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Table Storage

jeffwilcox edited this page Feb 15, 2013 · 8 revisions

To ensure a table exists, call createTableIfNotExists:

var tableService = azure.createTableService();
tableService.createTableIfNotExists('tasktable', function(error){
        // Table exists

A new entity can be added by calling insertEntity:

var tableService = azure.createTableService(),
task1 = {
    PartitionKey : 'tasksSeattle',
    RowKey: '1',
    Description: 'Take out the trash',
    DueDate: new Date(2011, 12, 14, 12) 
tableService.insertEntity('tasktable', task1, function(error){ 
        // Entity inserted

The method queryEntity can then be used to fetch the entity that was just inserted:

var tableService = azure.createTableService();
tableService.queryEntity('tasktable', 'tasksSeattle', '1', function(error, serverEntity){
        // Entity available in serverEntity variable


getServiceProperties([options], callback)

Gets the properties of a storage account’s Table service, including Windows Azure Storage Analytics.

(object) The request options
(int) The timeout interval, in milliseconds, to use for the request.
(function(error, servicePropertiesResult, response)) The callback function

setServiceProperties(serviceProperties, [options], callback)

Sets the properties of a storage account’s Table service, including Windows Azure Storage Analytics.

You can also use this operation to set the default request version for all incoming requests that do not have a version specified.

(object) The service properties
(object) The request options
(int) The timeout interval, in milliseconds, to use for the request.
(function(error, response)) The callback function

getTable(table, [options], callback)

Gets a table properties.

(string) The table name
(object) The request options
(int) The timeout interval, in milliseconds, to use for the request.
(function(error, tableResult, response)) The callback function

createTable(table, [options], callback)

Creates a new table within a storage account.

Create a table with the given table name. This will return an error if the table already exists.

(string) The table name
(object) The request options
(int) The timeout interval, in milliseconds, to use for the request.
(function(error, tableResult, response)) The callback function

createTableIfNotExists(table, [options], callback)

Creates a new table within a storage account if it doesn't exist.

(string) The table name
(object) The request options
(int) The timeout interval, in milliseconds, to use for the request.
(function(error, created, response)) The callback function

deleteTable(table, [options], callback)

Deletes a table from a storage account.

(string) The table name
(object) The request options
(int) The timeout interval, in milliseconds, to use for the request.
(function(error, successful, response)) The callback function

queryTables([options], callback)

Enumerates the tables in a storage account.

(object) The request options
(string) The next table name marker.
(int) The timeout interval, in milliseconds, to use for the request.
(function(error, queryTablesResult, response)) The callback function

queryEntity(table, partitionKey, rowKey, [options], callback)

Queries an entity in a table.

(string) The table name
(string) The partition key
(string) The row key
(object) The request options
(int) The timeout interval, in milliseconds, to use for the request.
(function(error, tableEntity, response)) The callback function

queryEntities(tableQuery, [options], callback)

(TableQuery) The query to perform
(object) The request options
(int) The timeout interval, in milliseconds, to use for the request.
(function(error, queryEntitiesResult, queryEntitiesContinuation, response)) The callback function