Minimal setup example how to combine Polythene components (version Mithril) and MDC-Web components.
MDC-Web is a toolbox of Material Design components. It is more HTML+CSS oriented than Mithril or other Virtual DOM libraries.
Most MDC-Web components come in 3 separate parts: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
When working with Mithril, you can use Mithril Template Converter to convert doc examples to Mithril hyperscript.
MDC-Web styles can co-exist with Polythene styles.
Easiest is to load all CSS:
/* styles.css */
@import "material-components-web/dist/material-components-web.css";
but it is more economical to import only the CSS you need:
/* styles.css */
@import "@material/button/dist/mdc.button.css";
@import "@material/ripple/dist/mdc.ripple.css";
Most bundlers have options for importing CSS files. Frequently used with Webpack is mini-css-extract-plugin.
We can use a thin component that outputs the hyperscript (see HTML above).
A MDC-Web component is initialized by attaching it to a DOM element. We can use Mithril's oncreate
and pass the vnode's dom
In this example the text field is initialised so that the floating label works correctly:
import { MDCTextField } from "@material/textfield";
const MCWTextField = {
oncreate: ({ dom }) => new MDCTextField(dom),
view: () =>
"mdc-text-field mdc-text-field--filled mdc-text-field--fullwidth",
m("span", { class: "mdc-text-field__ripple" }),
m("input", {
class: "mdc-text-field__input",
type: "text",
placeholder: "Full-Width Text Field",
"aria-label": "Full-Width Text Field",
m("span", { class: "mdc-line-ripple" }),
MCW components and Polythene components can be mixed.
For example, when using a MCW Drawer component, we can put other content, including a Polythene List component:
import { List } from "polythene-mithril";
const MCWDrawer = {
view: () =>
m(List, {
className: "drawer-menu",
header: {
title: "Polythene List"
all: {
hoverable: true
tiles: [
{ title: "Inbox" },
{ title: "Important" },
{ title: "Sent" },
{ title: "Spam" },
{ title: "Trash" },
And that Drawer can be called from a Polythene Button component:
import { Button } from "polythene-mithril";
m(Button, {
events: {
onclick: () => {
const drawer = MDCDrawer.attachTo(document.querySelector(".menu-drawer")); = true;
document.body.addEventListener("click", event => { = false;
npm install
Start development server (port 3000):
npm run dev
npm run build