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PowerShell module to execute SQL scripts in each database in a single or multiple servers


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Powershell module to execute SQL scripts in each database in a single or multiple servers. This module allows the user to:

  • Execute scripts that produce no result set, such as alter(s), create, etc.
  • Execute scripts that produce an output. Multiple formats are supported
  • Select data from each database processed and "pump" it to a single target table

Repository Cloning

Please notice that this repository uses git LFS in order to store side by side two key dependencies:

  • SqlServer
  • PSWriteColor

You must have git LFS installed and properly initialized for these packages to be properly cloned

The reason why these dependencies are stored side-by-side is to easily support "local install" of this package in machines with no connection to the internet. In that case, simply clone this repository into a machine with access and move all the files to the machine with no access and use the Local-Install.ps1 script



This script executes commands in a .sql script file or parameter in all databases present in the specified SQL instance or provided by a custom query in multiple server instances. It has the ability to produce a single output file in any of multiple supported formats (CSV, TAB delimited, Pipe delimited, XLSX, JSON, XML) or pump the data to a single table in a specific server in a specific database.


If any error occurs the script reports the database that failed and the process continues. If -dbErrorsFileOutput or -dbWarningsFileOutput are provided, the database names of the databases that caused the errors or warnings are written the files specified in these params. If the parameter -dbExceptionFileInput is provided file specified in this parameter should contains a list of database names and regex matching server names to be skipped when processing. This is used to avoid processing databases known not to be incompatible with the script. Authentication method used current user in Active Directory. Default level of parallelism if -parallelLevel is not provided is 4 meaning there will be 4 concurrent jobs executing the script. In case Format is not specified while a result set file output is specified, the script will attempt to derive the format type from the file extension otherwise defaulting to CSV.

Parameter Server

Name of the MSSQL server instance to connect to.

Parameter File

Filename with a .SQL script to execute against the matched databases.

Parameter DBExceptionFileInput

File name containing databases to ignore when processing the command provided in -Query or -File parameter. The format is: dbname1=regex to match against server name dbname2=regex to match against server name Please notice in this file there must be only one entry per DBName. If you need to match a single database name against multiple databases you need to solve this with a regular expression. For example, the following entry will avoid processing database name TEST against ANY server: TEST=.*

Parameter ParallelLevel

Level of parallelism used to execute the parameters. Bu default the value of this parameter is 4, meaning 4 parallel processes are going to be spawned and the output of this jobs is going to be collected and reported in a single pipeline. You need to experiment with this parameter to find the best performance depending on your workload.

Parameter DBWarningsFileOutput

Filename where to output database names of databases where the provided script errored out with special RAISERROR used to denote a warning. The type of exception raised is as follows: RAISERROR('Not a compatible database', 20, -1) with log

Parameter DBErrorsFileOutput

Filename where to output database names of databases where the provided script errored out when executing the provided statements.

Parameter DetailedErrorLogFileOutput

If provided all errors resulting from SQL commands execution will be logged to this file in JSON format. The objects will contain the database name where the error was captured and the resulting error message.

Parameter Query

Query/command to execute against matching databases

Parameter ResultSetFormat

Format to use when query returns data (SELECT statement). Valid formats are: CSV - Comma delimited output TAB - TAB character delimited output XLSX - Native Excel file format JSON - JSON array of objects PIPE - Pipe delimited file DELIMITED - A delimited file with delimiter specified by -Delimiter parameter HTML - Produces an HTML file XML - Xml format

Parameter Delimiter

When using -ResultSetFormat = DELIMITED -Delimiter specifies the character to use as delimiter in the output

Parameter ResultSetFileOutput

File name of target file where to output result sets returned from SELECT calls. Result set will also be shown on the console.

Parameter OpenExcel

If specified and if output format type is CSV or XLSX Excel will be opened with the target file specified in ResultSetFileOutput

Parameter ReRunDBFromErrorsFile

If this switch is specified the script will re-run all databases contained in the file provided in DbErrorsFileOutput parameter. Please notice the format of every entry in this file is =. The match for this feature has to be exact in contrast with the setting -DBExceptionFileInput which takes a regular expression at the right side of the equal sign on the DBNAME=SERVERNAME entries.

Parameter BindVariables

Pass here an array of key value pairs of SQLCMD variables and their corresponding values. The format for each element in the array is as follows: VARIABLE=VALUE. See examples for more details

Parameter DBDriverQueryFile

File name of file containing a driver query returning the server names, database names and buckets to split the list of target databases to execute the query or script. The query must return the following fields: * BUCKET * DBNAME * SERVERNAME This is the query used by default pulling databases from MSSQL metadata: SELECT (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY NAME) - 1) % {parallelLevel} BUCKET, NAME AS DBNAME, 'vm-pc-sql02' SERVERNAME FROM sys.databases When using a custom query make sure to use the variable $parallelLevel in order to create matching buckets for the list of databases.

Parameter ConsoleDuplex

When this switch is specified together with ResultSetFileOutput the result set generated will be also output to console. This will slow down processing when using parallel level > 1.

Parameter ShowEachExecSummary

This switch controls if showing summary after every database job is processed.

Parameter ShowParams

This switch enables showing the values of all parameters passed to this cmdlet

Parameter ConsoleSilence

Controls if displaying error messages, final summary per job and total time elapsed. If ConsoleDuplex us enabled result sets will be shown in the console ignoring ConsoleSilence. If not ResultSetFileOutput is specified result sets will also be output to console.

Parameter PumpToServer

Specifies the target server that contains the target database and target table to output the aggregate result set. If ommited it will default to the Server parameter.

Parameter PumpToDatabase

Target database in the target server containing the table where to output the aggregate result set.

Parameter PumpToTable

Target table where to insert the records produced by the result set.

Parameter PumpToTableInsertFields

Array of strings containing the fields to be part of the insert statement used to output into the target table.

Parameter PumpBulkSize

Number of records to insert into the target table per operation. Default value is 50 When setting this parameter take into account that the maximum supported rows for an insert statement is 1000.


Executes the default query SELECT DB_NAME() DBNAME in each database of server vm-pc-sql02

ForEach-DB -Server vm-pc-sql02

When using a SELECT statement it's possible to output directly to an Excel compatible .csv file.

ForEach-DB -server vm-pc-sql02 -query "select db_name(), getdate()" -ResultSetFormat CSV -out output.csv

The following example runs query SELECT DB_NAME() DBNAME, GETDATE() DATE in all databases, outputs warnings, errors and detailed error messages to specified files. After completing the generation of CSV output file will call Excel and open the target file

ForEach-DB -server vm-pc-sql02 -out output.csv -format CSV -OpenExcel -Warn Warnings.log -Err Errors.log -Query "SELECT DB_NAME() DBNAME, GETDATE() DATE" -Deterror DetError.json

This command binds a variable in the query body passed using the BindVariables parameter

ForEach-DB -server vm-pc-sql02 -out output.csv -format CSV -Query "SELECT DB_NAME() DBNAME, `$(A) AS A" -BindVars @("A='1'")

This command inserts the values read from all data sources into target table TEST_TBL contained in database TESTDB

ForEach-DB vm-pc-sql02 "select db_name() dbname, e.firstname from employee e" -pumpToTable "TEST_TBL" -PumpDB TESTDB


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