This is a Blender addon that adds custom properties to collections that allow control over visibilty based on active camera.
The properties are simply booleans that determine whether a collection is visible in the viewport/render based on its True or False value. There's a simple panel to control visibility toggling in the viewport sidebar.
Demo Video:
- Download latest release.
- In Blender, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons.
- Click install, find the .zip or the extracted .py script and double click that.
- Enable it!
- Renaming a camera causes the visibility state of previously linked custom properties to return to True as True is the default. I couldn't figure out a way to inherit the state of the camera before the rename.
If you have more experience than me in making Blender addons then feel free to try and fix the aforementioned issues.
If this addon was helpful and you'd like to throw a few bucks my way, here's a few places where you can do that:
- PayPal:
- Patreon: