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How to contribute

Aida Enna edited this page Jun 7, 2019 · 12 revisions

Common Github Terminology

Repository: This is where all the patch files are. Our repo (short for repository) is

Fork: A fork is a copy of our repo that is saved under your name. Example:

Pull Request: This is a request for us to look at your awesome translations. It shows the difference between your fork and the main repo, so we can discuss changes and stuff. (Typically called a PR for short)

Merging: This is what happens when your PR is approved - Your changes are brought into the main repo and will be in the next build of the patch.

If you'd like more information about how Github works, feel free to take the highly recommended tutorial here:

Getting started

Quick overview of the process: The way it works is that we have a "repository" with all the patch files in it - You make your own "fork" (version of it) and edit the fork. Once you've made your edits to your fork, you send a "pull request" (a request for us to look at your awesome translations), and then we "merge" them (put it in the main patch).

Making Your Own Fork

This part will only have to be done once - Go to and click the "Fork" button in the top right. This will create a copy of the repo in your name. For example, if my username was "AidasTutorialAccount", my fork would be available at

This fork is what you will edit in the next step.

If you are more comfortable editing local files with an editor like Notepad++, it's recommended to make a local fork as well. Click below for instructions on how to do it.

Creating a local copy of your fork (Advanced) For this, we'll be using Github Desktop. This program will download a local copy of the repo to your system, and will sync the changes you make to the files with your online fork.
  1. Download it from
  2. Once you've opened it, click "Sign into". Enter your username and password.
  3. Then enter the name you'd like to be displayed, and your email.
  4. On the online fork you made under your name, click the green "Clone or download" button on the main page. Click the clipboard icon next to the text to copy it. (It should be something like "" with your name instead of AidasTutorialAccount).
  5. In Github Desktop, click "Clone a repository" and enter the copied text for the URL box. Then hit "Clone".

Congrats, you've made a local copy of your online repo! \ o /

Finding Text To Translate/Edit

There's several different methods to edit the files. Each person prefers a different method. I'll detail the most common ones here.

Scenario: We've found some untranslated text in the Mother EQ! We see an untranslated NPC string in our chatlog:


We copy the first sentence from the chatlog. If it's not copy-able, you can take a picture and use some OCR programs to read it for you (or draw the characters using Google Translate). Now that we have the text, we have to find out what file it's in.

On the PSO2 Discord (, we go to the #translations-reporting room and type "~jpsearch 目標、さらに移動速度上昇!".

This tells us that the text we want to translate is in the "co_046001.csv" file.

Finding/Editing/Translating The Files

1) Using GitHub's Online Editor (Easy)
  1. In your online fork's main page, click "Find File" and paste the file you're looking for, "co_046001.csv".
  2. Click the result and you'll be taken to the file's page. For instance, this file should be in (Replacing AidasTutorialAccount with your username)
  3. Now, this file is translated, but if it were not, it would look like this:
  1. Click the pencil icon () and you'll open the Github Online Editor. You'll write your translation inbetween the triple quotes (additional formatting information is available below) like so:
co_046001_0010#0,"""Our target's moving further at high speeds!"""
co_046001_0020#0,"""Abnormal activity detected in the target! <br>How could it still have this much power...?!<br>Please be careful!"""
  1. Type a short summary at the buttom, and hit Commit Changes.
  2. The file will be changed with your translation. This does NOT mean it is in the patch yet! You'll need to create a PR in the next section first.
2) Using a local copy of your fork (Advanced)
  1. Find the local file that you want to edit. In this case, it's "co_046001.csv", which is wherever your repo was saved, then in the /Dialogue/Mid-Mission/EP4/ folder.
  2. Now, this file is translated, but if it were not, it would look like this:
  1. Open the file with an editor (We recommend Notepad++) and make your edits. You'll write your translation inbetween the triple quotes (additional formatting information is available below) like so:
co_046001_0010#0,"""Our target's moving further at high speeds!"""
co_046001_0020#0,"""Abnormal activity detected in the target! <br>How could it still have this much power...?!<br>Please be careful!"""
  1. Save the file and go back to Github Desktop.
  2. Click the "Changes" tab (select your repository if it's not selected) and type a short summary of what you've done. Then click "Commit to EN".
  3. Once this completes, you'll need to click "Push Origin" in the top center/right area. This will sync your changes to your online fork. This does NOT mean it is in the patch yet! You'll need to create a PR in the next section first.

