Here's some fun facts about me:
- I hope to pursue a career in web development one day (but for now, I stick to open-source contributions 😀)
- Although I code, my main career focus is to work in medical science 🧪🔬
- I love football (soccer) ⚽
- I created the CodingContributorsLair Organization and am part of so many more organisations!
My Github stats:
Organisations I am part of:
Languages I know:
Some of my repositories:
- My Profile Repo - AvidCoder101/AvidCoder101
- My BMI Calculator Repo - AvidCoder101/BMICalculator
- My To-do List Repo - AvidCoder101/To-do-list
- My Harry Potter Quiz Repo - AvidCoder101/Harry-Potter-Quiz
- My Drawing Repo - AvidCoder101/Drawing-App
- My Clock Repo - AvidCoder101/Clock-App
My Codewars Stats:
Quote of the Day: