Strike (Separating-Axis Theorem Routines for Ill-tempered, Kaleidascopic Entities) is a 2D SAT Collision Detection library.
Made primarily for the LÖVE community, but should be compatible with any Lua version (at least at time of writing)
Download or recurisvely clone Strike into your project's directory
If using git's command line to clone Strike, run either of the following commands to clone it:
git clone --recurse-submodules (git >= 2.13)
git clone --recursive (git < 2.13)
If using github desktop, it automatically resolves submodules, so no command-line needed
Then require it:
local S = require 'Strike'
Accessed via S.hapes
, Shapes are objects representing convex geometry, mostly polygons and circles. They are not used for collision detection by themselves, but are at your disposal. The available ones are in the /shapes
directory, but you can add your own shape definitions as well. With the exception of Circle
, every shape is extended from ConvexPolygon
and overrides its constructor. There are a few more things to note, but it's important to know that both object definitions and instantiation are handled by rxi's classic. classic's distinction is that the constructor definition,:new
, does not return the object itself. The object's __call
method handles that, which is in turn handled by classic.
An example of a shape structure
Rect = {
vertices = {}, -- list of {x,y} coords
convex = true, -- boolean
centroid = {x = 0, y = 0}, -- {x, y} coordinate pair
radius = 0, -- radius of circumscribed circle
area = 0 -- absolute/unsigned area of polygon
To actually define this, the ConvexPolygon
definition can be extended and overriden with a new constructor. Example in Defining Your Own Shapes
See Basic Colliders down below for available Shapes.
Now for some Shape methods:
All of the below methods return self
if you need to do some transformation chaining
shape:translate(dx, dy) -- adds dx and dy to each shapes' points
shape:translateTo(x,y) -- translates centroid to position (and everything with it)
shape:rotate(angle, refx, refy) -- rotates by `angle` (radians) about a reference point (defaults to centroid)
shape:rotateTo(angle, refx, refy) -- rotates the shape *to* an `angle` (radians) about a reference point (defaults to centroid)
shape:scale(sf, refx, refy) -- scales by factor `sf` with respect to a reference point (defaults to centroid)
Under the hood, Strike's Shape
class uses a Transform object, so directly accessing coordinates won't give expected values. Relevant getters return transformed coordinates, such as getVertex
, so definitely use them.
shape:getArea() -- Returns the area of the shape
shape:getCentroid() -- Returns the centroid of the shape as a table {x = x, y = y}
shape:getAreaCentroid() -- Returns the area *and* the centroid of the shape
shape:getRadius() -- Returns the radies of the shape's circumscribed circle
shape:getBbox() -- Returns the minimum AABB dimensions of the shape as 4 numbers: minimum-x, minimum-y, width, height
shape:unpack() -- Returns the args the shape was constructed with
Given an index, returns the corresponding numbered edge. Returns nil
if OOB
Given an index, returns the corresponding numbered edge. Returns nil
if OOB
shape:project(nx, ny)
Given two normalized vector components, returns the minimum and maximum values of the shape's projection onto the vector
Given a point ({x=x,y=y}), returns true
if it is within bounds of the shape, else false
shape:rayIntersects(x,y, nx,ny)
Given a ray-origin x,y
and a normalized vector, returns true
if it intersects the shape, else false
shape:rayInteresections(x,y, nx,ny, ts) -- Returns a table of numbers that are
Same args as rayIntersects
w/ optional table to insert into. Returns a list of numbers representing lengths along normal nx, ny
There are a few more methods, specifically:
shape:copy(x,y, angle_rads) -- (returns a copy, go figure) w/ centroid located at `x, y` and the specified angle.
shape:ipairs( ?shape2 ) -- Edge iterator. shape2 only necessary for Circles, which need another shape to get a useful edge
shape:vecs( ?shape2 ) -- Vector iterator. shape2 only necessary for Circles, which need another shape to get a useful edge
Accessed via S.trikers
, Colliders are grab-bags of geometry that are used for collision detection. They can be composed of Shapes, but may also contain other Colliders (and their shapes). The only requirement is that every shape in the Collider is convex. As with Shapes, available Colliders are defined in the /colliders
directory and auto-loaded in. You can define custom collider definitions for particular collections of geometry that you're fond of. Just look at the included Capsule
definition for a simple example. The included collider objects are listed below.
These correspond to the available S.hapes
, but are not Shapes themselves. Their constructors are identical to the referenced shapes, and are automatically defined as Collider(shape_name(shape_args))
. They are a Collider that contains a single shape of the same name.
c = S.trikers.Circle(x_pos, y_pos, radius, angle_rads)
Creates a circle centered on {x_pos, y_pos}
with the given radius
. angle_rads
not really useful at the moment, might delete it.
cp = S.trikers.ConvexPolygon(x,y, ...)