Creating A Pull Request (Sending Us Your Work)

The final step in this process is sending us a PR with your changes. You can edit things and change them after submitting a PR, it will automatically be updated with new changes you make until it's merged.

  1. Open your Fork's main page
  2. Click "Pull Requests" at the top
  3. Click "New Pull Request"
  4. Look over your changes and make sure everything is as you want it, then click "Create Pull Request".
  5. Give it a title and write a summary of the changes and anything else you need to explain.
  6. Once you're ready, click "Create pull request" and it'll be sent to us and posted in the #translations-reporting room.
  7. Someone from the team will look over it, comment on anything that needs to be fixed or what fails, and eventually merge it into the patch if everything works out.

Congratulations, you've helped work on the PSO2 English patch! Your changes will show the next time the patch is built, which is typically weekly. Thank you very much! \o/

Formatting Information (#MetaStrats)

Miscellanous Information

  • DO NOT CHANGE the line's code (ex: Ep3_Quna#0). Only edit the text in the quotes!

  • The tag <br> starts the translations on a new line. Only worry about these if formatting is necessary (Client orders, daily orders, etc.) Normal NPC chatter/story text _should_ automatically do this.

  • The tag <%me> puts the player's name where the tag is.

  • To use quotes inside strings, use \"". For example: "ARKS stands for \""ARTIFICIAL RELICT TO KEEP SPECIES\"". Isn't that neat?"

  • The minimum supported resolution is 1280x720, text should not cut off at this resolution. There are no guarantees for lower resolutions.

  • Weapon potential descriptions have a maximum limit of 22 characters per line. Lines should be 5 lines max and shouldn't exceed that number for aesthetic purposes, but can if the wording is too big.

  • Keep the ※ as the reference mark for note lines (usually in yellow).

  • Use the full width asterisk '*' for camo names and not the default one '*'.

  • 「」 『』 Single and double quotation marks should be replaced by English quotes '"'.

  • The \u3000 formatting codes can be replaced by a space or a double space, or left alone if used for formatting text to look a certain way.

  • Replace the Japanese numbers and punctuation ?/!/( )/…/ー/#/:... with their English counterparts.

Auto Wrapping Text

Some text boxes will automatically wrap the text when it exceeds a certain limit. Note that the game can and will split text using punctuation as well. A list of boxes and their "wrappability" (patent pending) is listed below:

Full Width Ribbons: no
CO Descriptions: no
Tutorial Windows: yes
Loading Tips: no
NPC Dialogue: yes
Mag's "Check Actions": no
Item Descriptions: no
Potentials: no
Title Details: yes
Block Descriptions: yes
Confirmation Windows: yes
Bingo Order Details: yes
Quest Descriptions: yes


Not all words are created equal - Certain ones should be capitalized. The following items should have every world in them capatizalized (with exceptions to this rule listed below them):

Window Titles
Job Subtitles
Story Titles

Some words should not be capitalized (unless they are first word):

- Conjunctions: and, as, but, for, if, nor, once, or, so, than, that, till, when, yet
- Prepositions: at, by, down, for, from, in, into, like, near, of, off, on, onto, over, past, to, upon, with
'。' Japanese period: English titles and sub-titles should not end with a period.```

So if there was a mission named "towards the future", we would label it as "Towards the Future". If someone was talking about going towards the future literally, we would format it as "I will keep looking forward, towards the future!".

For translations that refer to names (classes, items, enemies, etc), please treat them as proper nouns and use uppercase for the first letter of each word. </p>

<ul class="task-list">
<li>example: Heretic queen -&gt; Heretic Queen, Nagisa eye patch -&gt; Nagisa Eye Patch</li>