ChillyGB is a Game Boy (DMG) and Game Boy Color (CGB) emulator written in C that aims to simplicity and accuracy
You can try it now here (Note that the audio in the WASM port is a little bugged)
- Cartridge support
- MBC1
- MBC2
- MBC3 (with RTC)
- MBC5
- MBC7
- General features
- GBC support
- BootROMs support
- Palette editor
- Pixel FIFO
- BESS-compliant save states
- Basic gamepad support
- Webcam support for pocket camera
- Integer scaling
- Pixel grid
- Color correction on GBC
- Input editor
- Cheats (GameGenie and GameShark)
- Basic gamepad support
- Switch features
- Support for Pocket camera via IR sensor
- Native accelerometer support with MBC7 games
- Debugger
- Instructions viewer
- Memory Viewer
- Stack Viewer
- Registers Viewer
- LCDC Editor
- Other PPU registers status
- STAT Editor
- IE and IF Editor
- Cartridge support
- Emulation Improvements
- Accurate sound behaviours
- STAT IRQ blocking
- Halt bug
- Accurate Stop Instruction
- DMA Conflicts
- Improve HDMA timing
- Graphical and particular features
- Online multiplayer support via emulated link cable
- Frame blending
- Rewind
- Rom folder
- Rumble for MBC5 games
- DSU client for MBC7 games
- GB Printer
- Debugger Improvements
- Breakpoints
- Watchpoints
- APU and channel state
- VRAM viewer
- Memory editor
These features will not be implemented
- Any SGB function
- MBC6 support
- HUc1 support
- HUc3 support
- Infrared communication
This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0