Takes a vardiadic list of x,y
pairs that describe a convex polygon.
Should be in counter-clockwise winding order, but the constructor will automatically sort non-ccw input when it fails a convexity check.
e = S.trikers.Edge(x1,y1, x2,y2)
Takes the two endpoints of an edge and... creates an edge
el = S.trikers.Ellipse(x_pos, y_pos, a, b, segments, angle_rads)
Creates a discretized Ellipse centered at {x_pos, y_pos}
, a
and b
are lengths of major/minor axes, segments is the number of edges to use to approximate the Ellipse, and angle_rads
is the angled offset in radians.
S.trikers.Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, dx, dy, angle_rads)
Creates a rectangle centered at {x_pos, y_pos}
with width dx
and height dy
, offset by angle_rads
r = S.trikers.RegularPolygon(x_pos, y_pos, n, radius, angle_rads)
Creates a regular polygon centered at {x_pos, y_pos}
with n
sides. radius
is the radius of the circumscribed circle, angle_rads
is the angled offset in radians.
coll = S.trikers.Collider( S.hapes.Rectangle(...), S.hapes.Circle(...), S.trikers.Circle(...), ... )
Creates a collider object given a variadic amount of S.hapes
or S.trikers
that contains the specified geometry, though S.hapes
make for a flatter object
cap = S.trikers.Capsule(x_pos, y_pos, dx, dy, angle_rads)
Creates a capsule centered at {x_pos, y_pos}
with width dx
and height dy
, offset by angle_rads
(radians). Circles are along vertical axis.
concave = S.trikers.Concave(x,y, ...)
Takes a vardiadic list of x,y
pairs that describe a concave polygon.
Should be in pseudo-counter-clockwise winding order.
The base Collider class (and all colliders that extend it) have the below methods
All of them return self
if you need to do some transformation chaining
collider:translate(dx, dy) -- adds dx and dy to each shapes' points
collider:translateTo(x,y) -- translates centroid to position (and everything with it)
collider:rotate(angle, refx, refy) -- rotates by `angle` (radians) about a reference point (defaults to centroid)
collider:rotateTo(angle, refx, refy) -- rotates the shape *to* an `angle` (radians) about a reference point (defaults to centroid)
collider:scale(sf, refx, refy) -- scales by factor `sf` with respect to a reference point (defaults to centroid)
collider:getArea() -- Returns the area of the collider
collider:getCentroid() -- Returns the centroid of the collider as a table {x = x, y = y}
collider:getAreaCentroid() -- Returns the area *and* the centroid of the collider
collider:getRadius() -- Returns the radies of the collider's circumscribed circle
collider:getBbox() -- Returns the minimum AABB dimensions of the collider as 4 numbers: minimum-x, minimum-y, width, height
collider:unpack() -- Returns the the shapes a collider contains
collider:project(nx, ny)
Given two normalized vector components, returns the minimum and maximum values of the collider's projection onto the vector. Not super useful for concave colliders, but it's there.
Of course, there's also ray-methods, but they're expounded upon in Ray Intersection
Other useful methods include:
collider:copy() -- returns a copy of the collider
collider:remove(index, ...) -- removes a shape at the specified index, can handle multiple indexes
**uses table.remove internally, so as long as you don't have tens of thousands of shapes in a collider, you'll be fine!
collider:consolidate() -- will merge incident convex polygons together, makes for less iterations if applicable
There's the expensive :ipairs()
method which uses a coroutine
for parent_collider, shape, shape_index in collider:ipairs() do
-- stuff
is a flattened-list iterator that will return all Shapes, nested or not, contained within the 'root' Collider it's called from.
is the collider that contains shape
, and shape_index
is the index of shape
within parent_collider.shapes
If you wanted to remove a shape from a Collider that met some condition, calling parent_collider:remove( shape_index )
would do it.
And the cheaper :elems()
method that returns only leaf nodes and does not use a coroutine
for shape in collider:elems() do
-- stuff
There are two ray intersection functions: rayIntersects
and rayIntersections
. Both have the same arguments: a ray origin and a normalized vector. The current implementation also assumes infinite length. They are defined both at the Shapes
level and at the Collider
Collider:rayIntersect(ion)s(x,y, dx,dy)
earlies out at the first intersection and returns true (else false).
returns a list of key-value pairs, where the keys are references to the shape objects hit and the values are a table of lengths along the ray vector.
