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GitHub Actions for deploying to Azure Functions

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Python Linux master python linux e2e dev python linux e2e

With the Azure Functions GitHub Action, you can automate your workflow to deploy Azure Functions.

Get started today with a free Azure account!

The repository contains a GitHub Action to deploy your function app project into Azure Functions. If you are looking for a GitHub Action to deploy your customized container image into an Azure Functions container, please consider using functions-container-action.

The definition of this GitHub Action is in action.yml.

Kudu zip deploy method is used by the action for deployment of Functions.

End-to-End Sample workflow

Workflow Templates

Templates Windows Linux
DotNet windows-dotnet-functionapp-on-azure.yml linux-dotnet-functionapp-on-azure.yml
Node windows-node.js-functionapp-on-azure.yml linux-node.js-functionapp-on-azure.yml
PowerShell windows-powershell-functionapp-on-azure.yml linux-powershell-functionapp-on-azure.yml
Java windows-java-functionapp-on-azure.yml linux-java-functionapp-on-azure.yml
Python - linux-python-functionapp-on-azure.yml

If you have extension project(s) in your repo, these templates will NOT resolve the extensions.csproj in your project. If you want to use binding extensions (e.g. Blob/Queue/EventHub Triggers), please consider registering Azure Functions binding extensions in your host.json.

Alternatively, you can add a - run: dotnet build --output ./bin step before functions-action step.

"Remove additional files at destination" is not supported by Kudu deploy method used in this action and should be handled separately. When a new build is deployed with zipdeploy, files and directories that were created by the previous deployment but are no longer present in the build will be deleted. Any other files and directories found in the site that aren't being overwritten by the deployment, such as those placed there via FTP or created by your app during runtime, will be preserved.

Supported Languages and versions

Using Publish Profile as Deployment Credential (recommended)

Using publish profile as deployment credential is recommended if you are not the owner of your Azure subscription. Follow these steps to configure your workflow to use the publish profile from your function app.

NOTE: If you are using a Custom handler with the Linux consumption SKU, this deployment process will not work . You must use a Service Principal and authenticate with the azure/login action.

  1. In Azure portal, go to your function app.
  2. Click Get publish profile and download .PublishSettings file.
  3. Open the .PublishSettings file and copy the content.
  4. Paste the XML content to your GitHub Repository > Settings > Secrets > Add a new secret > AZURE_FUNCTIONAPP_PUBLISH_PROFILE
  5. Use one of the above workflow templates as a reference to build your workflow in .github/workflows/ directory.
  6. Change variable values in env: section according to your function app.
  7. Commit and push your project to GitHub repository, you should see a new GitHub workflow initiated in Actions tab.

Using Azure Service Principal for RBAC as Deployment Credential

NOTE: If you want to deploy to Linux Consumption plan and your app contains executable file(custom handler, chrome in Puppeteer/Playwright etc), you need to use this way in order to keep executable permission.

Follow these steps to configure your workflow to use an Azure Service Principal for RBAC and add them as a GitHub Secret in your repository.

  1. Download Azure CLI from here, run az login to login with your Azure credentials.
  2. Run Azure CLI command
   az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "myApp" --role contributor \
                            --scopes /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{app-name} \

  # Replace {subscription-id}, {resource-group}, and {app-name} with the names of your subscription, resource group, and Azure function app.
  # The command should output a JSON object similar to this:

    "clientId": "<GUID>",
    "clientSecret": "<GUID>",
    "subscriptionId": "<GUID>",
    "tenantId": "<GUID>",
  1. Copy and paste the json response from above Azure CLI to your GitHub Repository > Settings > Secrets > Add a new secret > AZURE_RBAC_CREDENTIALS
  2. Use Windows DotNet Function App RBAC template as a reference to build your workflow in .github/workflows/ directory. Ensure that you use azure/login action and that you are not using the publish-profile parameter
  3. Change variable values in env: section according to your function app.
  4. Commit and push your project to GitHub repository, you should see a new GitHub workflow initiated in Actions tab.

