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This is version 4 of Audiveris OMR application, previously hosted on Kenai, now available on GitHub. It has been renamed as audiveris-eg (for Earlier Generation).

Audiveris-eg is a very fast OMR, but with limited recognition capabilities and requiring good quality scores. Its implementation is based on an iteration mechanism like that: build glyph, assign shape, check validity. If the validity check fails, we simply try another iteration. The main difficulty is of course that doing so we have no way to know if we have actually reached the best interpretation. For lower-quality input scores, a more sophisticated approach is therefore required.

Moreover, previous Audiveris-eg release (V4.3) relies on various legacy tools and technologies. Among them are Ant for building and Java Web Start for cross-platform application deployment. Unfortunately, it has become increasigly difficult to use these technologies in the past few years due to deprecations and increasing restrictions of Java security policies.

We therefore decided to take the opportunity of Github migration to update audiveris-eg. The upcoming version (V4.4) will introduce the following changes:

  • modern dependency management (no more shipping of binary dependencies)

  • replacement of proprietary dependencies with publicly available ones

  • deprecation and removal of the Java Web Start in favour of binary distributions

  • various modernizations to keep audiveris-eg running on the recent JRE.

Building and running

First of all, you'll need the following dependencies installed and working from the command line:

Besides the above mentioned tools you'll need to have Tesseract language files for Tesseract OCR to work properly. Please keep in mind that Tesseract is mandatory for both building and running Audiveris. It's currently not possible to use Audiveris without Tesseract.

You'll need at least the english language data. Other required languages can be installed, too. Please check this guide for further details.

Moreover, opening PDFs containing vector graphics requires Ghostscript to be available in your $PATH.

To build audiveris from source, run the following command from the source code directory:

gradle build

To run audiveris as GUI tool, just issue

gradle run



IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that the main purpose of this repository is to preserve audiveris-eg and to make this old software run on modern OSes. New features should go into the new audiveris. For this repository, we'll only accept bug fixes and compatibilty changes.