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This linter plugin for Linter provides an interface to scss-lint. It will be used with files that have the "SCSS" syntax.


The Linter package will be installed for you to provide an interface to this package. If you are using an alternative linter-* consumer feel free to disable the linter package.

scss-lint installation

Before using this plugin, you must ensure that scss-lint is installed on your system. To install scss-lint, do the following:

  1. Install Ruby.

  2. Install scss-lint by typing the following in a terminal:

    gem install scss_lint

    IMPORTANT: This plugin requires at least v0.43.2 of scss-lint.

Now you can proceed to install the linter-scss-lint plugin.

Plugin installation

To install this plugin either search for it from within Atom's settings menu or run the following command:

apm install linter-scss-lint


You can configure linter-scss-lint from within Atom's settings menu, or by editing ~/.atom/config.cson file (choose Open Your Config in Atom's menu).

The following settings are available:

  • additionalArguments: Optionally specify additional arguments to be passed to scss-lint. For a full list of the arguments, and their description see the documentation.

  • disableWhenNoConfigFileInPath: Disable linter when no .scss-lint.yml is found in project.

  • executablePath: Defaults to scss-lint, allowing the $PATH to resolve the correct location. If you need to override this specify the full path to scss-lint.

    You can find the full path to scss-lint by running which scss-lint (or if you're using rbenv: rbenv which scss-lint).

Note: This plugin finds the nearest .scss-lint.yml file and will automatically use it if it exists. If it does not, scss-lint will run with its default settings.

Using a version manager?

Using rbenv

If you're using rbenv, you will need to make sure your $PATH is set correctly for Atom. From version 1.7 onwards, Atom provides a normalized environment so that the correct $PATH is available no matter how Atom was launched.

If you're running an Atom version that's prior to 1.7, then you can patch the environment inside ~/.atom/ Add the following line (thanks to ruby-bundler):

process.env.PATH = "#{process.env.HOME}/.rbenv/shims:#{process.env.HOME}/.rbenv/bin:#{process.env.PATH}"

Using RVM

If you're using RVM and receiving errors in Atom that indicate scss-lint can't be found, you may need to change /bin to /wrappers in the path that gets returned from which scss-lint before using it as your executablePath setting. For example, change:




Note: You can find the path to your RVM installation using which rvm.

Create a scoped wrapper for Atom

You could also create a scoped wrapper by running the following command:

rvm wrapper current atom scss-lint

Now you need to set the executablePath setting to that of the newly generated wrapper.