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Autovw edited this page Jan 23, 2022 · 17 revisions

Developing with the Burger Mod.

This is a short guide for mod developers. For example: If you want to test compatibility, create an add-on etc.

First, we will need to add some code to the build.gradle

repositories {
    maven {
        url = ""

// <file_id>
// 2.6.0-1.18:   3542179
// 2.6.0-1.17.1: 3524403
// 2.6.0-1.16.5: 3524402
// It is recommended not to use legacy versions for development! (Minecraft 1.15.x and older)

dependencies {
    /* Minecraft dependency here! */

    implementation fg.deobf('curse.maven:burgermod-483758:<file_id>')

More information about adding a Cursemaven project to the build.gradle can be found here!

A full list of Burger Mod versions can be found here!

When creating an add-on for the Burger Mod you will also need to add some code to your mods.toml

    mandatory=true #or false
    #minimum and maximum version of the Burger Mod needed.
    #if you want the Burger Mod to be loaded before/after your mod change "NONE" to "BEFORE" or "AFTER"

More information about the mods.toml can be found here!

Note: mods.toml files were introduced in 1.13, for 1.12 you'll need to use a file instead.

The source code of the mod can be viewed here!