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UltimateLogger is a library with many useful and customizable logging options.

This is Android version of UltimateLogger. JVM version, which you can use e.g. in desktop Java or Kotlin applications, is available here.

Feel free to add your suggestions, issues and pull requests!

Quick start guide:

  1. Add UltimateLogger dependencies to your build.gradle:
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.ArturBorowy:ultimate-logger-android:0.1.0'

Unless you already have, add JitPack repository to your project level build.gradle:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }
  1. Init library (you probably want to do this in onCreate() method of yours Application class):
val shouldLog = true
val defaultTagSettings = TagSettings(
        shouldLogFileNameAndLineNum = true,
        shouldLogClassName = true,
        shouldLogMethodName = true)
ALogInitializer.init(shouldLog, defaultTagSettings)
  1. Log:
ALog.d("Your message to log on debug level.")
ALog.e(Exception("Your exception to log on error level."))

Result: Basic logging result example

  1. Stop library (you probably want to do this in onDestroy() method of yours Application class)::

Some advanced features:

  1. Fully customizable tag: As I have shown before: ALogInitializer.init(...) method takes TagSettings object as argument:

TagSettings data structure

If you set shouldLogClassName of tagSettings flag to true, you will see class name before message in every line logged. shouldLogFileNameAndLineNum is a cool feature too. If you set this flag to true, you will see in Logcat a hyperlink to the line of code, where you have used ALog (see in example of Quick start quide#2).

Optionally you can override default tag settings (you have set in ALogInitializer.init(...)) in every specific usage of ALog

ALog.d("This usage overrides tagSettings for own purpose.", true)

Above usage will log line number and file name even if default global settings are different.

  1. Null safety extensions with logging

No more boilerplate like this:

myObject?.let {it.doSomething()} ?: Log.w(TAG, "object is null")

// Now you can just write { it.doSomething() }
  1. Logging Any? type

No more .toString() calls on objects you want to log. UltimateLogger can log everything:

ALog.v(Date()) as String?)) // Objects of nullable types are safe to log!
ALog.e() // Empty message? No problem.

Result: Logging Any? result




Writer: Artur Borowy