CLAM is a recursive acronym for "CLAM, Load A Module". CLAM is a simple package manager for Bash shell which helps you install and manage shell scripts and rc files from GitHub.
git clone
source path/to/clam/init
clam GitUsername/git-repo --exe some_script_from_that_repo
# some_script_from_that_repo is now an executable command
clam GitUsername/git-repo --source some_script_from_that_repo
# some_script_from_that_repo will now be sourced every time bash-clam is sourced
clam run "Running test: bold(%s) %s" "Test XYZ" "green([OK])"
# this would clone the project from github and run the file
# - git clone into $HOME/.config/clam/clam_modules
# - bash $HOME/.config/clam/clam_modules/artbit_bash-tint "Running test: bold(%s) %s" "Test XYZ" "green([OK])"
# You can also omit the github origin (protocol + domain) altogether and just use the github URI
clam run ArtBIT/bash-oembed/oembed
export CLAM_COMMAND_NAME=mollusk
# clam is registered as `mollusk` instead of `clam`
mollusk status