Azure Functions GitHub Action is supported for the Azure public cloud as well as Azure government clouds ('AzureUSGovernment' or 'AzureChinaCloud') and Azure Stack ('AzureStack') Hub. Before running this action, login to the respective Azure Cloud using Azure Login by setting appropriate value for the environment parameter.

Manged Identities for Storage Account Access and Package Deployments on Linux Consumption SKU

If the function app uses managed identities for accessing the storage account (i.e. AzureWebJobsStorage is not set) then the action will use the RBAC account to publish a package deployment to the storage account defined in AzureWebJobsStorage__accountName. The app setting WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE will be created during deployment and will not include a SAS token.

If WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE_BLOB_MI_RESOURCE_ID is defined then user-assigned manage identity will be used, otherwise system-assigned manage identity. The RBAC account will require Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action if AzureWebJobsStorage is not set.

GitHub Action Parameters

Required parameters for all function app plans:

  • app-name: The function app name on Azure (e.g. if your app's homepage is, then app-name should be your-site-name).
  • package: This is the location in your project to be published. By default, this value is set to ., which means all files and folders in the GitHub repository will be deployed.

Parameters specific to the Flex Consumtion plan:

  • sku: Set this to flexconsumption when authenticating with publish-profile. When using RBAC credentials or deploying to a non-Flex Consumption plan, the Action can resolve the value, so the parameter does not need to be included.
  • remote-build: Set this to true to enable a build action from Kudu when the package is deployed to a Flex Consumption app. Oryx build is always performed during a remote build in Flex Consumption; do not set scm-do-build-during-deployment or enable-oryx-build. By default, this parameter is set to false.

Parameters specific to the Consumption, Elastic Premium, and App Service (Dedicated) plans:

  • scm-do-build-during-deployment: Allow the Kudu site (e.g. to perform pre-deployment operations. By default, this is set to false. If you don't want to resolve the dependencies in the GitHub Workflow, and instead, you want to control the deployments in Kudu / KuduLite, you may want to change this setting to true. For more information on SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT setting, please visit our Kudu doc.
  • enable-oryx-build: Allow Kudu site to resolve your project dependencies with Oryx. By default, this is set to false. If you want to use Oryx to resolve your dependencies (e.g. remote build) instead of the GitHub Workflow, set scm-do-build-during-deployment and enable-oryx-build to true.

Optional parameters for all function app plans:

  • slot-name: This is the slot name to be deployed to. By default, this value is empty, which means the GitHub Action will deploy to your production site. When this setting points to a non-production slot, please ensure the publish-profile parameter contains the credentials for the slot instead of the production site. Currently not supported in Flex Consumption.
  • publish-profile: The credentials that will be used during the deployment. It should contain a piece of XML content from your .PublishSettings file. You can acquire .PublishSettings by visiting the Azure Portal -> Your Function App -> Overview -> Get Publish Profile. We highly recommend setting the content in GitHub secrets since it contains sensitive information such as your site URL, username, and password. When the publish profile is rotated in your function app, you also need to update the GitHub secret. Otherwise, a 401 error will occur when accessing the /api/settings endpoint.
  • respect-pom-xml: Allow the GitHub Action to derive the Java function app's artifact from pom.xml for deployments. By default, it is set to false, which means the package parameter needs to point to your Java function app's artifact (e.g. ./target/azure-functions/). It is recommended to set package to . and respect-pom-xml to true when deploying Java function apps.
  • respect-funcignore: Allow the GitHub Action to parse your .funcignore file and exclude files and folders defined in it. By default, this value is set to false. If your GitHub repo contains .funcignore file and you want to exclude certain paths (e.g. text editor configs .vscode/, Python virtual environment .venv/), we recommend setting this to true.

Dependencies on other GitHub Actions

  • Checkout Checkout your Git repository content into GitHub Actions agent.
  • Azure Login Login with your Azure credentials for function app deployment authentication.
  • Environment setup actions
    • Setup DotNet Build your DotNet core function app or function app extensions.
    • Setup Node Resolve Node function app dependencies using npm.
    • Setup Python Resolve Python function app dependencies using pip.
    • Setup Java Resolve Java function app dependencies using maven.


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