Releases: Azure/DevOps-Self-Hosted
Releases · Azure/DevOps-Self-Hosted
Release v 8.1.0
What's Changed
Managed DevOps Agent Pool construct
- Seperated the Linux & Windows examples to deploy the solution
- Made cleanup script(s) more robust in order to deal with a non-specified staging/build resource group
- Updated the used AIB ptn solution version to make use of the latest changed (including, most notably, making the staging RG optional)
Breaking changes
- Added OS-Type selection & docs to pipeline to ease each solutions deployment (including docs on how to use the feature - and to remove it if not needed)
- Improved Windows software installation script by added a choco auto-approve + Bicep CLI installation via choco
Full Changelog: 8.0.0...8.1.0
Release v 8.0.0
What's Changed
Managed DevOps Agent Pool construct
- Updated used versions of AVM modules
- Replaced custom user-defined type with one from the AVM-Common-Types for Managed Identities
Breaking changes
- Replaced the use of Service Principals for the deployment of both constructs as well as the registration of the Agent Pool with an OIDC-enabled managed identity
- Update the corresponding pipeline code & documentation, as well as added a new section to explain how to create and configure a managed identity for OIDC that would work with both constructs.
- None
Full Changelog: 7.1.0...8.0.0
Release v 7.1.0
What's Changed
Managed DevOps Agent Pool construct
- Upgraded deployment of
resource to AVM module
Breaking changes
- None
- Updated deployment names to incorporate parent deployment name & location in name generate to cope with length limitations & ensure there won't be conflicts if the same template is deployed to different metadata locations
Full Changelog: 7.0.0...7.1.0
Release v 7.0.0
What's Changed

- Rebased both constructs in the repository from the CARML modules (version 0.11.1) to their latest counterparts in AVM including all required interface updates.
- Added several User-Defined-Types to simplify the usage of the deployment templates
Azure Image Builder
- Re-named the Image construct runtime parameters to be more meaningful
- Refactored the customizationScripts file upload to being part of the template deployment (via a deployment script) instead of a pipeline step
- Refactored the 'wait for image build' logic to run as part of the deployment (via the referenced AVM construct) instead of a pipeline step
Agent Pool
- Refactored the Self-Hosted Scale Set construct with it's custom pool registration code to instead use the new (yet in preview) Managed DevOps Pool solution which improves the original approach in many ways (like predictive scaling, simplified management, better permission management, etc.)
Breaking changes
- With the rebase to AVM, all modules where adjusted to the latest AVM interface and module versions including breaking changes to extension resources such as role assignments.
- As the Self-Hosted ScaleSet construct was refactored to use the Managed DevOps Pool solution, neither the pipeline, nor the template are compatible with its predecessor. Further, the registration of the pool is now an integral part of the solution and requires you to set up the permissions as per the instructions here before running the pipeline
- The new Managed DevOps Pool solution seems more reliable when it comes to the agent pool registration and as such may resolve issues users may have experienced before
Full Changelog: 6.0.0...7.0.0
Release v 6.0.0
What's Changed
- Updated the used modules to the CARML Release 0.11.0
- Moved large chunks for code from the pipeline into the used PowerShell scripts to improve testability
- Refactored several functions to native REST in order to reduce dependencies and at the same time work past some PowerShell module issues
- Upgraded the Linux Default Image to Ubuntu 23.04
- Added a 'File structure & flow' section to each construct's readme to describe the setup & explain how to reference/add additional parameters
- Expanded on the Azure Image Builder construct description (& visuals) and added a prerequisites section
- Enabled Private Networking for DeploymentScripts
- Split used Managed Identities in 2:
- One to be used by the deployment scripts to e.g., upload files to the Assets Storage Acount & trigger the Image build
- One to be used by the Azure Image builder to e.g., read files from the Assets Storage Account & execute the Image build
- Switched Assets Storage Account authentication to Entra ID Authentication (instead of access keys)
- Updated pipeline build names to contain more detail
Breaking changes
- Merged the original 2 Azure Image Builder Bicep solution templates into a single one
- The template was originally split to have one template deploy infrastructure, then have a pipeline job running that uploads scripts to the Assets Storage Account, and finally a second template running to use these files in the Image Template deployment
- The in-between step was merged into the template using a DeploymentScript that loads the files to upload as environment variables and creates them as files on the Storage Account
- Renamed the scripts uploaded to the Assets Storage Account to approved PowerShell verbs
- Fixed pipeline conditions
- Fixed smaller typos
Full Changelog: 5.0.1...6.0.0
Release v 5.0.1
What's Changed
- Updated documentation to latest Azure DevOps default behavior for Build Service configuration
- Small updates to the Agent Pool auto-registration logic
- Formatting
Full Changelog: 5.0.0...5.0.1
Release v 5.0.0
What's Changed
- Updated the used modules to the CARML Release 0.9.0
- Moved large chunks for code from the pipeline into the used PowerShell scripts to improve testability
- Refactored several functions to native REST in order to reduce dependencies and at the same time work past some PowerShell module issues
Breaking changes
- Renamed 'parameters' folder to 'deploymentFiles' folder
- Several small fixes for typos
- Fixed incorrect NSG attachment to VMSS subnet
- Cleaned up outdated code that accounted for a no fixed AZ CLI issue
Full Changelog: 4.0.0...5.0.0
Release v 4.0.0
What's Changed
- Updated to CARML Release 0.8.0
- Updated Windows support
- Seval fixes and improvements for customization script
- Added support for PS-Core installation (which is required) if the chosen Windows image has only Powershell 5.1. installed
- Updated parameter interface to make better use of the Bicep template capabilities
- i.e. all parameter objects such as 'vmssParam' have been split into individual parameters with default values - which not only allows us to leverage additional Bicep features, but also to reduce the setup effort as many values have default parameters
- Removed workarounds for temporal Bicep issues in the past
- Updated docs to latest changes
- Removed support for Marketplace images from VMSS deployment template (i.e., only Compute Gallery Images are supported). Can be re-added later if need be - but for the time being fell victim to the restructurnig.
Full Changelog: 3.2.0...4.0.0
Release v 3.2.0
Release v 3.1.2
What's Changed
- Upgraded to 20.04 Ubuntu installation package for Linux installation script
Full Changelog: 3.1.1...3.1.2