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3.4 CPU Computational Performance

D3vil0p3r edited this page Apr 16, 2023 · 2 revisions

Tweak default scheduler (CFS) for responsiveness

The default CPU scheduler in the mainline Linux kernel is CFS.

The upstream default settings are tweaked for high throughput which make the desktop applications unresponsive under heavy CPU loads.

The cfs-zen-tweaks AUR package contains a script that sets up the CFS to use the same settings as the linux-zen kernel. In Athena, it is implemented for all those kernels chosen by the user at the installation time that are different from linux-zen. In this way any of kernels provided by Calamares can take advantage of cfs-zen-tweaks.

The service is enabled by athena-system-installation package.

Adjusting priorities of processes

There are different several tools can be used for automatically managing priority of processes. One of these is Ananicy.


Ananicy is a daemon for auto adjusting the nice levels of executables. The nice level represents the priority of the executable when allocating CPU resources. Source:

It is enabled by athena-system-installation package.


The purpose of irqbalance is distribute hardware interrupts across processors on a multiprocessor system in order to increase performance. It can be controlled by the provided irqbalance.service.

It is enabled by athena-system-installation package.