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A Nextflow pipeline for running the ARTIC network's fieldbioinformatics tools (, with a focus on ncov2019

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This Nextflow pipeline automates the ARTIC network nCoV-2019 novel coronavirus bioinformatics protocol. The upstream repository (connor-lab/ncov2019-artic-nf) was created to aid the harmonisation of the analysis of sequencing data generated by the COG-UK project. This fork (BCCDC-PHL/ncov2019-artic-nf) has a few modifications designed to support the SARS-CoV-2 sequencing efforts at the BC Centre for Disease Control Public Health Laboratory, and to conform to standardization efforts in the context of the CanGOGeN project. It will turn SARS-COV2 sequencing data (Illumina or Nanopore) into consensus sequences and provide other helpful outputs to assist the project's sequencing centres with submitting data.


nextflow run BCCDC-PHL/ncov2019-artic-nf -profile conda \
  --illumina --prefix "output_file_prefix" \
  --primer_pairs_tsv /path/to/primer_pairs_tsv \
  --composite_ref /path/to/human_and_sars-cov-2_composite_ref \
  --directory /path/to/reads 

You can also use cram file input by passing the --cram flag. You can also specify cram file output by passing the --outCram flag.

For production use at large scale, where you will run the workflow many times, you can avoid cloning the scheme repository, creating an ivar bed file and indexing the reference every time by supplying both --bed /path/to/ivar-compatible.bed and --ref /path/to/bwa-indexed/ref.fa.

Alternatively you can avoid just the cloning of the scheme repository to remain on a fixed revision of it over time by passing --schemeRepoURL /path/to/own/clone/of/ This removes any internet access from the workflow except for the optional upload steps.

SampleSheet Input

Samples can also be provided to the pipeline via a samplesheet.csv file:

nextflow run BCCDC-PHL/ncov2019-artic-nf -profile conda \
  --illumina --prefix "output_file_prefix" \
  --primer_pairs_tsv /path/to/primer_pairs_tsv \
  --composite_ref /path/to/human_and_sars-cov-2_composite_ref \
  --samplesheet_input /path/to/samplesheet.csv

The samplesheet.csv file must include the headers:


...and each record should be a comma-separated line consisting of the sample ID, the path to the R1 fastq file for that sample, and the path to the R2 fastq file for that sample.

nextflow run BCCDC-PHL/ncov2019-artic-nf [-profile conda,singularity,docker,slurm,lsf] \
  --nanopolish --prefix "output_file_prefix" \
  --basecalled_fastq /path/to/directory \
  --fast5_pass /path/to/directory \
  --sequencing_summary /path/to/sequencing_summary.txt
 nextflow run connor-lab/ncov2019-artic-nf [-profile conda,singularity,docker,slurm,lsf] \
   --medaka --prefix "output_file_prefix" \
   --basecalled_fastq /path/to/directory \
   --fast5_pass /path/to/directory \
   --sequencing_summary /path/to/sequencing_summary.txt


An up-to-date version of Nextflow is required because the pipeline is written in DSL2. Following the instructions at to download and install Nextflow should get you a recent-enough version.


This repo contains both Singularity and Dockerfiles. You can build the Singularity containers locally by running scripts/ and use them with -profile singularity The containers will be available from Docker/Singularityhub shortly.


The repo contains a environment.yml files which automatically build the correct conda env if -profile conda is specifed in the command. Although you'll need conda installed, this is probably the easiest way to run this pipeline.

--cache /some/dir can be specified to have a fixed, shared location to store the conda build for use by multiple runs of the workflow.


By default, the pipeline just runs on the local machine. You can specify -profile slurm to use a SLURM cluster, or -profile lsf to use an LSF cluster. In either case you may need to also use one of the COG-UK institutional config profiles (phw or sanger), or provide queue names to use in your own config file.


You can use multiple profiles at once, separating them with a comma. This is described in the Nextflow documentation


Common configuration options are set in conf/base.config. Workflow specific configuration options are set in conf/nanopore.config and conf/illumina.config They are described and set to sensible defaults (as suggested in the nCoV-2019 novel coronavirus bioinformatics protocol)

  • --outdir sets the output directory.
  • --bwa to swap to bwa for mapping (nanopore only).

Use --nanopolish or --medaka to run these workflows. --basecalled_fastq should point to a directory created by guppy_basecaller (if you ran with no barcodes), or guppy_barcoder (if you ran with barcodes). It is imperative that the following guppy_barcoder command be used for demultiplexing:

guppy_barcoder --require_barcodes_both_ends -i run_name -s output_directory --arrangements_files "barcode_arrs_nb12.cfg barcode_arrs_nb24.cfg"

The Illumina workflow leans heavily on the excellent ivar for primer trimming and consensus making. This workflow will be updated to follow ivar, as its also in very active development! Use --illumina to run the Illumina workflow. Use --directory to point to an Illumina output directory usually coded something like: <date>_<machine_id>_<run_no>_<some_zeros>_<flowcell>. The workflow will recursively grab all fastq files under this directory, so be sure that what you want is in there, and what you don't, isn't!

Important config options are:

Option Default Description
allowNoprimer true Allow reads that don't have primer sequence? Ligation prep = false, nextera = true
illuminaKeepLen 50 Length of illumina reads to keep after primer trimming
illuminaQualThreshold 20 Sliding window quality threshold for keeping reads after primer trimming (illumina)
mpileupDepth 100000 Mpileup depth for ivar
varFreqThreshold 0.75 ivar/freebayes frequency threshold for consensus variant
`varMinFreqThreshold 0.25 ivar/freebayes frequency threshold for ambiguous variant
varMinDepth 10 Minimum coverage depth to call variant
ivarMinVariantQuality 20 ivear minimum mapping quality to call variant
downsampleMappingQuality 20 Exclude reads below this mapping quality while downsampling
downsampleAmpliconSubdivisions 3 Number of times amplicons are subdivided to determine locations of checkpoints to test for depth while downsampling


A script to do some basic QC is provided in bin/ This currently tests if >50% of reference bases are covered by >10 reads (Illumina) or >20 reads (Nanopore), OR if there is a stretch of more than 10 Kb of sequence without N - setting qc_pass in <outdir>/<prefix>.qc.csv to TRUE. bin/ can be extended to incorporate any QC test, as long as the script outputs a csv file a "qc_pass" last column, with samples TRUE or FALSE.


A subdirectory for each process in the workflow is created in --outdir. A nml_upload subdirectory containing files important for CanCOGeN is created.


A Nextflow pipeline for running the ARTIC network's fieldbioinformatics tools (, with a focus on ncov2019






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  • Nextflow 53.2%
  • Python 43.1%
  • Singularity 1.7%
  • Dockerfile 1.5%
  • Shell 0.5%