management System Upgrade

If you have already installed the Data Center Management System with the previous version, you can upgrade it to the latest one.

Please find the upgrade instructions in tags that matches the version of your Data Center Management System.