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uAMQP is a C library for AMQP 1.0 communication to Azure Cloud Services.

The goals are:

  • Compliance with the standard
  • Optimizing for low RAM footprint
  • Be as portable as possible

It is currently a client side implementation only.


uAMQP uses azure-c-shared-utility, which is a C library providing common functionality for basic tasks (string manipulation, list manipulation, IO, etc.). azure-c-shared-utility is available here: and it is used as a submodule.

Please note that azure-c-shared-utility in turn depends on several libraries (libssl-dev, libuuid-dev, libcurl-dev).

On an Ubuntu distro it is recommended to install all needed packages by running:

  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install -y git cmake build-essential curl libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev uuid-dev

azure-c-shared-utility provides several tlsio implementations, some being:

  • tlsio_schannel - runs only on Windows
  • tlsio_openssl - depends on OpenSSL being installed
  • tlsio_wolfssl - depends on WolfSSL being installed
  • tlsio_mbedtls
  • ...

For more information about configuring azure-c-shared-utility see

uAMQP uses cmake for configuring build files.

For WebSockets support uAMQP depends on the support provided by azure-c-shared-utility.



  • Clone azure-uamqp-c by:
git clone --recursive
  • Create a folder named cmake under azure-uamqp-c

  • Switch to the cmake folder and run

cmake ..
  • Build
cmake --build .

Installation and Use

Optionally, you may choose to install azure-uamqp-c on your machine:

  1. Switch to the cmake folder and run

    cmake -Duse_installed=ON ../
    cmake --build . --target install

    or install using the follow commands for each platform:

    On Linux:

    sudo make install

    On Windows:

    msbuild /m INSTALL.vcxproj
  2. Use it in your project (if installed)

    find_package(uamqp REQUIRED CONFIG)
    target_link_library(yourlib uamqp)

This requires that azure-c-shared-utility is installed (through CMake) on your machine.

If running tests, this requires that umock-c, azure-ctest, and azure-c-testrunnerswitcher are installed (through CMake) on your machine.

Building the tests

In order to build the unit tests use:

cmake .. -Drun_unittests:bool=ON

In order to build the end to end tests use:

cmake .. -Drun_e2e_tests:bool=ON

Please note that some end to end tests (talking to Event Hubs or IoT Hubs) require setup of environment variables so that the tests have the information about the endpoints that they need to connect to.

Switching branches

After any switch of branches (git checkout for example), one should also update the submodule references by:

git submodule update --init --recursive


Samples are available in the azure-uamqp-c/samples folder:

  • Send messages to an Event Hub
  • Receive messages from an Event Hub
  • Send messages to an IoT Hub using CBS
  • Send messages to an IoT Hub using AMQP over WebSockets
  • Simple client/server sample using raw TCP