This is the AstoriaCore Discord Bot. Its a very simple bot which can read Files from your Computer (e.g. Server.txt or Auth.txt) to Log every new Line of the Textfile into a Discord Channel.
Here you will learn how you can install the Astoria Discord Bot.
- A Webhost
- PHP (installed on Webhost)
- A Discord Server (obviously)
- Follow the Instructions here
- Import the Discord Channel ID inside
- Import the Discord Bot Token of your Discord Bot Profile into the
- And Set a File Path to your File which should get logged in your
- Finished! :)
We want to provide you with maximum security, yet we did not write the base of the code ourselves but used it from other OpenSource projects like AzerothCore and TrinityCore. Therefore we do not guarantee security, correctness, usability of the code and all related programs, tools or Software you use. Also we do not guarantee direct support for our code. All code written by us you use on your own responsibility. We also reserve the right to exclude people from the community at any time who do not follow our guidelines or misuse code.