It looks like this:
hits = Collider:rayIntersections(0,0, 1,1)
-- hits = {
-- <shape1> = {length-1, length-2},
-- <shape2> = {length-1},
-- <shape3> = {length-1, length-2}
-- }
Because the keys are references, it is possible to iterate through the hits
table using pairs()
and operate on them individually.
To compute the intersection points, here's a sample loop:
for shape, dists in pairs(hits) do
for _, dist in ipairs(dists) do
local px, py = rx + dx*dist, ry + dy*dist -- coordinate math, py) -- draw with love
Minimum Translating Vectors are an object that represent the penetration depth between two colliders. It sits under the classes/
directory if you wish to use it. Here's the constructor:
MTV(dx, dy, colliderShape, collidedShape)
Where dx,dy
are the vector components and collider/collided
are each a Collider for reference.
There are other fields that are not currently set from the constructor. An example of the contained fields is below:
MTV = {
x = 0,
y = 0,
collider = <reference-to-collider>,
collided = <reference-to-collider>,
colliderShape = <reference-to-collider-shape>,
collidedShape = <reference-to-collided-shape>,
edgeIndex = colliderShape-edge-index,
separating = boolean
The vector components are accessed via mtv.x
and mtv.y
. The collider
field represents the collider that the mtv is oriented from. If you were to draw the mtv from the centroid of the collider object, it would point out of the shape, towards the collider it is currently intersecting. The collided
field is a reference to that intersected collider, the one that the mtv would be pointing towards. This information is necessary to know the orientation of the mtv and for settling/resolving collisions; they can directly be operated on from the references in the mtv.
The colliderShape
and collidedShape
fields are references to the two actual shapes that generated the collision. edgeIndex
is the actual index of the edge that generated the separating axis. The edge can be retrieved by calling mtv.colliderShape:getEdge( mtv.edgeIndex )
The plan is to add a solver that can calculate the contact points between the two colliders given the information inside of a MTV alone. Similar to Box2D's manifolds. (very unsure of how to go about this, will need to play with clipping algorithms).
The MTV object has a camelCased setter for every single field (setCollider
for collider
). It's unlikely anyone will need to use them, but here they are:
The one practical instance method of interest might be MTV:mag()/mag2
- it returns the magnitude/magnitude-squared of the separating vector.
Has both circle-circle and aabb-aabb intersection test functions - S.ircle(collider1, collider2)
and S.aabb(collider1, collider2)
respectively. Both return true on interesction, else false.
Calling S.triking(collider1, collider2)
will check for collisions between the two given colliders and return an MTV (there is a collision) or false (no collision).
The underlying SAT algorithm for two convex shapes is exposed through S.AT(shape1, shape2)
, and it similarly returns an MTV
, but whether there is a collision or not. The MTV's boolean separating
field can be examined. true = separating (no collision), false = overlapping (collision). It's entirely possible to build your physics around Shapes + S.AT instead of using Colliders + S.triking if you don't need composite shapes or groups of geometry.
It's important to note that geometries contained in the same Collider do not collide with each other. This is relevant for how Strike unintentionally gets around Ghost Collisions
Calling S.ettle(mtv)
will move the referenced colliders by half the magnitude of the mtv in opposite directions to one another.
Calling S.ite(mtv)
will return a table with 1-2 contact points ({{x=x_val, y=y_val}}
) that represent the position of the collision. For compound Colliders, it only checks for contact between the shapes that generated the MTV, which is currently the maximum of all potential MTV's.
If you're running within LÖVE, every included shape has an appropriate :draw
function defined. Calling collider:draw
will draw every single shape and collider contained.
Erin Catto wrote up a nice article on the subject of ghost collisions. The problem outlined is this: if two colliders intersect, and a third collider hits both at their intersection, not-nice things can happen. Strike has this problem as well. Box2D solves it with chain shapes, which store edges together and modify the collision logic to avoid bad resolution. Strike doesn't directly solve this. However, in the case of two edges intersecting at a common endpoint and a shape hitting that intersection, it seems to be circumvented by adding both edge colliders to a common collider. A minimum example is below:
local edges = {
S.hapes.Edge(400,600, 600,600),
S.hapes.Edge(600,600, 800,600)
-- vs
local EDGE = S.trikers.Collider(
S.hapes.Edge(400,600, 600,600),
S.hapes.Edge(600,600, 800,600)
The first will produce ghosting, while the second does not. This is either because of extreme luck during testing or built into the collision detection logic on accident. Either way, it's a feature.
To make this explicit, a check for whether the MTV is headed into a Collider's centroid should probably be added somewhere in the logic for S.triking
You can create shape definitions in the /shapes
directory of Strike that will be loaded into S.hapes
. There are a few rules to follow:
- The shape must be convex
- At least define
- Create a vertex list and feed it to the super constructor
And you should generally be fine.
