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B2E2 - Smart Contracts

Based on experience with prototypical use cases, our team at Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (EnBW) has written the whitepaper 'EnergyTokenModel'. In this paper we describe how distributed ledger technology or blockchain can be used in the energy industry providing a basis for a blockchain based energy ecosystem in which usecases as i.e. energy sharing, proof of origin, local markets can be realized. The presented approach shows a way how real-world objects can be digitally mapped on a blockchain and how properties and transactions can be documented in a trustworthy way. The White Paper is currently available for download in German language here.

With the publication of the smart contracts in this repository we are taking the next step. After we have explained in the white paper how DLT mechanisms can be applied in the energy industry, we show here how the implementation looks like. Since we believe that the advantage of using DLT is to have a common transaction layer, we publish the repository under a MIT open source license.

With our publications, we are contributing to the public discussion on how the block chain can be used in the energy industry and hope to receive further ideas and impulses.

The Blockchain identities are implemented with the ERC725 and ERC735 standards. The energy tokens are implemented with the ERC1155 standard.

The latest version of the sequence and entity relationship diagrams from the whitepaper can be found in the directory './documentation'.


Make sure that your node JS version is 20.12.0 because some of the dependencies do not work with newer versions.

Cloning the repository

git clone --recursive

Installing Dependencies

sudo npm global add truffle ganache ganache-cli
cd Energietokens-Implementierung
npm install
cd dependencies/jsmnSol
npm install

Building & Deployment

Launch Ganache:

npx ganache-cli -l 1000000000

Choose a sender address from the list that's printed and replace the address in the line containing from: in truffle-config.js by it.

Then (in a different terminal instance) compile the contracts and deploy them:

npx truffle compile
npx truffle deploy


npm run build
npm run tests

Expected behavior: 28 tests passing, 0 tests failing, 1 test skipped ("pending")