Greetings! I'm Aslan Staub Negro. I am a person who likes everything, very versatile and hybrid in discipline. I am passionate about software development.
- I'm currently working on Γntegro, a brand new service for people as nexus between companies and people! - Next, TypeScript - Private Repository
- I'm also working doing memorizame, a learning app based on the supermemo learning algorythm. Its repository is private but I will tell you that it is on Svelte with Supabase using TypeScript and CSS, SASS. And nowadays an Expo React Native SDK is WIP.
- I'm also learning by my self Go Templ with Echo and Tailwind, tech used for web cv
I am passionate about dev and tech world, love to work with a team or alone, I do have interest in paying attention to detail and clean code, working on SOLID, KISS, TDD, FOP and OOP principles. What makes me stand out from the rest is my will to learn, to teach and to improve. My attention to detail guarantees the quality of the projects in which I participate.
I'm an enthusiast of all kinds of arts. Writer and poet, illustrator and music lover.
Writing my first book π of phylosophy π and wellness π§ββ, and doing a podcast about it focusing on spirituality and psychology.
Nice to meet you, AslanSN