Let's use the example of the rectangle structure in the Shapes section. We'll define a Rectangle object that can be used with Strike. There are a lot of methods that each shape needs to have, but the base ConvexPolygon object takes care of most of that. Generally, all you need to define is a constructor (:new
) and "deconstructor" (:unpack
Let's say we create an imaginary file called Rectangle.lua
First, let's require Vector-light and ConvexPolygon so we can do some math and override the parent's behavior. (Vector-light is currently accessed through DeWallua, the triangulation library)
local Vec = _Require_relative(..., 'lib.DeWallua.vector-light',1) -- yes, this is pretty horrible
local Polygon = _Require_relative(..., 'ConvexPolygon')
local Rect = Polygon:extend()
Then, we define a constructor. All we need to do is create a list of points to feed to the ConvexPolygon
constructor and it'll handle the rest. Even if your points are fed in ccw, ConvexPolygon:new
will sort it properly for you. For rotation/scaling, you can call :rotate
or scale
to handle that. Anything else is up to you.
function Rect:new(x, y, dx, dy, angle)
assert(dx, 'Rectangle constructor missing width/height')
dy = dy or dx
self.dx, self.dy = dx, dy
self.angle = angle or 0
local hx, hy = dx/2, dy/2 -- halfsize,
x - hx, y - hy,
x + hx, y - hy,
x + hx, y + hy,
x - hx, y + hy
-- Remember to rotate the shape!
You might notice that the attributes in the constructor that are no longer needed are actually stored (dx, dy). This is so that we can unpack those values if need-be, such as copying arguments into a constructor call. For that, we define unpack
function Rect:unpack()
local cx, cy = self:getCentroid(x,y)
return cx, cy, self.dx, self.dy, self.angle
And the last thing we need to do is return our object for when it's required by Strike:
return Rect
If you crack open Rectangle.lua, this is actually the entire file! Hopefully this is enough to get you started if you're in need of trapezoids, parallelograms, or anything else!
One last thing to touch on (and you may have wondered this already) - do I use this by calling S.hapes.Rect
or S.hapes.Rectangle
? The answer is that Strike stores each shape using the filename, so S.hapes.Rectangle
it is.
Just like Shapes, you can make your own ready-to-go Collider definitions. These follow the same rules as Shapes, with the exception of :unpack
being unnecessary. You should, however, always call self:calcAreaCentroid
and self:calcRadius
at the end of your constructor.
Let's make a Capsule!
Well, a Capsule is basically a Rectangle with two Circles on either end, so let's start there. We'll require the base Collider
, the Circle
, and the Rectangle
local Collider = _Require_relative(..., 'Collider')
local Circle = _Require_relative(..., 'shapes.Circle', 1)
local Rectangle = _Require_relative(..., 'shapes.Rectangle', 1)
local Capsule = Collider:extend()
For our constructor, we'll have an x-y position that will be the center, a width, a height, and an angle-offset. Let's put the circles on top and bottom. This means their radii is equal to half the width of the Capsule
. Let's say that the height encompasses both circles and the rectangle, so the Rectangle's height = height - 2*circle-radius
. Lastly, the Circle
s will be positioned on the top and bottom edge of the Rectangle
, so we can just add/subtract half the height accordingle.
Now, we have enough information to create our Capsule
function Capsule:new(x, y, dx, dy, angle_rads)
self.shapes = {}
self.centroid = {x=0,y=0}
self.radius = 0
self.angle = angle_rads or 0
local hx, hy = dx/2, dy/2
Circle(x, y-hy, hx),
Circle(x, y+hy, hx),
All that's left is to return it
return Capsule
And that's it!
Because the Collider object assumes it only contains convex shapes and other colliders, you have a lot of flexibility in what you can construct.
I'd like to thank Max Cahill, MikuAuahDark, Potatonomicon, and radgeRayden for helping (knowingly or not) with some details :)
Very little in this library was done in the best way from the start, and it's been extensively rewritten as its author learned more about best practices. Still, there's further work to be done (the require structure is particularly bad). If a snippet makes you cringe, or there's a feature missing, feel free to fork, edit, test, and PR.
- Bit-Masking/Layering
I want to add it, but this is where Lua falls down a bit. Between Lua 5.1/5.2, LuaJIT, and Lua 5.3+, there's too much compatibility to consider.
Best left to the user to implement it
- Clean up (require structure is awful, might need to eschew vector-light)
- Add class primitives? Line/Point classes specifically, although Points would better be represented as vectors